Is this destiny?

Chapter 655 - Hills And Whites Meet

Chapter 655 - Hills And Whites Meet

Before they knew it, it was evening.

Sarah and Aiden got confirmations that Stella and Edward arrived that afternoon, and that Elanor and Oscar arrived as well early that evening.

Their parents are staying in a hotel. They arrived day before graduation because events at the University start at eleven in the morning, and this will allow them to get a good night sleep.

JoAnna and Jeff are going to arrive in the morning and will come with change of clothes to the apartment. They don't plan to spend the night. After graduation ceremony and a cocktail party at the University, they will have dinner with their parents and new graduates (Sarah and Aiden) before heading back to Los Angeles the same evening.

For tonight, Aiden made a dinner reservation for six in a luxurious French restaurant downtown Fairfield.

It's the first time their parents will meet, and they are not sure how things will end up. That is why both Sarah and Aiden are nervous, but Sarah is more vocal about it, and Aiden is releasing some stress by teasing her.

"We will be late… we are late!", Sarah panicked while pacing in front of the door, ready to dash out.

"Wait! I need to take a photo!", Aiden stopped her from exiting the apartment.

"What photo?"

"This is the first time EVER that you are ready before me. We need to commemorate this!", Aiden grinned.

"How can you have time for jokes? We are running late… what if they reach before us, and things don't go well?" Sarah almost pushed Aiden outside.

"Why are you making this sound like it's our duty to make them get along?" Aiden didn't like the idea that he needs to handle parents. Anything related to family matters was always Jeff's part while Aiden was free to do his own thing. josei

"This is Jeff's and Anna's job as well." Aiden reminded her and added: "If things don't work out between our parents, we will just blame two of them."

Sarah looked at him as if she discovered something new and entertaining. "Is this how you usually avoid responsibility, by pushing it onto someone else?"

"I have responsibility only to myself and to you. Nobody else is important.", Aiden said with a straight face and ushered her to the elevator.

Sarah could not believe how sweet words come out of his mouth like it's nothing. Ah! No wonder she is head over heels for him.

~ Fairfield, Riverside Hotel & Spa ~

(About two hours earlier, room 737)

"I think Aiden's parents arrived." Stella told Edward.

Edward eyebrows twitched in response. He didn't remove his gaze from the laptop.

"We should go and say hi… or invite them here.", Stella persisted.

Edward frowned for a second but didn't respond.

Stella ignored Edward's lack of enthusiasm and continued: "Sarah confirmed they are in room 714, so we are on the same floor… you can't ignore this forever. We will meet them one way or another. The sooner the better. They can't be bad people, they raised Jeff and Aiden, after all…"

Edward closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then looked at Stella. "Right… they raised a man who had a marriage arranged but that didn't stop him from pursuing Anna… and another one who sneaked into our house on a pretense to be a friend of our baby girl while doing who knows what to her behind our backs."

Stella looked at Edward in disbelief. "You can't still be hung on that, right? Whatever Jeff and Aiden did, our girls were not forced into anything..." Stella sat next to Edward and put her hand gently on his shoulder. "Look at them now. They are in love, doing great… and we might have more grandkids soon."

"More grandkids?"

Stella stifled a laugh, seeing how bewildered Edward is. "Didn't you always say that when they finish with schools and get jobs, they are free to start their family? Our chicks grew up and are ready to fly into their own nests. Being friendly with their in-laws only means that we will all be closer, and we can collaborate in keeping our kids safe."

After few seconds of still silence, Edward gave a small nod. "We can meet them downstairs at the bar."

Stella's eyes lit up. "Great! I will take care of it!"

Stella got the hotel phone and called room 714.

(Few minutes later, room 714)

"We are going to meet them! Half an hour… get ready!", Elanor exclaimed as soon as she hanged up.

"Who?" Oscar frowned.

"Hills, of course. Go shower, and change… I will have clothes ready for you by the time you get out. We will meet them for drinks downstairs at the hotel bar and go for dinner from there."

Elanor looked at Oscar. "Why are you not moving? You are aware that we will meet them sooner or later, right? Them inviting us for drinks before diner is a sign of their good will, and we should not waste it. Both of our sons are going to marry girls from Hill family. Friendly relationship with them will only be at our advantage. Think of our kids… and grandkids…"

Oscar reluctantly nodded and headed to the bathroom.

Back to present…

Sarah and Aiden reached the restaurant and found that their parents are already there.

They were pleasantly surprised to see that their parents are happily chatting. Not just Stella and Elanor, but Edward and Oscar as well. OK... Edward and Oscar were not really happily chatting, but they were talking, which is almost the same considering their personalities (especially Oscar).

"There they are!", Elanor spotted them first.

"Don't just stand there… come, so we can order food!", Stella invited them cheerfully.

"I see you met." Sarah stated the obvious while taking her seat.

"Of course, we did!" Elanor exclaimed. "We are staying in the same hotel. It would be strange not to meet. We carpooled here!"

Sarah and Aiden exchanged glances, and both silently wondered why did they worry about this in the first place.

The whole dinner passed in a very good atmosphere.

Most of the evening Sarah and Aiden held hands under the table and watched their parents interact like long term friends.

The mood got even better when they addressed the point that Edward's and Oscar's parents are neighbors on the East Coast, and that is how Jeff and JoAnna met as kids. They found it funny that Edward and Oscar never met before in person, probably because Hill grandparents moved to East Coast after Edward and Stella married.

Sarah took photos and short videos and sent them to her sisters.. She is sure that JoAnna is regretting that she is missing this dinner.

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