Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 177 Special Ice Cream

Chapter 177 Special Ice Cream

"Now?" she asked as soon as the call ended.

"It's noon. Maybe we can get some ice cream and go to the [Warp Gate]?" I answered as Zoe calmed down after the call was ended.

And... at the mention of ice cream, both of their eyes lit up.

"Yei~! Ice-cream!" Zoe shouted in her usual marry voice, making both of us smile as usual.

Rein was now back to her normal self, so there was nothing for me to think, so I looked at her and asked, "Favorite flavor?"

The sudden question surprised her, but she didn't need much time to think about this matter.

"Chocolate with roasted almonds.

Hmmm... the creator of ice cream should be hailed as a god, and I know many would worship him. I would be one of them too."

She smirked while looking at me while saying those baseless things.

She knew I was the one she was talking about and she also knew being praised would be the second last thing I wanted.

But, well, I liked everything in chocolate. So I liked h-... her favorite flavor too.

And yes... roasted almonds are some of the best with chocolate.

Hope they do salt the almonds before adding it.

"Hmmm~! I like the special ice cream big brother made the most~! And he likes everything if there is chocolate~! Hehehe..." Zoe said after Rein's answer and she looked at me.

She looked at me, the creator of this holy thing with questioning eyes, asking what this special flavor she talked about was.

Well, there was nothing too special about that one. This little girl was just being cute.

"A simple, chocolate, milk, mango, strawberry, butterscotch, and special fruit that's a rarity we won't be able to find here that tastes close to... lava?

Well, it's too hot and spicy for one to eat, so it's a flavor only those with high fire affinity would love.

So, all six flavors served as one, it's her favorite."

My answer was simple but, the things I said surprised her sharply.

"Ones with fire affinity? You mean... you have secret flavors for all affinity mages, or something only fire?"

Her eyes were practically shining and her mouth drooled just from the thought of the special kind of flavor a mage would like.

Well, I did have those special kinds of flavor but...

"I do, but the ingredients for such things are close to impossible to find for us. Hopefully, I do have some you can try but, not more than a spoon.

This little rascal is special, but the ingredients of these special ice creams are practically poison if taken in high amounts.

Aside from their rarity and close to impossible ways to process them, we can't make them even if we wanted to."

The artifacts and devices here were practically nothing compared to the advanced things we had and, if not for them, even I had no way of processing those things.

Before coming here, I had made a large amount of this special ice cream and more for her, as she loved this one.

Because of her special body and unreal affinity with fire, she was a being like no other among these humans.

Well, she knew best how to use and control her current powers, so I had nothing to worry about there.

But the fact that the ice cream I made with these special ingredients will never get close to the ones she made will remain true forever to me.

I had some in my white crack and they were just normal ice cream made with normal ingredients but... she was the one who made it.

From growing the ingredients, processing them on her own, and doing everything on her own, the divine delicacy she made was nothing compared to the ones I made.

But, well, the ones who have never had anything like that will never understand what kind of flavor it was.

And even though I had some of those things saved with me... there was no way I would share it with anyone.

I looked at her and her shocked expression at what I had just said with wide-open eyes.

I could feel her desire to taste this marvelous thing I had just mentioned but, is this the right place to try some ice cream that will increase Mana's gathering speed for three hours?

But the way she was looking at me right now was... too much.

Her gaze of 'please~?' was something like a little child and, for some reason, I was feeling powerless here.

Why is it so cringey with her, dear mother nature?

"Haaa... I will only give water. Darkness flavor is too much for normal days like this.

And I won't give more than one spoon, so don't even think about it."

My answer was stern, and it was for her own good.

Though this was something special, this wasn't something meant to be eaten by anyone and at any time.

She was the few that can actually eat these things and be unaffected because of her super high affinity with water and darkness.

And her affinity with darkness was especially high, and she knew just how to use it.

She was similar to me in most cases, but she was also the opposite of me, something uniquely peculiar.

But that wasn't something to deeply think about.

There was no need to in the first place.

Taking out just a soon full of ocean blue ice cream from my white crack that surprisingly only I could see, I held the spoon before her.

The golden spoon decorated with fine work was the normal thing in our kitchen.

I looked at her but she wasn't looking at me at all and her eyes were fixed on this marvelous ocean blue thing that exuded a cool feeling and felt refreshing just from the look.

We were in that same location, in the dark room dimly lighted by this communication crystal ball's light, and it was like we two were the only ones here.

Why did Zoe erase her presence every time we two were doing something awkward like this?

Shouldn't she be jealous or something like my little sister, like those books I had read?

What kind of little sister was this girl?

But that wasn't important right now.

Rein moved her head towards the spoon while I was trying to hand it over and just... ate the ice cream with my hands.

And although this was a childish and immature feeling, I just fed her something for the first time.


What the hell?

Things were progressing faster for some reason, but she was happy now.

"Oh... my..." There was an expression of pure bliss on her face after eating that one.

,m It was a cool flavor, extracted from a special flower that grew in extremely cold salt waters.

The texture was just like any other ice cream but, that wasn't all to it.

Just from one spoon, one would feel they are one with the ocean, feeling the fresh air, cool breeze, and many aspects related to the water attribute.

These creations of mine were more special and even grandma acknowledged them.

This was one of them, and this feeling of pure bliss, naturally, couldn't last more than a few moments from just one spoon.

She opened her eyes, got out of the zone of pure pleasure, and felt the changes happening to her.

This was just the aftereffect of this one spoon but, for the next two to three hours, her Mana gathering speed would increase by almost 10%.

Such drastic change just from one spoon of ice cream... that was the reason I said this would be poison to any normal being.

But she was a special case in this one, having a super high affinity with the darkness attribute.

She can easily eat one small bowl of dark attributed ice cream, one of my masterpieces, and be alive and fine.

In fact... she will gain enough power to transcend (tier) and [Rank] for a while after that.

And it wasn't something I would give to anyone just because they can have it.

I had natural affinities with all the elements and even though I didn't have a super high affinity like these bunches, I could eat this special ice cream whenever I wanted.

I had a mind that could endure it without any problem and a body that can accept that kind of energy easily.

And with Solnova there, I didn't worry about those things.

I would still try to save it as much as possible, though.

But she wasn't the one that can save marvelous things like these.

Just after getting back to her senses... she wanted more.


"Don't even think about it, Reinelle Atraxia."

My voice was stern, and just from the fact that I called her full name again, she understood I was dead serious.

"Ok..." she answered in a sad voice, making me sigh deeply.

This old lady was more childish and cute sometimes than even Zoe.

Or was I the only one that thought that way?

"Let's just go now... we have to go back to your home. Then... my family would also be on their way."

My voice got warmer as I mentioned them, and she also understood my feeling well.

"Yes! Let's go~." Rein cheerfully said and erased all her spells with a simple snap.

I did the same and walked to my dear little sister, who was standing some steps away, watching both of us with a bright smile on her face.

This little one was really something else to enjoy her big brother's misery like this.

Well, what can I even do to her?

She was smiling warmly at me and I just shook my head as I looked at her and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go, you little precious cutie."

She hugged me with her cute smile while giggling merrily and we both just shook our heads.

How many times did we shake heads like this today?

And... the day was still far from over.

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