Is this destiny?

Chapter 870 - Charlie's Surgery

Chapter 870 - Charlie's Surgery

~ Los Angeles, LA Medical Center ~

October 2, 2:20 PM

Sarah and Aiden reached the waiting area in the surgery wing on the third floor.

"Old man!", she greeted Jarred who was sitting on a sofa and reading a newspaper.

"Little girl!", he greeted her back.

Sophia was there as well, working on her laptop while Jesse, Levi and Ryan were a bit further away. Three of them abruptly stood up when they saw the newcomers and after a second they relaxed.

"How come you are here?" Sarah asked Sophia when they finished exchanging greetings with everyone.

"I am supporting my husband. It's his first surgery."

"All right." Sarah knows that Felix is playing a crucial role in getting Charlie back to his feet. Without his custom made artificial bones, this surgery will probably not happen.

"Any updates on Charlie?", Sarah asked Jarred.

"They are inside for almost four and a half hours. The nurse who got to call Felix inside said that the extraction of bone fragments from muscles was successful. Other than that, no updates.", Jarred did his best to sound optimistic.josei

"Before I forget, your helicopter will be ready in five days." Jarred pulled his phone from his back pocket and fiddled with it for few seconds. "This is the location where you can pick it up. Let me know if it works."

Both Sarah and Aiden smiled after checking emails they received.

"Great. We will be in the area.", Aiden confirmed.

They started chatting and the time went by fast.

3:34 PM

In the VIP room…

Jarred is looking anxiously at Charlie who is lying flat on the hospital bed.

"As I said last three times, the surgery was a success.", Emma told Jarred. "And he will wake up within next five minutes... keep in mind that he is under strong painkillers, so his mind might be unclear."

"Where is Dr. Hill?", Jarred asked.

"She is finalizing some paperwork and will be here as soon as she is done.", Emma explained.

'Dr. Hill', Sarah wondered why JoAnna decided to use her family last name instead of her husband's White. But on the second thought, if she professionally goes as White it will attract a lot of attention. Sophia also decided to keep her last name, and at work people address her as CEO Hill. Sophia introduces herself as Mrs. Martin, but her official documents still have her as Hill.

Sarah glanced at Aiden and asked herself if she will change her last name. 'Sarah White', has a nice sound to it. Or maybe she can just add Aiden's last name and be Sarah Hill-White… or maybe Sarah White-Hill…

"What are you daydreaming?", Aiden asked.

"What? … I'm not.", she denied it.

Aiden stifled a laugh and knocked her forehead lightly. "I can tell when you are lost in your daydreams."

Sarah narrowed her eyes at him. She will not admit her thoughts! Not yet.

"He is awake!", Jarred exclaimed and scrambled to the bed. "Charlie, are you OK? How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

"Please, Mr. Smith…", Emma interjected and pushed Jarred away from the bed gently. "Give him some space. He is disoriented and…" Emma stopped talking and turned to Charlie when she felt that he grabbed her hand.

Her attention got to the patient.

"Mr. Smith, you are waking up from your surgery…", Emma spoke to Charlie in soft voice while gently patting his hand which is gripping hers. "Surgery lasted over five hours, and we successfully replaced your shattered bones with artificial ones… you might feel dizzy, or disoriented, or nauseated, and your mouth and throat might be dry… and that is normal… it will disappear soon… in a minute I can give you an ice cube to moisten your mouth…" She chanted things she said few thousand times previously.

"Who are you?", Charlie looked at Emma with unfocused eyes.

"I am your nurse, Emma. We met this morning, before the surgery. Let me know if you need anything.", she said soothingly.

Charlie relaxed, and Emma tried to get her hand out of his grip.

"Stay with me.", Charlie demanded while tightening his grip.

"OK.", Emma responded while awkwardly looking at their hands. It's not her first time to take care of a patient who is a clinger, but discomfort is always there. She told herself that this is not so bad. Charlie is only holding her hand… her last clinger demanded hugs!

JoAnna entered the room and raised eyebrows at the sight of Charlie and Emma holding hands.

"I'm glad you are awake, Charlie." JoAnna smiled at Emma's helpless expression. "How are you feeling?"

Charlie shrugged indicating that he does not know.

"He just woke up few seconds ago.", Emma told JoAnna.

JoAnna nodded in understanding. "It's OK. Don't worry about it. In few minutes things will become clearer." JoAnna spoke while eyeing his legs. "Some pain and discomfort is expected. If you notice anything strange, let Emma know."

JoAnna decided not to talk to him at this point. His mind is still hazy.

"The surgery was a success.", JoAnna told Jarred. "Everything looks great. Now we will be watching him next few days to make sure healing process is on track, and soon we can start with rehabilitation. As I said previously, his chances to walk again will depend on the healing and rehabilitation."

Jarred nodded happily. "Thank you." He could not believe that they reached this point. The surgery was a success, but…"Why is he holding onto that nurse so much?"

JoAnna was not sure how to answer this. "His mind is still not clear. Maybe he thinks that she is someone else? Or maybe he is one of the patients who need a touch to soothe themselves."

Jarred listened with a frown. He can't imagine with whom would Charlie mistake this nurse for, and Charlie was never the one who needs to be held. Jarred hopes that whatever it is, it passes quickly. That nurse looks very uncomfortable. He sighed. "You medical workers go above and beyond to provide healing and comfort to patients. Is she the nurse you mentioned that will stay for some time to help with his recovery?"

JoAnna confirmed that Emma will stay for a week, and focused on Sarah and Aiden who looked eager to leave. "I'm glad you made it. I hope we can catch up, but I'm busy now. How about we meet for dinner?"

Sophia and Felix also showed interest to meet for dinner.

"Great!" JoAnna exclaimed. "I will tell Bridgette to make a reservation and will let you know the details."


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