Is this destiny?

Chapter 726 - Guests At The Cliffside Villa (3)

Chapter 726 - Guests At The Cliffside Villa (3)

Up on the rooftop terrace…

Sophia looked at Sarah with a complicated expression.

"Now that it's just the two of us, can you explain who those people are?", Sophia is referring to Jarred and Charlie.

Sarah immediately replied: "Jarred Smith and his nephew Charlie. We were having lunch at the time when I found out that something strange is happening with you in LA Medical Center. They were kind to offer four of their bodyguards to assist us, and for some reason they tagged along as well."

Sophia was not satisfied with this explanation. "How come you had lunch with them? Are you friends or something? How do you know them?"

"I would not call them friends. We met in Vegas… this June. In something like a poker tournament." The moment these words left her mouth, Sarah realized that Sophia will not approve of her explanation. Gambling and Sarah in same the sentence makes Sophia (and JoAnna) cringe.

Sophia inhaled sharply. "Gambling buddies?"

Sarah wanted to smoothen the situation, but she was not very successful. Actually, she made it worse: "It sounds bad when you put it that way. We only met during a tournament… Jarred is customizing a helicopter for us... and JoAnna will operate on Charlie's legs."

Sophia blinked few times before asking: "Customizing a helicopter?" She realized that Sarah mentioned JoAnna and surgery only to distract her. It didn't work.

"Yes. He has some connections with military and is able to customize a helicopter."

Sophia paused while flipping through her memory. "Jarred Smith… military… Is that Jarred Smith from Smithsonite corp.?"

Sarah responded with a small nod.

Sophia could not hide her surprise. "Sarah! How on earth did that man end up in your house?!"

"I told you… we met in Vegas, and now we are buying a helicopter…" Sarah thought how Sophia is exaggerating.

Sophia spoke fast in hushed voice. "They are not just in military. Their hands are in car industry, pharmaceuticals, politics… everywhere! Why would a man like that come in person to sell you a helicopter?"

Sarah felt a headache coming. How come the more she speaks with Sophia the more complicated everything sounds? Sarah thought that if Sophia knows what all happened during their short stay in Vegas she would flip: Patels, Wang, them being surrounded by various groups who were ready to beat them up… and gambling, lots of gambling (and winning). Ah, so many things happened which Sophia should not know about. But it seems that Sarah needs to explain how she knows Jarred: "In Vegas I gave him a blue diamond which I won fair and square, but I didn't need it and he wanted it… anyway, he said I can call him for anything. So, I called him."

Sophia was looking at Sarah, expecting to hear more. She wondered: 'How can Sarah take this so lightly?' Jarred is a big shot. A busy man. Why would he come here and be so kind to help out if he does not have some ulterior motive? If this is just about a helicopter transaction, Jarred definitely has people who can handle this, and there is no need for him to do it in person, right? Sophia's internal alarms were firing up: Jarred wants something from Sarah and Aiden, and Sophia needs to find out what that something is. She will not allow anyone to take advantage of her baby sister!

At that time Sarah's phone rang.

Sarah was happy about this distraction. Maybe Sophia will drop further probing about her relationship with Jarred. What's the big deal? It's just a helicopter (or two).

"Just a second." Sarah saw that incoming call is from Stella.

Stella's cheerful voice came from the phone as soon as Sarah picked up the call: "Hey honey! Guess what? We are going to be at your place in… twenty seven minutes! We just left the airport…" Stella continued talking, but Sarah spaced out and didn't hear much after that.

"What?", Sarah asked after some time, interrupting Stella's excited chatter. "You are in Los Angeles?"

"Yes. You said we can come and see your home anytime, right?"

"Yes. I did…" Sarah's voice trailed off.

"Well, see you in twenty seven… no twenty five minutes!", Stella hanged up.

Sarah stared at her phone.

"Who was that?" Sophia asked. She heard that someone is in Los Angeles and she sees that Sarah is dazed.

Sarah took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding: "Mom. And I think dad as well… are coming. Here. Now."

"Oh!", Sophia was surprised for a moment, but then she panicked. "Oh, God!"

"What?", Sarah didn't understand why Sophia is suddenly so anxious.

"I didn't tell them that we are moving here… or that I'm getting office space here. With them in Los Angeles, I can't keep this hidden!"

"Hidden?" Sarah was puzzled. "You were planning to tell them, right?"

Sophia looked guilty and avoided Sarah's gaze. "Eventually…"

Sarah looked at Sophia's expression and she was not sure if she should laugh or cry. "You are kidding! How can you not tell them? It's one thing if you hide that you moved here, you can always say that it's temporary and make up a reason. But you are moving part of the company. That is not something temporary, and definitely not a thing which you can keep from them. They both work at Orion Enterprise… And I don't even need to guess if you mentioned to them the idea of a merger with White corp."

Sophia put her face in her palms. "You don't understand. They will not agree to this. They were always stuck to Seattle area and they believe that everything else is sub-par. They will not approve…"

Sarah snorted. "Oh, I understand! I know how it feels to let them know about something they will not approve. Remember the scene when dad found out that I'm dating Aiden?"

"You think dad will kick me out?"

Sarah laughed. "Kick you out from where, exactly? From the house? From the company? It takes much more than just dad to kick you out… Cheer up! This is a great chance to talk to them. Treat this as a neutral territory and find an opportunity to disclose your plans."

Sarah thought for a moment. "I need to tell Aiden that we are having extra guests…" She turned to head down, and at that moment saw that Aiden and Felix are coming up to join them.

Sarah and Aiden locked eyes and spoke at the same time: "My parents are on their way."

Both of them were slightly confused and paused.

Aiden spoke first: "You are either extremely comfortable with my parents to address them as yours, or both your and my parents are on their way here."

Sarah was not sure how to react. Too many emotions washed over her in few seconds. First Jarred and Charlie and now both White and Hill parents are coming... She walked toward Aiden and hugged him.

The whole day was very stressful: attack on Sophia, their fight at the parking lot and all these sudden guests make her uneasy. Sarah needs Aiden's closeness to calm down, and his scent combined with the proximity of his body is just what she craves for.josei

Aiden held Sarah in his arms and two of them shared the same thoughts: Why is everyone coming to their home unannounced… at the same time?

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