Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 168 Why's It So Hot?

Chapter 168 Why's It So Hot?

"So, how do we get out of this place?" Eon asked with a confused face and I looked at him.

He had finished scolding his familiar butterfly Celestine and Zoe, and both of them were now quietly standing with him.

His crystal butterfly was special among all the four I had seen in my life.

She had the ability to perfectly disguise.

It wasn't some powerful attack skill like the magic tower master, a defense skill like our great emperor, or a mass healing skill like the grand pope.

Her <Skill> was just to disguise and the way she can use this skill was diverse from what I saw.

Not only she can decide for herself and make countless clones, but she can also use her natural telepathic link and share a vision to observe an absurd amount of land.

If these two went to war, they would turn the tides just from the acute field of vision and the ability of mass communication.

And that was just the gist of it.

Throwing the ability to change into any form that something even my eyes can't perceive meant a total one-sided battle for their opponents.

They can infiltrate their camps, just kill every superior with some trick and come out walking and no one will damn know what just happened.

I didn't know their mastery or limitations of this skill, but even if the duration was as long as my chains, that was a game close.

When I deeply thought about these things that he masterfully 'forgot' to mention, I got goosebumps all over my body.

​ Axion. He truly was a monster that I would love to fight against.

Though neither of us had shown even a fraction of our skills, I knew just from the small exchange of blows that even if his cousins worked together, they wouldn't be able to defeat him.

And I was talking about the two prodigies known throughout the empire for their absurd talents.

There were twelve such prodigies known throughout the continent, and everyone was waiting for their debut at the next entrance ceremony of the academy.

Well... I was just an old hag. I wasn't among all these children.

Though I was also going to join the academy this time, with all of them, I was already admitted with the special authority of the headmaster himself after his... fucked up test.

That old geezer was something else… I had to say.

Well, I would be just a normal student of a normal class and live my life quietly and with peace there.

I know I will learn great things from there but, the main reason I wanted to attend was the greatest library and all the special resources it had.

That place sure was special and from what I could tell, he will also be with me, with all those geniuses.

And as it was now, he had already surpassed every one of them in terms of overall strength.

This was quite fun, and I knew, I knew that damn geezer will force him to join especially like me and make us do his hard work behind the shadows.

That damn bastard...

But, if that happens, it will mean... we will be stuck together for the next few years.

...why was my heart acting up on this thought again?

"Reinelle?" He called out from behind and I came back from my weird train of thoughts that were going somewhere strange.

There were still some years for that thing, no need to think too deeply about it.

"Yes. Well, if we just walk for half a day? By flight, two hours? And with my travel skill, a moment?"

Now this one really shocked him.

"You have a travel skill?! Something like... teleport?" he asked with genuine surprise and that face he made sent a smile on my face.

"Yup~! And we can all travel to the city gate if I just recover my Mana~!"

It was a good feeling, escorting them like a knight and all.

I was looking forward to it.

He smiled awkwardly at me and I took out a blue potion from my ring.

I had a storage skill, but that one would be for these beasts that would fetch a good gold.

"Really? Wow... aren't we lucky today?" I turned back after drinking the Mana recovery potion and saw he was doing something to the corpse.

The teddy was crushed from the inside and his body was just laying there lifeless.

It was a good thing its internal body was crushed and all, the hide and blades would be awesome things to sell.

It was a pretty good thing already but, Eon made a Mana blade and cut the side of the body, and shoved his hand inside the corpse.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted, finding this sudden play weird.

Though it wasn't disgusting or anything, feeling the insides and that squishy feeling was a no-no.

His face while doing this was straight and from the looks of it, we had gotten lucky with my god-forsaken luck.

"Wow... you really got lucky, Reinelle~." he smiled and threw a shining orb at me.

I caught it and looked at the thing that had come out of the metallic teddy with my 'eyes'.

"Wow... there is no way I could be this lucky," I exclaimed with awe with my eyes wide open as I looked at the small information about this thing.

A (Green) ranked core with above-average energy?

And it came out of something that I killed?

Me? Really?

No fracking way...

That 21 luck of mine was a clear sign of just how much the goddess of luck disliked me.

The world feared me. Thinking I would get every core and skill by killing every beast I find.

That was the reason the world itself never gave me more luck, hump!

This was my first time getting a core after killing only six (Green) ranked beasts and this one also had above-average energy, so this one was something real~ly special.

And this metallic silver color... it looked just like a beautiful pearl.

I loved pearls, and ocean, and the blue sky.

"Pretty..." I mumbled under my breath and just stared at this beautiful energy core which was on the smaller side of average.

I could hold it in one hand and this pretty thing was more attractive than anything I had seen in a while, aside from these three people, of course.

He was mind freaking hot, Celes was sparkling gorgeous and Zoe... what can I even say about her?

She wasn't a human?

She was an absurdly strong being that had something blocking her strength?

She had knowledge, but absolutely no idea about the world as if being a newborn.

Well, anyone smart enough can say those things from her childish behavior, but just from the fact that my skill refused to even activate before her...

I didn't even want to think about what might have happened had I tried to forcefully activate it.

But, well, this little beauty loved Eon, so did-


"Thank you, Eon. I will have to do even better to show you the city.

How about we roam the market, have lunch, travel some more, and go back to my place by noon?"

He flinched suddenly while I didn't even say anything strange and that flinch and sudden small blush on his face looked kinda cute.

"Y-your place? You mean... at the south? Why go there?" He asked with a shuttering voice and I smile for a moment while looking down.

Did I look this cute in his eyes too?

For real though... I was genuinely smiling a lot right now.

If grandpa and grandma saw their all-stoic, bloodthirsty, battle maniac, bitchy granddaughter smiling like this, I knew they would start preparing to take Eon as their grandson-in-law.

And as I said, that wasn't happening. Nope. No.

Shaking my thoughts away, I looked at him with serious eyes.

"Yes. It's important that I thank the one that might save the one and only duchess and a high mage.

Grandpa will be happy to meet you personally like that too and we can call your family from the communication center and I can skip the line with my identification card.

I believe you don't have one yet, right?

It will be easy if I'm there and I will also have a chance to talk with master Zahavi after a long time.

But you are coming with me, no excuses."

I was dead serious and there was no way I was going to take no as an answer.

And he can read that in my eyes.

"Yes, ma'am..." he agreed after a lot of complicated thinking and not finding anything great to use as an excuse.

"Yes~! We are going to the city~!" Zoe shouted and Celes danced on her head like a little kid.

Those two were some of the purest souls I had seen and this bastard was lucky to have one's like them with him.josei

And he understood that.

That warm smile on his face told everything.

A smile that a parent and a guardian would have while looking at their child.

That made even me smile without reason, and I shook my head.

"Come here, everyone. Hold my hand so that we can go 'zoom'~!"

My old man crow Branwen, flew towards me and went inside his pure black crow mark.

And Celes went inside her mark with him as Zoe tip-toed happily at me and grabbed my hand.

Purity and innocence, I was starting to love her now.

And him... he was a good friend.

Yup. Just that... for now...

Why was it hot all of a sudden? Let's go already.

He also came and grabbed my hand gently, which felt special for a very bad reason.

"Thank you, Reinelle." He thanked me with a genuine smile out of the blue and for a second, my mind went blank.

But thanks to Zoe's giggles, I was quickly able to regain my composure and shake off these weird feelings.

This day had been totally weird, and I just hoped it goes ok from now on.

"[Origin skill-A Shadow's Travel]."

We melted in the shadow and for the first time, these both weirdoes were going to see an actual city.

'Just what kind of face will he make? It will definitely be cute- gosh. Why even ask?'

It was going to be fun now…

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