Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 132 [Solnova]

Chapter 132 [Solnova]

"I'm seeing this for the first time too, but Eon, you can do it.

You can use the Energy that is one of the strongest in this world.

The energy that is the most abundant and probably the hardest to handle.

Something purer than even Aether that makes most of the fundamentals of this world.

Something that can be used as any energy.

You have the highest affinity for it but, all this time, you have been using Mana, which is some of the most common sources of energy.

This power, something only those with closest [Origin] to the sun could have, is called [Solnova].

The primary function of your Origin skill, Eon, is the freedom to use this power.

You might think that how can you not know something like this for this long but you knew it already.

Deep down, you have used this energy instinctively many times to protect yourself.

Just like when I found you.

If you hadn't protected your Mana core from the extreme energy input, you might have been long dead.

That was foolish but, that foolishness led you here, so I won't scold you for that." She finished with a deep sigh.

She was worried about me, but, well; I survived.

"So, I can use something better than Mana or Aura?" I asked with a serious face.

I had learned that she knew what she was saying and I can believe her with all my being.

She was the first person I had met that knew what an Origin skill is or how to use it.

If she can tell just from looking at me that I had such abilities, what more proof did I need?

"Yes. Mana is like air, everywhere, and abundant. Aura is like fresh liquid water, present in a few places, but somewhat different.

Hmmm... you can use Mana just fine and you will surely achieve Aura one day.

It's commendable for a child your age. I'm fortunate to have such a unique student." She said with a radiant smile.

I felt a bit embarrassed as we knew that I wasn't the best, just that my life had been full of disasters.

I had no knowledge aside from the books I had read and things I had experienced.

But, when I looked at her, I felt envious as well as glad.

She had knowledge and wisdom far beyond my understanding and I could learn from her.

This was something like getting a gift after clearing a hard challenge.

Well, I was thankful for that.

"Eon? I know you are thankful but, instead of wondering in your thoughts, pay attention." She said passionately.

"Yes, ma'am!" And an instinctive response escaped my mouth, reminding me of the old days.

"Good. So, while comparing all the countless existing energies, one of the most simple ones to understand, [Solnova], are rays of the sun, or sunlight.

Just like how plants can absorb sunlight to grow, we can absorb the abundant energy presented to us by the sun.

In this enormous nature, few beings have the ability to use this energy." She continued and extended her hand.

A whiteboard appeared before me, and explanations about different things started as she explained almost unreal things.

Saying things at fast speed and I was trying to understand the most I could on the spot but, thankfully, I could remember everything.

This accursed ability would be useful from now on and from the way she explained everything in great detail… I know I would thank this ability.

[Solnova] was basically sunlight, and I was like a plant that can absorb sunlight.

My whole body, which can circulate energy better than others, was the perfect vessel to store this energy as a battery.

So, I was a solar battery?

Well, that was the best explanation I could come up with, so yes, let's go with this.

Traditionally, we absorbed the Mana particles through breathing and circulating them inside the body but, this was different.

As a user of [Sun's blessing], I can absorb this power with my whole body.

This was the highest level of Mana gathering technique that was only used by those with a higher affinity with Mana.

But, I can use it for this new energy.

Though [Solnova] was less potent than Mana, meaning I would have to use more of it for the same thing I could do with less Mana, it had no great limitations.

Like, I didn't need a Mana core to use it.

After mastering how to use it, I can use this however I wanted.

But it didn't mean I would have an unlimited source of energy.

No, not for now.

There was a limit to how much output I can produce from this energy and how much this body of mine can handle at a time.

In simpler terms, I was a machine that can grow and was attached to a sea of electricity.

Now, even if I can use all the energy from this sea, I wasn't advanced enough to produce higher results nor good enough to intake more than needed.

Master called these unique limitations [Blockage].

So, I had to upgrade my body in order to gain more output of this energy.

This… reminded me of the eastern cultivation stages.

There was something more detailed thing like this, but it was different.

It was internal energy cultivation, while this was source energy adsorption.

Here, I wasn't cultivating the energy I have inside like Mana cultivation but, just absorbed an absurd amount of energy to strengthen the limits of the physical body.

There were nine such blockages that prevented the output from increasing.

They were limitations of the mortal body and overcoming each one of them was a path toward the higher realm.

These blockages had no relation to the original skill and the branch skills, so it was new knowledge altogether.

Her explanation went on and she continued like that for a long time and I paid close attention to her every word.

We forgot the flow of time as we both were enjoying this thing.

She was talking with a beatific smile, as it overjoyed her to share the knowledge she had been holding on to for this long time.

I, being someone that loved to know new things, was swimming in a new world of wisdom.

Not only did she connect this topic with the [Solnova] but also with the history and application of Mana to different spells.

This was my first lecture and, with each passing second, it was getting more interesting than before.

"So, when using the normal (tier-1) spell fire, you will need 1 unit of Mana, while that same spell with a different spell invocation method suiting to Solnova will consume 10 units.

Though this is ten times, the results would be the same, a normal small fire.

As you have that peculiar knowledge, you know that fire is more powerful as we decrease the impurities, right?

I'm intrigued to see such knowledge from another world.josei

Though your life wasn't something we will talk about, that knowledge... I had fun studying it." She said and then looked at me with a sorry expression.

Those words had confirmed that she had read everything on my mind, so why did she even ask if those burgers were from my previous world?

Well, that wasn't something to think of, as she had the eyes of someone that had just got a really great idea.

standing up from her seat, she looked at me and said, "let's do some practical training~!"

Her voice was cheerful, and her words intensified the burning fire in my heart.

Hurriedly standing up, I grabbed her hand and we once again walked to the magic circle that... lead us outside of the tower for the first time.

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