Is this destiny?

Chapter 895 - Fashion Show At Water Tower Place (2)

Chapter 895 - Fashion Show At Water Tower Place (2)

Ellie frowned when she saw a photo of the audience taken from the side. That woman is hitting on Jasper! Luckily he does not look interested.

"I recommend this!", Paulette pulled third dress from the rack.

Ellie nodded in approval.

"Quickly, put it on.", Paulette urged her. "I will check how hair and makeup is going and find someone to give you a quick fix."

Ellie took the dress and smiled while thinking how she should give Paulette a raise. Other assistants are respectful and mostly timid around Ellie. But Paulette is different. She is not afraid to speak up and say what it on her mind. Ellie likes that.

"Did anyone make a mistake and give A21 seat to someone?", Ellie asked her assistants while removing her clothes.josei

"No, you said to keep A20 and A21 for you.", one of the assistants responded after they all exchanged confused looks and head-shakes.

Ellie smirked. "Good. Notify security that someone unauthorized is in one of our seats. I will be there in few minutes to point out the violator."

About five minutes later, Ellie was checking herself in the large mirror while hairstylist did final touches on her hair. Light makeup is done, and she looks amazing in a black long sleeved minidress with light blue-gray details which accentuate her waist and chest area. High heeled above the knee black leather boots compliment the dress perfectly.

"You got things covered here?", Ellie asked her assistants who were doing final checks on the models who were already lined up in order to hit the catwalk.

"Yes. Don't worry. We will see you from the stage.", Paulette responded while gesturing to Ellie to leave.

Ellie walked out from the dressing room while thinking that she would NEVER leave her designs like this for her assistants to manage before the show. Ah, Ellie is neglecting her work because of a man.

While on the topic of her man, he has a headache of his own.

"I heard that Jasper Kiani is someone who is approachable and friendly. Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something to offend you?", Hailey almost wept while trying to get Jasper's attention.

Hailey was mostly quiet while models were on the runway, but now that it's between designers and MC is on the stage, Hailey is talking non-stop. Jasper would leave if it's not almost seven, and Ellie gave him this seat… and she is about to be on that stage.

Jasper sighed while wondering if all his previous hookups were with women like these? How come he was not this annoyed so far? He can only hope that Ellie does not misunderstand the situation… but as long as he ignores Hailey and she does not try anything touchy, he will be fine.

His headache was increasing while Hailey continued her rambling: "I know that reaching out to touch the jacket was out of line, but can you forgive me that offense? Or did I do something else? If you tell me what I did, I can fix it…"

"I can tell you what you did.", Ellie's icy voice came from the side. "You are in my seat."

Hailey looked at Ellie and then at her dress.

"EY!", Hailey exclaimed.

Ellie cringed internally. Did this noisy woman recognize her? But quickly Ellie realized that woman only called out the dress.

"Miss, you are in my seat.", Ellie reminded Hailey who was non-responsive.

"What?", Hailey snapped out of her daze. "What makes this your seat?" Hailey raised her chin defiantly. She is not willing to part with next-to-Jasper seat without a fight.

Ellie smiled and waved her hand on the side. She has no intention of lowering herself to argue with this pompous young woman.

Two security guards came forward.

"This woman does not have the right to be in this seat.", Ellie told guards in a low voice while looking at Hailey.

"Miss…", one of the guards gestured toward the exit and when Hailey frowned in response, two of them grabbed Hailey under her armpits and practically carried her outside. Only when Hailey was close to the exit she started screaming how that is injustice while guards made sure she ends up outside as soon as possible.

"Sorry I'm late.", Ellie exhaled and sat next to Jasper.

"Are you OK?", Ellie asked when she noticed that Jasper is only staring at her.

Jasper blinked. "Yeah. I didn't expect you here."

She tilted her head and smiled. "I see. You don't expect me, and that is why a random woman can take my seat?"

"I didn't know this is your seat.", Jasper said honestly. If he knew, he would tell that woman to move.

"I know. Sorry, I should have told you. I thought that I can surprise you by showing up here. I didn't take your attractiveness factor into consideration."

"I'm not sure if she was into me or the clothes."

"Considering how handsome you are, if she noticed the clothes, I will take that as a big compliment."

"You look amazing.", Jasper said under his breath, finally saying what is on his mind since Ellie arrived.

Ellie smiled.

MC excitedly spoke: "And now, what everyone was waiting for… grand finale for tonight… EY!"

The lights dimmed and models started strutting wearing Ellie's designs iluminated by spotlights which followed them.

Jasper was spellbound at the sight of her lit up expression. He can tell that she is proud of her work.

The time passed quickly. It always does when he is next to Ellie.

MC returned to the stage and introduced designers: "Please, put your hands together for super-talented designers behind EY name. EY itself is still a mystery. He or she prefers privacy, so we don't get to meet the mastermind behind all this ethereal apparel, but as usually, we get to celebrate designers who are helping EY rule our fashion industry for almost a decade!"

All EY models walked out and lined up the runway making space for Paulette and two more Ellie's assistants who walked with big smiles on their faces while waving to the enthusiastic audience.

Everyone stood up, and so did Ellie and Jasper, joining others in clapping.

Paulette glanced at Ellie and gave her a quick thumbs up between waves.

Ellie happily clapped and didn't notice that Jasper is giving her a cryptic look.

In Jasper's mind, pieces started coming into place after the words of the MC.

EY who prefers privacy… instead of mysterious EY, other designers always go on stage (but not Ellie)… and Ellie likes to keep a low profile, unless she wears EY designs… and he can see her pride about every outfit that walked on that stage… and is it a coincidence that EY are initials of her name?

Suddenly, Jasper though how everything fits: Ellie is behind EY.

But… why didn't she tell him? Did he spend all this time cursing a non-existent boss? Is she having fun, while he is kept in the dark?


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