Is this destiny?

Chapter 715 - Trouble In LA Medical Center (5)

Chapter 715 - Trouble In LA Medical Center (5)

~ LA Medical Center ~

Up in the VIP room…

"Look at you!" Sophia is dabbing Felix's bloody lip with a paper towel.

Sophia is feeling guilty and useless that she was stuck in that bathroom while Felix had to fight with that man. If she was out, she could help him. But she knows that because of the pregnancy, she needs to be careful and protect herself and their child. If she gets into a fight and ends up hurting the baby, she would not be able to forgive herself.

"You should see the other guy." Felix cheekily responded, implying that his opponent has more injuries than him.

Sophia wanted to scold him for acting so carefree, but he is hurt, so she decided not to. "Why should I ever see any guy other than you?"josei

"True." Felix smiled and then grimaced because cut on his lip opened and it was stinging.

Sophia shook her head and got another paper towel to wipe blood which oozed again.

"Are you OK?" Felix asked Sophia.

Sophia is touched that Felix is the one who got into a fight, and he is asking about her wellbeing. Truly a wonderful man. She kissed edge of his lip, the side without a cut, before answering. "Besides being concerned about you, I'm fine."

Sophia turned to Aiden who was telling bodyguards to keep an eye on the janitor who was severely beaten and barely conscious. "Aiden, where is Sarah?"

Aiden shook his head, indicating that he does not know. "She went after others, to make sure they left."

Sophia stood up to dispose of the bloody paper towel and glanced through the window. "Oh… I found her."

At almost the same moment, Aiden was next to Sophia, looking down.

They could see Sarah down at the parking lot, fighting against three people. Four of them moved so fast that it is difficult to follow their motions. Few bodyguards who are on their feet are dragging unconscious ones away from the fight.

In less than a second, Aiden was out of the room, rushing down the stairs.

'She said that she will not fight!' He was internally panicking and hoping that he will not arrive late. He watched the fight for only few seconds, but it was enough to see that those three are not beginners.

~ Seattle, Hill family villa ~

Stella got a text message from Edward to come to the study room as soon as possible.

"Edward?", Stella called as she entered study room. "You called for me?"

She noticed that bookshelf behind the desk is out of place and usually hidden passage is exposed.

"Edward?", she called again, this time louder.

"Come inside!", Edward's voice came from the back.

"How come you are calling me here?", Stella asked as she stepped into the hidden room which is usually reserved for Edward when he works as SP3CT3R.

This is Stella's second time in this room. First time she was here, Edward revealed his identity as SP3CT3R to her. Now that she looks through the room, she can see that it changed. The walls were mostly empty the first time she was here, more than two decades ago. Now the walls are filled with photos of their three girls and there are few photos of Stella as well. At the back of the room is one large corkboard filled with photos of King and his associates. Photos are mixed in with various papers, probably notes about the person in photos.

Stella inhaled when she saw that one photo on the corkboard is of her parents. They look much older on that photo than when she saw them last time. She started walking toward that photo, to take a better look, but Edward's voice made her stop.

"Sophia checked herself into LA Medical Center, and Sarah was logged in as a visitor seven minutes ago." Edward's eyes were glued to the screen in front of him.

Stella does not understand why is that a big deal. Sophia is pregnant, it's normal for her to go often for checkups. And Sarah joining is not unusual, they are sisters. "And you called me here because…?"

Edward rotated one of the screens which is in front of him so that she can see it.

"Is that Sarah?" Stella moved closer to see better video showing Sarah fighting against three people. "Is this live?"

Edward confirmed that they are looking at the live feed. When he got a notification that both Sophia and Sarah are in LA Medical Center, he hacked into the surveillance system to check on them.

"Who are they?", Stella was referring to three people who were attacking Sarah.

"You tell me." Edward dryly said.

Stella's eyes didn't leave the screen. "They are not experts… but they are not beginners either. One on one, even two on one Sarah should not have problems handling them… but this is three of them…" Stella frowned.

"Are they… your people?" Edward reluctantly asked.

Stella started shaking her head but stopped halfway. After a second, she explained: "Not from the main family. But they could be from one of the branches."

Edward swiftly started typing on his keyboard.

Stella looked at his second screen where text appeared. "You are sending this to Whites?"

Edward paused. "We have an agreement to share information if it's related to either of those two families, correct?" He saw that Stella frowned in disapproval. Edward exhaled. "This is our chance to share with them. Would you like it if they found out about this and kept it to themselves?"

Edward saw that Stella relaxed and continued typing.

Stella got her phone. "I will call Elanor to let her know."

She dialed a number and her eyes didn't leave the screen.

"Hi Nori, Edward is sending you something. You will need computer access. … Yes, it's about that." Stella ended the call and watched her daughter skillfully avoid and block attacks.

"She is only defending… this is not enough…", Stella mumbled. "Faster, baby girl… you can go faster. Rely on your speed…"

"You think she can go faster?" Edward asked.

"I know she can." Stella answered. "I believe that this is her first time facing someone skillful as an enemy, and that is pulling her down."

Stella wished that she can be in Los Angeles, to help Sarah… but she is far away.

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