Is this destiny?

Chapter 804 - Wedding Party (J&J) (15)

Chapter 804 - Wedding Party (J&J) (15)

~ Golden Ocean Resort ~josei

Event hall… shortly after 7 PM…

Dinner is served and Jasper finished his best-man speech with a toast for the newlyweds. Everyone rose their glasses for the happy couple, and after that, people got busy with their food and chatting with people seated close to them.

The seating at the main table got shuffled again. Vincent moved to sit between Millie and Sharon, and that created a spot for Ellie to sit next to Jasper, and on Ellie's other side are Sarah and Aiden.

Dinner is almost done. Aiden is in a bad mood, and Sarah is ignoring his displeasure.

"About those guys…"

"No.", Aiden cut her off.

"Don't you even want to…"


She waited for him to put a piece of steak in his mouth before speaking rapidly: "You don't want to hear me out because what I have to say might make sense, right?"

She smiled because she managed to finish a sentence without Aiden interrupting.

Aiden narrowed his eyes at her while chewing slowly. He swallowed the food in his mouth before responding: "No. I don't want to listen because whatever you have in that mind of yours is reckless."

Sarah pouted for a second before continuing in a low voice: "Eve scanned each of them. None of them has any suspicious liquids or powders or weapons on them."

Aiden frowned, but didn't respond, and Sarah interpreted that as a sign that it's OK to proceed.

"They are counting that they can outnumber me, and then use me as your weakness. It seems that Noah and Liam didn't tell them about their previous encounters with me, so they see me as a helpless girl. And that guy in green shirt sounded confident that he can seduce me."

Aiden stabbed a leaf of lettuce with his fork. "Aaron."

Sarah looked at Aiden expectantly, but after more than a minute, other than poking his salad to death, he didn't do or say anything else.

Sarah is not the one to give up easily. "Come on… it will be easy picking. We heard their plan… That green shirt guy wants to seduce me, and in case he is successful, he gets to have a go at me first. In any case, he will take me to the shed next to the stables and use me as a bait to get you there and beat you up while all of them are having their way with me, green shirt guy included."

The fork in Aiden's hand was deformed. "I'm going to make them suffer pain until they beg for death to come!", he squeezed through his teeth.

"Yes, yes… but you can't do that in front of all these people." Sarah pacified him. "That is why… I am suggesting that… I allow them to capture me, and when all of them gather in that shed, you come, and we beat the crap out of them. Together. They can scream as much as they want, no one will be there."

Aiden didn't respond. He frowned while looking at now useless fork in his hand.

Sarah didn't give up. "Think about it… After the cake and Anna's presentation, it will be a good time for me to take a stroll in the garden so that green shirt guy gets his chance to approach me."

She saw that Aiden looked at her with a deep frown on his handsome face.

"Here, don't be unhappy.", she gave him her salad fork. "Eat your greens, it will improve your mood."

Sarah pressed her index finger between his eyebrows and leaned closer to him. "If you get all wrinkled up before you are twenty five, I might reconsider making you my husband."

Aiden relaxed his face and a small smile appeared at the corners of his lips. "We will talk about it tonight, right? And… by the time I'm twenty five we will be married."

Sarah smiled and nodded. "You know, teaching these guys a lesson not to mess with my man can be part of my dowry."

He shook his head. "I didn't agree to it. I don't like that you want to act as a bait. What if something goes wrong?"

"What can go wrong with Eve watching? We know what they are planning. They want to hurt both of us. Tonight, they are all in the same place, and we can take care of all of them at the same time. If we don't make our move, do you think that any of them will give up? Or will they keep lurking in the shadows and waiting for their opportunity to strike? Sophia said that as long as we are together, they will keep hiding… we need to lure them out and get rid of them. That is why… I will let that green shirt guy take me toward the stables while you stay in the event hall, visible, so that others lower their guard and think that they succeeded. When they come to the shed, Eve will inform you to make your move. And in some crazy chance that they manage to overpower me before you show up, Eve will knock them out. Nothing will happen to me. You can watch on your phone what I am doing, live."

Aiden looked at Sarah with a complicated expression. "You didn't ask me what grudge they have against me."

Sarah smiled and held his hand in hers. "Whatever their reasons are, I don't care. I only know that they want to hurt you and I will not let that happen."

Aiden opened his mouth to respond, but at that moment the lights dimmed and few seconds later, a spotlight hit the majestic cake which was wheeled in.

Everyone gasped, including JoAnna who allowed Elanor to be in charge of the cake. JoAnna and Jeff picked flavors and said that they prefer traditional white-ish cake. Everything else was Elanor's choice. Huge white cake has five bottom layers with intricate icing details and hundreds of sugar roses which are white and blush pink. At the top of the fifth layer is a huge mansion, completely white. It is so detailed that it looks like the real building was shrunk and placed on top of the cake. And it even has mini-sugar-figurines of Jeff and JoAnna standing at the front door.

JoAnna had a guess but she wanted to confirm… She tugged Jeff's hand and asked softly when he leaned closer: "This is…?"

"White Mansion." Jeff would recognize that building anywhere. It is the building on a property which officially became theirs as Master and Madam of White family, and it's a symbol of power that comes with those titles. They plan to go there after their honeymoon, so that JoAnna can see it in person.

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Sarah looked at the cake with a silly grin on her face while licking her lips gluttonously and that made Aiden and Ellie burst into laugh.

Sarah was happy to find out that cake was delicious.

"We can ask Elanor to take care of our cake also.", Sarah told Aiden and he agreed on the spot. He didn't mind that Sarah ate half of his slice.


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