Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 714 As A Teacher

Chapter 714 As A Teacher

[Rein's POV: ]

[[ "You are crying, darling." ]]josei

He is crying… how cute.

[[ "No I'm not. This is just water coming out of my eyes." ]]

Nah, he is crying. Cute bastard.

[[ "How do you feel about this? One of your students managed to create an entire damn theoretical structure of a hypothetical solution?" ]]

I didn't really need an answer from him since all I wanted to know from him was shining in his eyes. But there was a unique fun hearing it directly from him.

[[ "This feels fuzzy…" ]]

Awwww~. He was feeling proud of his students, amazed at their achievements, and excited for their future.

He loved his team, yes. But in this moment, he was feeling the kind of joy only a teacher whose students have achieved something few in this world are capable of.

Something that was even beyond the expectations of their teacher themselves.

Something he doubted they would be able to pull off. And something he wanted them to achieve on their own. With their own skills.

'He knows if he were to be with them, they would have achieved this anyway. Perhaps with a little less difficulty. While facing less dangers to their lives.'

However, if that were to happen, they wouldn't have been able to do what they did throughout these three days and six rounds of this grand competition.

They might not even be here if those demon bastards had succeeded in their plans so, knowing the truths that had yet to be revealed to the world, this moment was special for him.

[[ "Do you want to do something special for them later?" ]]

Others might understand right now, however, the special magic board Mia was holding in her hand right now was so valuable that any nation would pay any kind of price to get their hands on that formula.

And if it was revealed what that thing does actually, the lives of all the students in her group might be in danger.

There will be some complications with that thing later on, however, she was able to create the theory behind the solution that would allow people like Eon, or his grandpa, or those who could separate their Astral bodies from their physical bodies to be be present in the physical world in a phantom form or, perhaps, under certain conditions, be in the Shadow realm for a longer time than what Ball was able to.

'It will be dangerous to actually create the solution in that theory, of course. However there are crazy people who die or take innocent lives if it means they can prove their theories to the world.'

Those crazy bastards are a kind that is present all around us, but thankfully, she should not be one of those crazy bastards.

And she has us anyway. Doing illegal things to actually make the thing she had concluded with those hours of work should be the last thing she would have to do.

'They had achieved all that they could in this competition and more, so, now was the time for them to be acknowledged for their efforts by the entire world.'

The judges were not going to understand what she was holding on their own even if they use special skills, so she will have to explain it to them herself personally, away from the cameras and the eyes of the people, so that will take some time.

And since there's going to be that extra round which will mostly be pass time or a kind of break time for the audience and us, the judges could use that time-

[[ "Rein, I want to do something special for them right now. So see you later." ]]

He got up and after bowing to me, Lord Maverick and the others, he walked out of the balcony without saying what the hell meant with that!

[[ "Celes, connect me with Lord Justin please." ]]

[[ Yes, master… ]]

[[ "Oy, bastard! Where are you going?! Should I come-" ]]

[[ "Nah. Just sit there and watch. I am going to participate in this round." ]]

[[ "What?" ]]

Did I hear him correctly?

Did he just say he was going down there to participate in this competition? And in the open round where anyone can participate? Where mostly those top level alchemists will try to create their signature items using their signature techniques?

'Is he… really?'

Holy shit!

[[ "Oy, bastard! Wait! Give me some snacks! At least make me some tea before you go! Hahahahaha! To get the chance to see my bastard do some real crazy thing before the entire world, hahahahaha! This is going to be sooooooooo much fun~!" ]]

[[ "Haha. I will disconnect you if you are too noisy, so stay quiet please. And I alredy prepared everything you would want. Look down." ]]


As in on the ground or down at the floor?


There was a storage device right under his chair, so I picked that up quietly using my shadows. And glenced at Lady Carolina beside me.

The light in her eyes had shifted for a moment there, so it was obvious he had told them he was going down there, and they must have guessed something was about to happen now.lights

'They knew he was the one that taught those people, and if the students were so fierce that they could stand against the renowned mastsers, they couldn't not get excited thinking of just how amazing that master would be.'

Four of them were looking forward to seeing him now, while they were also waiting to know what Mia had created since they did knot know of it yet.

"Lady Reinelle."


"Would you mind sharing some of those things?"

"Hmmm? Not at all. Here."

I was looking down at the arena, excited, when Lady Carolina asked me if she could have some of my sweets that the others here did not know the origin of.

She knew they were things he made, something they all loved alredy, and since all four of them soon had to do something very important and difficult, they needed something to calm themselves down.

And, what would be better for that than watching him do his crazy thing while having snacks that he made himself?

[ "Then we will begin the open performance round, in the time the judges are bust examining the final round's results." ]

The announcer was asking if there was anyone that wanted to participate in this round from the audience or the people that had not been able to progress to the last stage of the competition.

There were going to quite a few participants this time around and the special guests that were invited to showcase their true skills to the young and aspiring alchemists would have been the main attraction of this round… yes.

'They would have been the center of attraction for everyone. However, now that my dear darling is down there, wearing a special hood to conceal his true identity, this unknown person was going to take up all the spotlight away from the special guests.'

He will show something that would truly be an inspiration to all the people present here, all the Alchemists as well as the normal people that wanted to do something unique in their lives.

Children will be amazed after seeing him do the things the he only does in the special places he had created in our houses or in separate places over our territory before the public.

'And since this is going to be something special for his own students, the ones that had made him feel the pride of being a teacher for the first time in his life, this is going to be more special than his normal productions.'

He was a master alchemist, a master musician, a grandmaster enchanter, a master chef, as well as many more things.

The world knew him better than most of the other elements of this world since the achievements he had gathered in his mere fifteen years of life were much more than what the others had taken a lifetime to achieve… oh! He was also a advanced origin skill user now.

One of the few in this entire world.

And, if his achievements keep piling up like this, it should only take him three or so years to be recognised as a [True master] in this world.

It will be an achievement unlike anything else. Something not even the great headmaster the divine wizard had managed to achieve.

'He was amazing, and he was down there right now…'

The five of us, and perhaps Zoe was the only one that was paying attention to him right now since his perfect disguise made him unrecognisable. Even his own knight Chry didn't recognize him among those bunch of people.


"Sit down. It's starting~."

Even Miss Moon, who had taken his guise and was now sitting beside me as Eon did not know who her master was among those hundreds of people on the ground.

Celes' special Skill had now evolved to the point even someone like the emperor would have difficulty finding them. Especially since yesterday where he broke through to the advanced mastery of his origin skill.

He was much stronger than he was yesterday at this hour, and this fact excited me even more~.

[[ "Do you see the white hood miss Moon? That's Eon." ]]

[[ "Oh… right. I had a feeling he would be the one. However, Lady Elle, what is up with that person? That… thing?" ]]

Miss Moon was looking in a certain direction, a direction I did not want to look back at again.

[[ "He asked me to not pay attention to that person so please just ignore her as well. I don't know if she is actually a demon born or not but she isn't a bad person. We have confirmed that much from her actions until now." ]]

The person named Ëthereal that came with the eldest prince of Roxanna.

She was a weird person that I personally did not like because of her obvious origin, but my own prejudice against her half demon origin was not enough for me to overlook her god like talent and crazy ass ways of getting things done.

She was a kind of genius I would consider better than my own dad, perhaps better than my darling Eon and the headmaster.

She was phenomenal. A kind of person I was seeing for the first time in my hundred years of life.

However, her origin and her talent were conflicting for me.

I did not know what to think of her with the two extreme opinions I had of her.

She was simply just too mysterious right now… and looking at the situation, we might not get the chance to talk with her after all.

'But we don't know that. Just like how we do not know weather the fucked up 'alchemy system' she created as her final product would be able to triumph over Mia's Phenton solution theory.'

Maybe neither of them would win… we don't know what will happen.

But one thing I do know as I sip this amazing tea, is the fact that my Eon is going to set the entire stage ablaze.

And that would be veeeeeeeery cool to watch~!

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