Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 343 Before The Spar

Chapter 343 Before The Spar

"Are you alright?"

Helping the fallen knight to stand back up, I looked at his happy smile…

This was just like every other knight I had helped and this face full of happiness was something I couldn't properly express in words.

They were glad, excited, and happy that they were wrong about me.

​ It was really good that they lost to me and they really appreciated the fact that instead of actually injuring them, I finished things off with no more than some small bruises and cuts.

They were all fine, and still, defeated.

They lost to a young one like me while not even having the ability to show what they had got and to what extent they had planned to show.

They were never going to use their Auras in this fight but it was necessary to go to a certain length to be able to acknowledge me as their master.

Even after their master's 'request', they had to see for themselves.

They had to see the things that their master saw in me and now... they had seen it.

The ability to control body, breathing, and weapon. The eyes that were as sharp as their master when attacking. And the current gentleness.

Happiness and excitement were written all over their faces and they were looking forward to something.

Well... yes.

Just as I had seen the burning fire in his eyes, though late, they had clearly seen it too.

At first, they didn't believe their eyes, naturally, they wouldn't.

Sir Mel was a high-ranking knight as well as someone very famous.

They were here to test me but, he was different.

He was here just for the supervision and to give me that clue to the next gift.

But now, here he was, having a burning desire to spar with me at this very moment.

And from my look, it was clear that I needed that piece of paper to lawfully finish this game.

I could just use (: Scan) and find every abnormal thing in the house and they would be the gifts but, that would be utter cheating and Anna wouldn't like it if she finds out.

Zoe won't like it either. Same with mom.

So, I needed that piece of paper but, if I wanted that, I had to spar with him.

Lady Niss was out already and I had stored back Asta a while ago so the mages were also disappointed they didn't get the chance to either cast magic themselves or analyze the spells and structure of Asta.

Well, they were all young and still had days ahead of them but, she was different.

Lady Niss was first shocked but then, she accepted the fact that I knew more than her in terms of pure knowledge.

I was nowhere near her level in actual magic but yes, I could help her become better than she currently was.

She understood this so there was a bright smile on her face as she treated the knights.

I just finished helping the last knight and moved to the center of the ground and stood before the two captains.

"You were amazing young master~."

Lady Niss was genuinely happy right now and excited.

Her beautiful eyes were shining at this very moment and Rein, who was helping the knights with their recovery as she distributed the potions I gave her, was also excited.

They were normal potions but their value was far better than normal ones just from the fact that I made them.

But they didn't have to know that fact.

She was helping there and I was before the two of them, looking specifically into sir Mel's eyes.

"You want to have a spar, don't you, sir Mel?"

"Of course I do, master Axion."


A sigh escaped my mouth at his blunt and pure reply.

There was pure admiration in those sharp eyes, and while standing in the middle of this large ground, under this shining sun, these warm winds carrying sharp sand, they looked more sincere than ever.

He was already amazing and from this spar, I… will also have a chance to witness his power.

The power of a [Rank-6] knight. A [Bishop]. Just one rank away from a king but still far away from that realm.

He must have recently reached his current level so it was fine but he definitely had the talent needed to achieve that dream.

The power of [King] is far away from the realm he currently was and his soul was still not strong enough to enter even the Astral realm.

He was a strong knight. Strongest I have seen after my and Rein's grandpa.

So the fight agast him won't be something normal. Even if we use only the most basic Aura application.

One reaches [Rank-3] when one achieves Aura. When they are able to release it in the atmosphere freely in a form of a slash or attack then that marks [Rank-4] which is called the complete [Knight] stage.

When one can freely strengthen their bodies, cover their weapons with Aura, and are able to give a specific fixed shape to their Aura then that marks [Rank-5]. They are called [Rook] stage knights.

When that mental image of Aura is able to move on its own as if having a separate will, as if being an alive creature regardless of its shape, it marks the [Rank-6]. The level sir Mel is at right now. The level of [Bishop].

And lastly, there are [Rank-7] kings and queens.

They are transcendent beings that had crossed the realm of humans. Possesses strength beyond human comprehension. And are able to create an entire fortress or special structure with their Aura alone.

Not only do they possess power beyond human limits, but they all also have a special power granted to them by mother nature herself.

The [World Authorities]. A very special power that is unique to them alone.

A power that could affect nature itself.

A power that could destroy many things. A power that could also protect many things. And a power that not many are fortunate enough to even witness.

The distance between a bishop and a king is like the difference between a mountaintop and the sky.

Others seeing from the ground might think that one could touch the sky if they reach that top but, only the one at the top knows just how far away that sky actually is.

Few could reach the level he is at right now but, that couldn't be compared to that realm.

But, few on that top, very few who have actually achieved that realm called [Sky] actually knows the truth.

The truth… that the realm of [King] is not the end.

My master was far beyond the realm of a [King] but, she never showed me more than what a king could actually do.


I know she must have hinted at what things happen beyond that realm and things that one can do beyond the realm of a king but, I was still only near the base of that mountain, far away from that spectacular sky.

But I was at least at the base of this mountain. Something many couldn't even achieve throughout their whole lives.

And I had all the time in the world so, there was no need to rush.

Carla will reach [Rank-4] before any of us but the two of us weren't that much behind.

Alf will reach (tier-4) before us too but, I will need longer because of my higher Mana requirement.

But still, Rein and I would be stronger than both of them in terms of overall power.

I was trained by a being beyond thinking and Rein was just that talented to follow my lead even with her racial restrictions.

She is a witch but, if she were to be a human who had the greatest potential with the least restrictions of the world, she might have reached far beyond me and maybe most others in this house.

But, her life was no happy flower garden. She didn't even have any actual goal to chase after.

No goal, no proper knowledge about her power, and just pure life experience.

She was amazing to achieve her current power... but that wasn't the point right now.

'Sir Mel... this will be fun.'

A smile appeared on my face as I looked at his sincere expression and nodded.

"Let's do it~."

The smile on his face deepened and lady Niss standing beside him sighed with a nostalgic smile.

I was watching Rein with my third eye and she had her usual warm reaction while standing with the blushing knights who were enchanted by her allure.

Her beauty was unnatural so that reaction from the knights with high mental fortitude was definitely understandable.

But I was excited about this fight we would be having now.

The knights were excited, and the two of us were ready…

Rein and lady Niss cleared the area and were waiting with their respective groups of knights and mages, and even mages were looking forward to seeing this match.

The main fight has already been over but, if I do give their most powerful knight captain a hard time, then it was clear what they would do.


The ground was clear now, everything was ready, we were prepared, lady Niss, other mages, Rein, and I had cast some protection barriers and now... we were standing before each other, with a special flame burning in our eyes.

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