Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 349 Happy Moment

Chapter 349 Happy Moment

"Vital Healing."

A green light radiated from his palm that was on the eye area of a knight.

He kept it for a moment and then released his hand and stood up from the ground.

"It's healed, but take some medicine to be perfectly fine."


The knight shouted and bowed his head from his sitting position, following his order to stay seated.

Eon... my darling healed everyone with a rare but still known skill that everyone knew about.

I knew this skill too, and I had seen him use it on himself multiple times these past few weeks, but this was even my first time to see this skill work on others like this.

It was a skill that used a person's vitality, their own life force, and health to generate a healing aura that worked better than healing spells of water attribute.

It wasn't an attributed healing spell, but a skill that generated results on par with a healing spell of a priest.

This was amazing and just the way he used it without any problem on those foolish knights that persisted in observing till the end and observed the fight till the end.

'I don't blame them, though. He definitely was amazing~ when fighting against that fool Melor.'

I know his feelings but... it's good that he's happy about 'us'.

Well, this damn fool was bleeding just a moment ago and now he's perfectly fine... healing others with this weird power.

"You never told me about this healing skill."

"You never trained hard enough to get hurt like this."

His reply was instantaneous... as if this bastard longed for me to ask this specific question.

"Fucking bastard... saying that after not even giving me a three-minute rest during that hellish training.

Haaa... okay, then. I will just get hurt today-"

There was a playful smile on my face just a moment ago, but when those words fell from my mouth, he reflexively turned around with his big, shocked open eyes and covered my mouth with his hand.

"Don't you dare do anything foolish to get hurt... Reinelle Atraxia Von Babylon Ur Alicia O. Night."

Just the fact that he remembers this ridiculously long and the tricky name is a problem, but the way he said it with a serious look just now...

"Haaa... I'm not a fool like you to hurt myself."

He was a weird one. A good weird one.

"Alright then~!"

And after shouting like that with a bright smile, he returned to his treatment of knights as if nothing had happened.

'This weird dude... how will I do with you?'

Anyway, he's my darling and we can figure that one out later, but for now, the knights were healed.

Melon was gone to his work after giving us the clue, and I knew he definitely had a lot of fun with that match.

His excitement and that fire in his eyes, as well as the fact that he used his noble sword technique against Eon, was definitely quite something.

Eon... surprises me almost every day with a new awesome thing.

"Thanks, master Eon!!!"

All the knights that he treated personally shouted with a bright expressions of joy and respect.

He nodded at them with a happy smile and just walked back to me with the same kind of letter in his hand.josei

This game had just started, and it definitely was fun for both of us, so I was looking forward to the next gift.

'Now that his grandparents' turn is over, maybe uncle or aunt is next.'

A cheerful smile ran down my face as I thought about my good friends.

Haze, Aug, and 'our' mother Nol.

They were the best ladies… aside from the time they did their crazy and weird things that were still beyond me.

What can I even expect?

They were grown-up ladies while I was still a little girl.

I was thankful that I was this little girl, but, well; they were far above me when it came to this weird feeling of restless heart and stomach butterflies.

This bastard knew their thoughts because of his experience, but I was still oblivious to many of these common things.

'Wait... are they even common?'

"So, this one is from... Carla? Well, that's surprising.

I thought they were doing it from old to young, but I guess this is just a normal random order."

'Doesn't matter at all~. You will look awesome while finding whatever little Carla hid~!'

I didn't think too deeply about that lady stuff.

It was beyond me for now, but I knew I was a good learner... as he says every day so, I know it will be alright in the end.

Right now, we had Carla's gift before us.

The hot-headed, cool young knight dreaming of greatness.

What would she give to her first and lifelong opponent of her path to glory?

"She writes better than you," were the first words that unexpectedly came out of my mouth as soon as I saw this not best but at least readable writing.

"Say then when I show you my writing practice book. Hump!"

'Damn... he's cute in times like this one.'

A smirk appeared on my face as I looked at those acting puffed cheeks.

He knew I didn't mean a single thing and still; he was acting like that... cute little baby.

Looking at each other and shaking our heads with a smile, we looked at the letter.

[ My little brother Eon... well, fuck the pretty words.

I don't like that or even understand why people write simple things so sweetly.

This whole game of hiding gifts also doesn't make sense, but today is the birthday of my great rival, so I won't lose either.

I still don't have any idea how they are going to do this letter and gift hiding, but if you get this one, then that means you deserve it.

The awesome little brother that's the hope of everyone... you know you're strong, right?

From the fact that how you gave me that amazing sword, I believe you already have spectacular weapons to use for yourself.

I didn't know what different kind of gift to give since you already had everything and it's just bothersome to think too deeply about that.

Instead of wasting much time, I would rather just train by myself.

So, well, your gift isn't something that great.

It's a common thing that you know how to use the best and it's there somewhere in this house... so!

Go find it if you can, loser!

Muhahahahaha! ]

"Did... she just wrote laughter at the end? Lol, that girl. Ptff… hehe."

I couldn't help my laugh when thinking about that last thing.

That laugh... I could genuinely see her pretty face in those words.

Her beautiful face with a smirk and mockery.

That girl is also cute in her own way.

And in this clue that she tried so hard to not speak out loud, even I knew what and where her gift might be.

He could tell I knew it, and a bitter expression appeared on her face.

"If even you know... I feel sorry for her.

Grandpa said she tried her best to hide it and she definitely did, but, well, she's older than me but younger than Alf in this kind of normal thing."

He sighed with a helpless smile and stored the letter in his storage space.

Then, he looked at the knights that were preparing to get back to their work or start the proper training and shouted.

"Everyone! I will be making lunch for everyone so train well!

You can eat as much as you want today. And call the young ones too.

Call everyone by lunchtime!"

I knew he would eat with them but... he will make it himself?!


Every knight and mage in this place, some servants working around who heard this thing, and I cheerfully exclaimed.

Our joy at the thought of being able to eat the thing he makes, and as much as we want on top of that, was crazy!

Our shouts pierced the sky and everyone in the house came out or looked out of the windows of the hallways.

They were surprised by this sudden uproar but as soon as they heard the reason for this sudden commotion, they also cheered up with bright smiles~!

They knew today was his birthday but, as mere servants of a noble house, however good their relationship may be with the family, they were still not actually of the same status as them.

They could wish him a happy birthday, and many of them did with a bright smile during the time we were on this training ground, but that was it.

As servants, they didn't have anything more than themselves to offer to their spectacular young master.

They could be a part of the joy of this day but, they couldn't offer a suitable gift to a young nobleman like him who had everything and maybe more.

They had no gift to present to this young master who took great care of them and they weren't yet worthy enough to accept anything from a great young master like him.

But, Eon's cooking was a different thing.

The first day he came here, he talked with everyone and made breakfast for them.

And everyone meant every single person working, serving, or guarding this house.

They tasted his cooking for the first time back then, and now was the second time they had the chance to taste that bliss once again.

I loved his cooking and so did everyone else and now, just from those words, a festive atmosphere covered the whole estate.

He had a bitter smile on his face now and that smile was just the opposite of my bright smile.

'How good would it be when we will live alone and he will cook for me every morning, afternoon, evening, and night?

Yes~! Just thinking about that time... does he fantasize things like this about me too?

Things like... I wearing only an apron...'

"Let's go find the treasures, dum dum."

He didn't know my thoughts this time, or maybe he did know, but didn't say anything.

Well... there were just a few years left until this thing comes true, anyway.

Thinking about it is fun but living those moments would be even more fun~!

"Yes~! Let's go in. And... I'm not a dum dum! So stop that!"

"Yes, yes. Don't be angry like that, my dear pink panther."

The hell?! Why a pink panther all of a sudden?

'Wait... THE pink panther?! The great purple-ranked monarch?!'

My face unexpectedly turned hot when thinking about the majestic great creature that was thought to have disappeared from the world.

He called me by the same name as that great being…

Am I... that awesome? That gorgeous and majestic? That powerful in those ruby red eyes that had seen the greatest powers?


I couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice while looking down as he held my hand and lead me inside the house.

I was in my own wonderful thoughts, so I didn't see that helpless look and a delightful smile on his face that screamed 'cute!' words over and over.

The pink panther... he definitely meant it some other simple way.

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