Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 716 Six Vials

Chapter 716 Six Vials

[Eon's POV: ]

Inside my alchemy pot that I only use when I am in my personal space, a solid layer of dried material, or material waste had covered half of the pot, and right above it, inside a tiny crater, rested a shimmering golden fluid that was too attractive even to my eyes…

'What have I created Lucy…?'

I had no idea what I did or how I did what I did, but I was certain that the thing resting inside the pot was the end product of what I might have done in these last few minutes.

[[ *Master… it will be better for you to see for yourself. This is… unexpected.* ]]

Only a glance at that liquid gold like substance was enough to tell it was no normal thing, and I know I had used some very precious materials if the waste under it had turned into that unique silver color.

'Did I go overboard this time?'

[Three eyes]


[Type: Elixir] ★★★★☆


—-> Complete physical/mental/spiritual recovery.

—-> Complete physical regeneration.

—-> The purity is so high that even after diluting it to the hundredth of what it is right now, the effects would mostly remain the same.

—-> Can cure the corrupted land or any kind of mortal diseases.

—-> Being in the presence of light radiating from this can enhance the life of a natural substance.

—-> Can eliminate the effects of any kind of curse as long as it does not affect the nature and reality of the target.


—-> This is the most fucked up thing we had ever observed in this short lifespan we have existed and it is shit.

—-> Just the existence of this thing is absurd. Not even the gods should be able to create something like this easily.

—-> This is fucked up and the creator of this shit was drunk on joy and was unconscious so, it cannot be acknowledged as his creation.

—-> This is absurd!


'Hmmm? Did you get an upgrade after the awakening as well? This is much easier to understand than you explaining all of the effects.'

The conclusion at the end was one cute thing, but the effects of this Elixir were, as they said, absurd.

Did I really create this thing?


'When did I get so good at alchemy?'

Or was this one of those zone out moments when people just create stuff out of nowhere.

This certainly is surprising.

But… now what?

'I created it, but this thing isn't something that should stay in some hall of fame or something.'

This was a god damn divine Elixir kind of thing that was better off being used by people who knew the value of this thing!

'Even if I keep some of this, not that there is much, the rest of it will just stay in my storage space.'

lightsΝοvel And giving it to only the principality will create some more problems.

'Hmmm… Lucy, what should I do with this?'

Everyone was looking at me and I knew from how everything seemed to have stopped, that this moment was going to go down in history.

[[ *Master, you will have to use a question-* ]]

'Oh of course. I was asking a question anyway.'

[[ *In that case, you should divide this elixir in six different glass containers, give one to Emperor August, one to Lord Justin, on to Emperor Huang. And the remaining three you should distribute to Lady witch from north, Miss Mia, and the last one to Zoe.* ]]

'Hmmm? Why Zoe-… oh. You are amazing, Lucy.'

Her suggestion was so good even I wouldn't have been able to think of something better in a moment like this one.

This was the best decision.


So, I did just as she said. Used telekinesis to carefully control the fluid inside the cauldron, took out exactly enough for six equal portions, and at the same time, took out six very special looking enchanted glass containers.


Each one of these containers were special, had unique designs and I had made them with the intention of using them for some of the special potions in the future, but, this was the best moment to use these things.


Only three or so container worth of elixir had remained inside the cauldron when I put the whole thing back inside my storage space, and by the time I finished storing the shimmering golden liquid that looked kind of divinely majestic in this afternoon lighting, the entire arena was filling with gasps of shock.

'I did not know what exactly they were seeing me as but if I have to guess, I must be looking like some divine agent of heaven in their eyes at the moment.'

Especially since the white hood I was wearing had attractive golden enchantments.


It was all too awkward now that I was back to my senses...

I just wanted to finish this and just vanish.


So, just while standing where I was, I used more of my telekinesis and vary carefully, I guided the six shining vessels containing the special elixir to the people Lucy mentioned, and kept it right before their faces until they had held them in their hands.

'Emperor and Lord Justin knew who I was; however, the others had no clue of my identity.'

Which will come in handy in the future.


Six shimmering vials, two in the hands of two most capable emperors of west and eastern continent, one in the hands of the strongest force of the northern continent, someone that was sitting among the regular crowd since she did not have an official invitation to sit in the balcony with the others.

One to Miss Mia, someone who will surely know how to use that thing better than anyone else in the near future, one to my dear Zoe, who will pass it to me, and the last one to the political central power of this world, lord of Lakmer.

Someone who had a very important task to carry out now… which is why I made sure to make the spotlight on him extra shiny before I vanished completely using Celes' Skill.

"Haaa… done."

Everything was still paused.

Everyone who were watching this from the spectator stands in the arena, as well as everyone watching this from their houses or from places where this whole thing was being broadcasted, must be stunned by whatever had happened just now.

'Even I would be stunned by it if I were in their shoes right now.'

The bad thing was that I wasn't in the same position as any of them.

And that shit made everything the most complicated for me.

[[ "Do you want somewhere to hide for now, big brother?" ]]

[[ "It's alright, Zoe. I will manage this much." ]]

Only Zoe, who knew everything, and my Rein were alright even after witnessing that absurd drama.

There will soon be an eruption commotion, voices of confusion and more gasps of surprise, I know that.

'It wasn't my intention to make this entire thing so spectacular, but, thing ended this way. And I cannot do anything about this anymore.'

It had already happened, so it was best for me to just accept it and move on. And think about how the hell I am going to do now!

[[ Master~. Follow me~! ]]

Celes controlled one of her clones and it moved among the crowd of people present in the area, and, with very light steps, I followed her, and somehow reached in one of the exists of the arena.


This was bad.

Mom and everyone else aren't going to sit back quietly after I had this kind of mess-

[[ "That was amazing, mister Axion." ]]


I suddenly heard someone's voice in my head, and it wasn't from a voice from Celes' connection.

It was similar but, at the same time, different from how Celes and I use this technique.

[[ "It was mesmerizingly gorgeous." ]]

[[ "Who… oh. Lady Ëtherial." ]]

I was standing one step away from the exit when I turned around and saw only one person, only one person among the hundreds other present on this arena, looking in my direction.

My current direction, not the one where everyone else had been looking at, the place where that 'being' had created that miracle.

[[ "This doesn't seem to be the best time to have a chat, and I know you as well as your dear partner have many things you want to ask of me... so, would you grant this simple lady an opportunity to invite you for a tea?" ]]

[[ "Simple lady? Hahaha, not at all, miss. Please do not call yourself simple. And please, it would be my pleasure to 'accept' this opportunity." ]]

I can tell it was starting now.

People were coming out of that state of shock and soon, the entire arena would be filled with voices and noises.

She knew that as well…

[[ "Then, I won't take any more of your time. Please, be on your way, Master Lucifer." ]]

I can tell just from this much… she wasn't evil or anything close to being a bad person.

'Yes she had a demonic origin, but, one's origin is not their identity.'

We don't choose what we want to be born as.

It simply isn't in our hands.

'All we could do was to lead how we progress with our lives.'

And this person must have been through a lot of unique things to have gained that kind of experience, knowledge, and talents.josei

She was an amazing person…

[ "Everyone… if I could please have your attention…" ]

But since the chaos had initiated and Lord Justin was starting his speech before the decided time, I had to go back to my position and switch places with Miss Moon as well.

'The talk about that special Lady can wait till we are having tea with her.'

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