Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 700 Origin awakening

Chapter 700 Origin awakening

Chapter 700 Origin awakening

[Eon's POV: ]

I knew it was dangerous. 

That I did not have enough strength to keep going.

That I was too weak to use any more strength, or borrow the strength from something else and use it with this body of mine.

I knew it, and I also knew there was no real need to risk my own life just to 'help' the people who were already far stronger than I am right now. 

I knew it.

Just Lady Madeleine was enough to take care of something like a corrupted lich, and with Master Maverick being there, there really was no need for me to get involved at all since if push came to shove, they would have used their powers very carefully and defeated that thing anyway.

They were strong and smart enough to do that much. However, the real reason I wanted to do this, to risk my life and do one more attack, was because of the strange feeling born deep inside of me.

'It was unexplainable…'

It started right after I used the power of the world tree's branch, the power of the purest kind of Amrita that I had never used before. A power so strong I could still not wield it myself.

All I could do with this branch was to use it as a tool to channel the energy inside of it to forcefully increase my own energy levels in order to force my body to perform one last thing. One last attack powerful, and effective enough to destroy that dangerous creature.

'At first, it was strange…'

It was as if someone was talking from within me, and no it was different from Lucy talking with me.

It was as if someone or something was talking with the 'me' inside of me. My true self, my ego, my soul… and, it was a bizarre feeling.

'I did not understand it…'

I thought it was just my imagination and ignored it. 

Tried to shift my attention to something else. 

Something that was the most important to me at the moment.

However, the lich appeared.

And, the feeling became more intense.

'It was telling me to do it once again…'

It was telling me to do what I had just done one more time. To surpass my limits once more. To prepare an attack that was just as powerful as the two spells that I made while risking my life.

'I wanted to avoid it.'

It was a feeling, or perhaps a voice, or perhaps just my imagination.

I was uncertain. 

And Lucy did not even know of this, so, there were better chances that it was just my imagination.

However, my body did not think the same. 

'I started doing it before my mind could process it…'

And by the time I realized I was ready with what I had to do, it was too late to back down.

'It was the first time in this life I was feeling as if I had lost all control over myself…'

It was strange.

I was doing things I had no intention of doing.

And in the process, I was also convinced I had to do it.

The reason for which, I only understood after my soul was overwhelmed with the energy that was passing through my body.

'It was the most… the most painful feeling I had ever felt.'

The blood vessels throughout my body were about to burst, my head almost ready to pop like a balloon from the pressure of the mixing energies, my [Dynamic heart] that was still calm in this situation and was trying its best to handle everything by itself, and then there was Lucy, maintaining my mind from falling apart.

The attack was almost ready, I knew it. Just a little more and I would finish it, I knew it as well. However, even though I genuinely wanted to stop this, even though I wanted to stop with everything I had in this moment… the 'voice' inside of me, kept telling me to endure.

To push a little more.

Just a little more… and for some otherworldly reason, I myself followed the 'feeling' of that voice.

'I pushed myself to the brink of death…'

And, perhaps, I died in the process as well.

That must have been the case if I was seeing something this... ethereal.

'The sun.'

Not the same bright star we see in the sky from dawn to dusk. But the true power source of the universe was depicted in the folklore of ancient times.

I was standing before that supreme entity right now.

At least, that was the most logical thing I could think of at the moment as I stood before this giant fireball that did not only turn hydrogen into helium in order to produce the fuel in its core, but, it also generated all the energies that existed in this world.

'The origin of energies…'

Just like how stories depict the great [[( Void )]] to be the source of all energy present in this world, this Sun, perhaps the representative of that same true source, was what provided all the energies my world possessed at all times.


I did not know what was happening right now. 

I did not know if I was dead already or if this was just a hallucination and I was still standing on the edge of that tower.

I did not understand… I could not comprehend what was happening at the moment, however, as I stood before this colorful giant, I felt complete.


Once again, it was a bizarre feeling.

And, it became even more strange when some kind of strings of energy came out of this gigantic celestial body and, as I saw, connected with my head, my heart, my eyes, and then slowly, with my entire body…josei

It was at this moment, that I heard that same 'voice' once again, however, it was not a feeling this time.


That voice spoke to me directly, however, I did not understand what it said.

I definitely know it said something, something that felt warm, however… I could not understand what it was even after I vanished from that strange space, and opened my eyes before the same edge of the tower I had been standing on when my vision went blank.

[[ *Master? Have you finally come to your senses?! Master?!* ]]

And then, after what felt like an eternity, I heard her voice once again.

[[ "Big brother?! Are you alright?! Say something!" ]]

[[ Masterrrrrrrrrrr! My masterrrrrrrrrr! ]]

Along with two voices I had been expecting to hear already.

[[ "I am fine everyone." ]]

[[ Master! Masterrrrrrrrr! ]]

[[ "Like hell you are fine. I am on my way! I will be there in a moment!" ]]

[[ *Haaaa… the timing was just perfect. As if to have been set by fate itself.* ]]

The bow was still in my hand, and Asta was almost ready to be released as well. Celes was crying on my head, however, different from before… I did not feel like I was going to break apart anymore.

[[ *Origin awaking… it saved you, master.* ]]

'I know. and I have something you will find interesting as well, Lucy.'

[[ *Same, master. Same.* ]]

I could feel she was glad that I was fine now. I can feel Celes was also happy she did not have to destroy everything in anger and agony at my loss.

Zoe was coming here, and I couldn't stop her.

She knew my life was almost in danger a moment ago. 

So, even though she knew I was fine, she was not going to listen to anything I said until she confirmed that I was all right.

She's always like that and I cannot do anything about her… but, she did not have to worry about anything.

'So Lucy, do you think I am fine enough to do this now?'

[[ *You… you are. However, I do not know how much has changed with that awakening so I will check it first.* ]]

'And while you do that, let me do this one thing.'

[[ *NO! You are still just recovering-* ]]

'But I won't die anymore, right? Then it's fine~.'

Every being that possesses an origin skill goes through a certain 'awakening' process early in their lives, almost when they are young kids where these skills reveal their true forms.

That's called origin awakening and though it is delayed in some individuals, it is very rare for the awakening to happen when someone reaches adulthood among humans.

Perhaps in other kinds, there are cases when the origin awakening happens later in their lives, however, they are still young according to their lifespans.

'In humans, however, it is common for the origin awakening to happen when the children are around five or six years old. That's why my case was unique.'

The awakening is influenced by the strength of the person and their knowledge about their origins, which I possessed plenty of.

My master taught me more than enough for me to be the most knowledgeable human to know about the origins, and my own origin skill.

However, even after all that, I did not awaken my skill all this time… a fact that changed today.


I was feeling like I was almost going to die just a moment ago but now, it was feeling alright.

My internal injuries had been magically healed and even the pain had gone away greatly.

I was feeling like a completely new person now and with this new power surging within me-


[[ *M-master? Isn't that… too much?* ]]

'I know! But what's happening?! I didn't want to do that!'

The attack that I wanted to kill the lich with was almost ready, so I just tried to add a little bit of whatever energy it required; however, when I added the amount I thought would be just right, an unusual volume of pure Amrita was channeled through the branch of the world tree.

And it was so absurdly strong that the tip of Asta, which was shining with only a small light until now, exploded with a light so bright that even the ones in the forest were stunned by its presence for a moment…

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