Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

As soon as the name Isidor came out, their faces glowed.

If, until a while ago, they were chatting pleasantly while minding their manners, now they were like a herd of excited bison.

Just like me, obsessed with my ultimate bias.

"Even if I have to sell my soul, I will see Isidor's face with my own two eyes and die!"

"If you are a woman, you must see it at any cost. You can't possibly forget that beautiful face once you see it, so it even appears in your dreams."

"It appears in your dreams? Oh my, I don't want to wake up."

"I slept like a bear all winter just to greet him."

I didn't know when the ladies' chatter, which was close to being voracious, would end.

The dazzling blonde hair, a sharp jawline that could cut you, shoulders as wide as the sea; fifty-thousand clichés flowed out.

‘He must be very handsome.'

But why doesn't he appear in the novel?

The man, called ‘The Golden Visconti', disappointingly, did not appear in the novel.

The readers secretly expected him to play the role of the harlequin.

‘A blonde, handsome boy is fundamental. That's weird.'

The young ladies had a heated discussion regarding the good looks of this and that and only calmed down when the employee brought the cakes and drinks, cooling down their blushing faces with folding fans.

After appeasing their hunger to some extent, their conversation continued.

"Ah, have you heard?"


"They say the pink diamond was won by Duke Seymour."

"Then, the owner of the diamond…"

The atmosphere became bitter as if everyone had guessed who the owner of the pink diamond was.

‘That would be me.'

"Princess Deborah will be in high spirits. She will be full of herself."

"To be honest, just thinking about it makes me hate it."

"A pearl necklace around a pig's neck…"

They all laughed mockingly at someone's murmur, as if agreeing with it.

‘That's mean.'

I have never heard something so explicit about my possessed body. Since there was only flattery around me.

"What does it matter if her clothes and accessories are the most luxurious and expensive in the Empire? She's so wicked."

"I heard that Princess Deborah snatched Helen, who was designing Lady Seirin's dress."

"Because of Princess Deborah's misconduct, Miss Seirin had to hurriedly adjust her dress in a different boutique. Her birthday was just around the corner."

I didn't know there was such a story behind it.

But Deborah had no idea. Because Helen was already terrified and crawled in fear.

‘Deborah would never tolerate Seirin's situation, but I'm a little frustrated.'

"She is really rude."

"Just rude? Even if she is Duke Seymour's daughter, she is too condescending and arrogant. She doesn't have the dignity of a noble family."

"She's uneducated and incompetent. Isn't Princess Deborah the only one who has Seymour's blood and doesn't know at all how to handle mana?"

As if that misfortune were thrilling, they all burst out laughing while covering their mouths with the fans; but I couldn't laugh.

‘Even if she has a big inferiority complex, you don't have to mock it.'

"Meanwhile, I carry my family on my back and run all kinds of campaigns. She's really disgusting."

"Thanks to that, I get sick just from looking at purple hair these days."

Having been listening to their harsh conversation with an uncomfortable feeling, my mood became more subtle by the conversation that followed.

"Why did the Seymour family give Princess Deborah…"

The woman who spoke with the nuance of not being able to understand Duke Seymour, who gave me the pink diamond, hurriedly shut her mouth and sipped her tea.

‘You can't touch Duke Seymour so you only talk about Deborah, who is relatively easy to handle. I can see the duality.'

"Princess Deborah… She could be a good daughter at home, right?"


"That's impossible!"

The atmosphere, which had become sour due to the woman who almost slipped her tongue, softened again as they switched to gossiping.

"I'm not sure. Rumor has it that Belreck doesn't even want to speak of Deborah. What a mess it must be at home, that he won't even mention his only sister."

"No matter how generous Belreck is, you can't show kindness to a younger sister who has been disgracing the family name."

"I'm sure Rosad isn't much different from Belreck."

How displeased they were with me taking possession of the pink diamond, that they somehow tried to speak ill of me by even mentioning the twins at home.

That's the level of the conversations that all the nobles pretending to be sophisticated have in broad daylight.

‘Annoying. Let's go home.'


Suddenly. The moment I was about to get up, the table shook as I pushed the chair back, in an angry gesture, and the coffee cup I had put on the edge fell to the floor.

The ladies' eyes turned to the place where the loud sound came from.

And, as if it were a lie, a strong wind swept through the terrace and the hood I was pulling low was pushed back, suddenly.

"Oh my god."

"L-Lady Deborah…"

As my face, which was covered with the hood, was revealed, a breathtaking silence spread across the terrace.

The ladies, who had been swearing at me excitedly just now, turned pale like a dead body.josei

There was also a lady who was shaking with a face that seemed like she would faint at any moment.

I tried to go home, but I was also flustered by having unintentionally revealed my identity to everyone.

I was frozen for a while, in an unexpected situation, and then I realized that I shouldn't let it go like this.

It's a situation where I heard the daughters of families lower than me talking behind my back.

Being insulted and leaving quietly?

That's just like being a pushover.

‘That can't be.'

Right before I died, I promised that, if I were to be reborn, I would not live while letting things take their course, like a pushover.

I was determined enough to cause frost during midsummer.

Clenching my teeth, I glared at them with eyes as fierce as I could.

"Are you done? You have been talking to your heart's content, and you're finally quiet. It was very amusing."

My voice cracked due to being nervous.

Fortunately, my cracked voice seemed to be quite intimidating, and the ladies' pale faces became even more haggard.

Glaring heavily at each of their faces, I felt the need to change my eye level.

Thinking of looking down at them, arrogantly, I jumped up and took a breath.

My legs were twisted due to being nervous.

I staggered, swallowing my inner scream.


The round table in front of me was weighed down by my weight and turned over in the direction where the women were gathered.

At the same time, the vase on the table fell to the floor and shattered.


In an instant, the surrounding area became a mess, and people looked at me with astonished eyes.

Everyone thinks that I intentionally overturned the table.

‘I didn't mean to break the furniture…'

It's embarrassing, but what's done is done.

Rather, I thought that overturning it would be even more intimidating and walked very slowly towards the pale, frozen women.

It was to buy time to think of my next line.

I have seen a lot of things, so I stood tall in front of the young ladies and, after leaning on one leg, I slowly tilted my head.

"It seems even dogs or cows are saying this and that about me."

(T/N: The expression used is 개나 소나, which is a very negative way of saying everyone and anyone.)

The expression of ‘even dogs or cows' flickered through their faces with a sense of humiliation.

"What's with those faces? You dared to address me, the Seymour's Princess, as a pig, but it seems you're not happy to be a dog or a cow."

You said it was a pearl necklace around a pig's neck.

"P-Princess Deborah, that, that is, we…"

"Why are you suddenly stuttering? You were talking smoothly as if your mouth was lubricated, did your tongue break in the meantime?"

As I snapped, the woman who appeared to be the oldest hurriedly came forward.

"I-I apologize. We dared to make a big discourtesy towards the Princess. I'm truly sorry."

"It's disappointing that you always call me a pig but you lower your tail so easily, like a puppy meeting a tiger. If you can't say it in front of somebody, you shouldn't have said it behind their back. I heard you very well, talking about my aristocratic dignity while being so cowardly and lowly, without knowing your place."

I was surprised while talking. I am a human who can use my mouth like this.

"I'm truly sorry."

"There's no excuse for that."

The other two ladies, who were trembling in fear, also bowed their heads one after another.

"Keep your mouth shut. I mean don't chatter away."

Then, when I was trying to put an end to it after telling them to keep their mouths shut and getting one more sincere apology.

The woman, who was biting her lips, stepped forward, as if she were resentful for receiving unilateral criticism from me.

"… But Princess. Everyone thinks that the fact that you forcibly took Lady Seirin's designer, whose birthday was coming, is going too far."

It means that I am also at fault for disregarding the implicit promise between aristocratic young ladies.

I picked up the cold juice that was on the table.

"No, it's your mouth that says I went too far when the person directly involved didn't say anything."

I splashed the red cherry juice all over her mouth.

"And from now on, I'm also going to properly show you what going too far is."


The woman, covered in bright red juice, gasped in shock and, after apologizing to me in tears, dashed out of the terrace.

The other ladies left as if they were running away, on the pretext of comforting her.

‘I won't go beyond this line. If I were really Deborah, you…'

On the spot where they disappeared.

Looking at the steaming hot black tea, I shook my head repeatedly to erase my terrible imagination.


"Lord. Did you make a lot of progress?"

"Can't you see?"

Isidor replied bluntly to Miguel's question.

He was sitting on a huge, flat, tanned orc hide, drawing a magic circle.

It took considerable effort and time to create the space magic pouch that Isidor promised to hand over to Deborah.

Space movement, expansion, and tracking. As it was a system in which 3 types of magic worked at the same time, the complexity of the magic circle was extraordinary.

Isidor even improved the magic circle himself, so it was impossible to buy it with money.

‘Perhaps our Prince is better at handling spatial magic than Duke Seymour.'

As Miguel thought so and felt proud, Cookie, who was tapping its tail nearby, bit into the orc hide with its teeth.

"Cookie! What is this?"

"Grrr… Grraar!"

"Damn it. I can't do this."

After Princess Deborah's visit, the gentle Cookie disobeyed him and behaved as it pleased, as if it were an adolescent.

Isidor, who threw a quill pen while swallowing a cuss word, turned his head towards Miguel.

"Why did you come suddenly?"

"I heard Princess Deborah went to Maisond."

As soon as he said the name ‘Deborah', Cookie's pointed ears perked up.

Its eyes started to sparkle as if they were longing for something.

"Did she come to meet the informant?"

"No. She turned a table upside down and smashed a vase and a teacup."

Isidor coughed at Miguel's report.

"That's not all. She had a fight with Count Ate's daughter on the terrace. But based on the position of the two families, there is a sense of one-sidedness."


"In the end, she made Count Ate's daughter cry."

Miguel recalled the report of the Maisond's informant who had witnessed the incident.

As it happened on the terrace in front of an alley with a lot of transient population, there seemed to be quite a gossip in the social world about the altercation between Deborah Seymour and Arin Ate.

‘Society especially enjoys the gossip between high-ranking nobles.'

In conclusion, Deborah Seymour is still an unrivaled object of fear for the young aristocratic ladies.

In an aristocratic society where invisible swords flow through the lips, Princess Deborah brandished her sword proudly.

‘But she has such a strong support that she's untouchable.'

The nickname ‘Purple Viper'. Whoever came up with it was right.

Her mother, Marien Seymour, was called the Flower of Society; and she seemed to be taking a completely different course than her mother.

"Princess Deborah, you're very intelligent.”

Isidor, who had been silent, murmured suddenly, rubbing his chin.

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