Is this destiny?

Chapter 947 - Aiden As A Prophet

Chapter 947 - Aiden As A Prophet

~ Los Angeles ~

Thursday, October 24, 1:20 PM

Sarah and Aiden are holding hands and walking toward the location of the White corp. annual event. Aiden parked the car in their designated parking spot which is 3 blocks away from the venue.

Two of them spent the morning in White corp. HQ, helping out with follow up to make sure everything is on track. Oscar hired three event organizers, but there is too much work related to the event, so everyone needs to help out. Besides Jeff and Steve, Elanor, JoAnna and Bridgette were there also that morning. It's not an easy task to organize an event for more than ten thousand people!

The White corp. annual meeting is a three day long event. Team building events started from Wednesday (yesterday) and will last until Friday (end of day) in each of the locations where White corp. has employees.

Thursday afternoon is allocated for a grand showcase of company's achievements during last year, and plans for the future. Products that made a company-wide impact are featured. Presentations of various White corp. products are separated by performances of famous artists.

As a part of celebrating company's success, at the end of the week, all employees get a corresponding performance bonus as well as freebies with a company logo on them.

The three-day event is well planned with an intention to show employees that they are working in a great company with a bright future ahead.

White corp. is too big for an event where all employees are invited to attend in person. That is why today's event is a gathering limited to employees of White corp. HQ, and high-level managers from other subsidiaries. Besides those managers, if any team from a subsidiary is showcasing their product on the stage, they have an option to send a representative.

The whole event looks like a concert of a popular rock band. More than ten thousand people are present in person and the event is streamed live over corporate network.

For today, Sarah and Aiden are responsible that all equipment necessary for the presentations is available and ready. Also, Sarah is one of the presenters since her changes to the security of the company made a big impact. Ever since her update was propagated to the datacenters and the network, no successful hacking to the White corp. was reported. She is proud to wear that badge.

Back to present...

"You look happy.", Aiden observed smile on Sarah's face.

"To be honest, I am super-nervous. I am forcing myself to think about anything other than the upcoming presentation.", Sarah checked time. "Two hours and twenty five minutes left…"

"But something made you smile."

"Yes.", she admitted. "Two of us walking together like this reminded me of the time when we stayed in the apartment. We would go like this to work every morning. Nice memories."

"Was that better than now?"josei

"Better? No. Different… yes. It's less than a year ago, and so many things changed. I can't wrap my head around the fact that one year ago I was not aware that you exist." Sarah thought how so many things happened since two of them are together. They found out about their connection to Lebedev and Voronin families, and how they have a full spy-dungeon house they call a home!

She smiled and looked at Aiden. "Considering what all happened in such a short span of time, it makes me wonder, what will happen in a month, three months? ... Where will we be one year from now?"

Aiden suddenly stopped in his tracks and covered his eyes with his free hand. "Wait!", he exclaimed dramatically. "I have an incoming prophecy!"

Sarah laughed. "Is your futuristic antenna tingling?"

He spread his fingers, revealing his left eye which was locked on her. "Don't laugh. This is serious."

Sarah coughed to suppress her laughter. She spoke in a deepest voice she could muster: "Oh, the wise fortune teller… tell me… what is waiting for me in the future?"

Aiden lowered his hand and grimaced for a second. "I'm a future teller. FUTURE! … Not fortune… That is a big difference…"

He pulled Sarah into his embrace and gazed lovingly into her green eyes. "I am confident that a year from now, you will be Mrs. Aiden White… I'm not so sure about three months or one month into the future, that is a bit fuzzy… but I know that tomorrow something very important will happen and you will be very eager to talk to me after that."

Sarah had a mix of complicated feelings. A year from now two of them to be married? That is possible. And she can't deny that tomorrow she will do a pregnancy test and tell him the result no matter what it is.

She squinted at him. "Married one year from now? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Our wedding will be in the late spring or summer. In a meadow full of wildflowers and surrounded with a forest."

Sarah held her breath. That is from her dream which she described to the Sigma army. She forgot to tell him that was only a dream, and of course he remembered her every word. He does that… remembers everything that relates to her. She smiled. "Sounds good. Do you have a historical percentage of accuracy to back up your claims?"

He is happy to see Sarah's smile. She forgot her stress.

"My accuracy is 100%.", Aiden responded seriously.

She stifled a laugh. "That can't be… why is then the prediction of one and three months from now fuzzy?"

Aiden narrowed his eyes and spoke in a mysterious voice: "Sometimes you need to wait for the future to happen in order to understand my predictions."

Sarah burst into laugh. "Then you can say that everything in the future is fuzzy, and you will always achieve 100% accuracy."

Aiden laughed with her. He can't deny that her argument is true.

"Come on, if we keep on lingering on the street, we will be late. We still need to do a final check of the equipment before everything starts. As much as those techies can do it, I want to do it personally because if anything goes wrong, Jeff will scold us.", he reminded her.

Sarah remembered. Equipment. Event! And… she was back to stressed again.

"Do you think that kids will be fine today without us? What about Kitty?"

Aiden saw her switch topics abruptly and understood that she is doing that because she is nervous. "They will all be fine. They have Jesse and Haru with them, as well as the rest of the staff. And we agreed that it's more convenient to leave everyone home today, because we spent the morning at work, and for the afternoon we will be moving between our teams, VIP lounge, and the stage where you will shine."

Sarah frowned slightly at his last words. Aiden noticed.

"You will do great. Just how we practiced. You had Sophia and Felix help out as well. It will be perfect.", Aiden encouraged her.

Sarah took a deep breath. She knows that it's coming, and that she practiced, and that Aiden is right… but she is still nervous like hell.

Sarah and Aiden continued walking toward the event venue, unaware of one pair of eyes who looked at them from the side. It's a female in a shabby clothing. From her unkempt look and dirty appearance, you can tell that she is homeless, or at least she looks like one. Her eyes are glued to the couple which is holding each other, and her lower lip is bleeding from the force of her bite.

When Sarah and Aiden were out of sight, she got a cell phone from her pocket and made a call.


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