Jagged Germany

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042: president step down

After the Chesapeake Bay naval battle, the U.S. Navy did not dare to resist the German fleet anymore. Although, they still dispatched some small and medium-sized warships and seaplanes to track the German fleet, but they were all far away.

In the next week, the German fleet once again destroyed the ports and shipyards of seven cities with developed shipbuilding industries on the east coast of the United States. After that, the German fleet just left.

The east coast is the most developed and prosperous place in the United States, especially the shipbuilding industry, most of which are concentrated on the east coast. Most of those shipyards capable of building military ships, especially capital ships or other large warships, are also on the east coast. Now, almost all those shipyards have been destroyed by the German fleet. It can be said that the shipbuilding strength of the United States has been weakened by more than 80%.

Originally, after the German Navy eliminated the main force of the US Navy, the German Navy's advantage in the Atlantic Ocean would be more than ten years ahead. Now, this advantage may be further extended to fifteen years. By that time, even if the U.S. Navy has re-established a powerful fleet. However, compared with the step-by-step German navy, the gap may be quite large. If the U.S. Navy wants to challenge the German Navy, it will be more difficult in the future.

It was also at this time that the strategic goals of the German Navy were almost realized. Under such circumstances, Qin Tianshou was able to negotiate peace with the Americans by accident, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wahit.

Of course, Germany has already taken advantage of this conflict. Therefore, Qin Tian didn't want to mention too harsh conditions. If a full-scale war breaks out between the two countries, Germany does not have the strength to destroy the United States, let alone such a plan. If Germany suffers heavy losses due to the forced demise of the United States, this will not only be detrimental to Germany's subsequent development, but will also give other countries opportunities. For example, Bu Russia, which dominates the Eastern European plains. Although the relationship between Germany and Bu-Russia is now good, Bu-Russia has vigorously developed industry and transportation with the help of Germany. However, Qin Tian can guarantee that once Germany shows signs of fatigue, Bu Russia may immediately launch an attack on Germany.

The leaders of Bu Russia are not fools, they are very clear that maintaining a good relationship with Germany now is nothing more than seeking skin from a tiger. Once Germany's strength further develops and becomes stronger, I am afraid that it will attack them in the next step. In order to maintain their world hegemony, the Germans will spare no effort to attack other countries. Although Bu Russia's current strength is not strong, they have the potential to become a powerful country. Germany will never let such a powerful country always exist by its side.

During the peace talks between German Foreign Minister Vachter and the US ambassador to Germany Davidson, in addition to insisting that the United States make a public apology, they only increased the amount of compensation from 2 billion marks to 4 billion marks. Although it has doubled, it will be a heavy burden for the United States, which has suffered heavy losses. However, it is much better than the German fleet has been launching attacks on the east coast of the United States. In that case, the United States will really lose more.

Although, the condition put forward by the Germans is also very harsh. However, after consulting the country, Ambassador Davidson agreed to the terms of the Germans. The United States does not want a full-scale war with Germany, let alone the continued existence of German naval attacks. Therefore, accepting the conditions proposed by Germany and admitting to end the conflict is undoubtedly the best choice.

Soon, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on the conflict, which ended this conflict.josei

Germany won a big victory in this conflict. Not only did they firmly hold the Azores in their hands, but they also took advantage of this opportunity to severely damage the US Navy. In addition, it even launched an attack on the east coast of the United States, causing the United States to pay extremely heavy losses. Incidentally, four billion marks were looted from the Americans. This amount of money is enough to make up for all the losses of the German Navy in this attack on the United States, and there is still a large surplus.

According to the memorandum of understanding, the U.S. government is publicly apologizing to Germany after the German fleet left the U.S. East Coast. They claimed that the United States sent troops to attack the Azores before, which harmed the interests of Germany, which triggered this conflict. All responsibility lies with the United States and has nothing to do with Germany.

This statement of the United States has caused an uproar in the international community. Everyone knows that the east coast of the United States was attacked by the German fleet, and the losses were extremely heavy. Originally, many countries believed that under such circumstances, the United States would declare war on Germany regardless. However, the final result made everyone unbelievable. The United States actually admitted it, and it still admitted so much thoroughly.

For a while, the United States became the laughing stock of the world. However, many savvy politicians believe that the choice of the United States is actually the right one. Instead of breaking out of a full-scale war with Germany for the sake of the so-called face, it will cause the country to suffer greater losses. It's better to give up face and save face. This is the best outcome for the country.

Of course, President Woodrow Wilson's statement caused an uproar in the country. During the German fleet's attack on the east coast of the United States, although the main targets were ports and shipyards, residential areas were avoided. However, it still caused many American casualties. The U.S. Navy, in particular, suffered heavy losses during the battle. This made the families of the casualties gritted their teeth with hatred for Germany. Now, the U.S. government actually bowed its head and admitted its mistakes to Germany, which naturally made it difficult for them to accept.

Coupled with the fueling of hostile parties, protests broke out across the United States against the Woodrow Wilson government and demanded that Woodrow Wilson step down. For a while, Woodrow Wilson's approval rating dropped to 5%. It can be seen how disappointed those Americans are with him. This also makes it almost impossible for President Woodrow Wilson to continue to sit on the throne of the President.

Under such circumstances, President Woodrow Wilson voluntarily resigned from the presidency. However, because his term of office has not yet ended, according to the U.S. Constitution, the vice president takes over the presidency. Wait until the end of this term, and then hold a general election. However, it is clear that although the next general election has not yet started, judging from the current level of support, President Woodrow Wilson's party undoubtedly has no chance of winning the election.

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