Jagged Germany

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044: Enemies of the Empire (ask for a monthly ticket)

In the past ten years, the international situation has also undergone considerable changes. Not only has Germany developed stronger in the past ten years of development. Germany's enemies are also making progress. Especially in terms of military strength, all countries have made great progress.

The United States was beaten to the ground by Germany ten years ago and suffered heavy losses. In the past ten years, they have been very honest. Perhaps they know that if they want to seek revenge from Germany, it is impossible without strong strength. Therefore, they are all buried in development.

The ports and shipyards destroyed by the German Navy were gradually re-established. At the same time, the U.S. Navy is also regaining strength. They are not only building capital ships, but aircraft carriers have become their key construction targets. Although, compared with Germany, the United States still has a lot of investment in this regard. However, with the help of the British, they also achieved great development. Although they don't have the strength to confront Germany yet, in the future, they will inevitably become the enemy of the German navy.

Between Germany and the United States, peaceful coexistence has long been impossible. In several successive conflicts, the United States did not take advantage of Germany's hands, but suffered heavy losses. In particular, the attack by the German fleet on the east coast of the United States cost the United States an extremely heavy price. Even ordinary Americans hate Germany very much. Not to mention the US military. It can be seen that in the future, a life-and-death war will inevitably break out between Germany and the United States. There is only one winner. Only when the other one falls does the war end.

Lost the native British Empire and continued to hide in Canada. Canada is too weak to support the ambitions of the British Empire. So, they had to cooperate with the United States. For this reason, it did not hesitate to provide a large amount of advanced technology to the United States. It is under such circumstances that the United States can develop rapidly in the military field. The British did this for nothing more than one purpose, and that was to help the United States become stronger. Even helping the United States defeat Germany in future wars. Only in this way can they have a chance to regain their native land.

However, after the repeated failures of the United States, many British people are also a little disappointed with the United States, thinking that even with their help, it will be difficult for the United States to defeat Germany. However, apart from the United States, they have no other choice. Therefore, it can only cooperate with the United States.

At the same time, the British are also accumulating their own strength bit by bit. Although because of the relationship between population and financial resources, it is impossible for Britain to build a strong army. However, they are focusing on the development of the navy and air force. With the help of the United States, Britain completed the construction of the "Lion-class" battleship and the "Hood-class" battlecruiser within ten years. However, the United Kingdom then stopped the construction of capital ships and turned to the development of aircraft carriers. During Germany's conflict with the Azores of the United States, and the subsequent attack by the German fleet on the east coast of the United States, the aircraft carrier fleet showed extremely powerful combat effectiveness. This made the British see that the aircraft carrier is the main force in the future.

Another enemy of Germany is undoubtedly the island country in the Far East. Over the years, the island nation has been trying its best. With American support, they rebuilt their navy. Especially after seeing the strength of aircraft carriers, they also began to vigorously develop aircraft carriers. It's just that the islanders have not given up on the development of battleships at the same time, trying to achieve breakthroughs in both aspects.

You must know that in the early days of World War II in another time and space, island nations were the most successful in the use of aircraft carriers. Otherwise, they would not have beaten the United States, the world's most powerful country, into a mess with their weak national strength. The combination of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft makes the islanders seem to have found an opportunity to defeat the strong with the weak.

In this time and space, the island country still started to explore in this area and made great achievements.

However, an important flaw of the island country is undoubtedly that the country's strength is weak. Especially in terms of financial resources, their financial resources will not support their military ambitions at all. Before, there was assistance from the United States. Now that the United States itself is facing a major crisis, it is naturally impossible to provide much support to the island countries. This leaves the island nation to figure it out on its own.

In addition to the colony of North Korea, the island country has no other colonies to exploit. Therefore, when there is no other way, the island government can only exploit its own people.

In order to get the last dollar out of the people's pockets, the island government has raised the price of rice many times. Now, the hard work of ordinary islanders for a day is only enough to buy enough food for a family to barely survive.

Many people even had to sell their sons and daughters in order to survive. Especially those families with beautiful girls send their daughters out to work in the service industry to earn money to support their families.

The island country is poor in resources and has nothing to offer. In order to earn foreign exchange, the island government even organizes its young girls to go abroad to work in the service industry in the name of the government.

Although, this seems a bit embarrassing to say. However, the islanders are not ashamed of it. Instead, they believe that this is the contribution of the people to the empire, and it is worth advocating.

From this, it can be seen that in order to develop its own military strength, the island country can be said to be doing everything it can. This also made Germany more defensive against island countries. The strength of the Pacific Fleet and its status in the navy have been continuously improved, and it has now become a powerful fleet in the German Navy second only to the local fleet. If war breaks out, the Pacific Fleet can even ask the Indian Ocean Fleet to fully cooperate with their actions.

In addition to these three traditional enemy countries, the relationship between Bu Russia and Germany in Eastern Europe has gradually changed from intimacy to confrontation. After Ulyanov's death, Joseph defeated his opponent Trotsky through a series of means and became the supreme leader of Bu Russia.josei

Joseph had long-term contacts with Germany on behalf of the Burgundy Party and Bu Russia, so he naturally knew that Germany was strong. Therefore, on the one hand, he tried his best to develop the military strength of Bu Russia, and at the same time began to gradually alienate Germany, and even actively contacted other German enemy countries, so that once Germany launched an attack on Bu Russia, they could get assistance.

Especially with the support of Germany, the industrial foundation of Bu Russia has been built and has started to develop at a high speed, which also gave Bu Russia the courage and confidence to fight against Germany. Although, they know that Bu Russia's national strength is far from being comparable to that of Germany. But at least they were not helpless.

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