Jagged Germany

Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049: Roosevelt's decision (seeking monthly ticket)

President Roosevelt and a group of cabinet ministers discussed for a long time, but they did not come up with any practical solutions. This let him know that the road ahead will be even more difficult.

Back in his office, President Roosevelt sat in a wheelchair, closed his eyes and meditated. He was thinking, is there any way to break the United States from the current situation? If the economic crisis continues, it will cause even greater harm to the United States. At that time, the gap between the United States and Germany will widen, and they will no longer be able to continue to fight against Germany.

"God! What should I do? The United States is now at the critical point of life and death!" President Roosevelt said secretly.

After a while, President Roosevelt seemed to think of something, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Come on, find Mr. Hopkins." President Roosevelt ordered.

Hopkins was an adviser to President Roosevelt, and many of his policies were derived from discussions with Hopkins. At least, judging from the current situation, these policies are still very effective, which makes President Roosevelt trust Hopkins even more.

"Hello, Mr. President!"

"Mr. Hopkins, please sit down!"josei

Subsequently, President Roosevelt told Hopkins about the problems facing the United States now, and then asked him for advice on how to solve them.

"Your Excellency, the current situation is indeed very unfavorable for the United States. We have been hit hard by the economic crisis, and many countries have been affected by it. However, the Germans rely on the European market and the world's largest colonial market , was spared. This made Germany stronger and stronger. It will undoubtedly be very difficult for us to catch up with Germany and even defeat Germany in the future," Hopkins said. He is obviously not optimistic about the confrontation between the United States and Germany.

"Is there no other way?" President Roosevelt asked. As an American, especially a politician, I hope that the United States can become stronger. It would be the best if it can replace Germany and become the world hegemony. After Roosevelt became the president of the United States, he naturally would not change this goal. However, now he knows that this is very, very difficult.

"Your Excellency, this is very difficult. The Germans now have too much of an advantage. After the last conflict, we have maintained peace with the Germans for more than ten years. Although we have developed rapidly, the Germans The development of China is also not slow. More importantly, we have suffered heavy losses in the economic crisis, while the Germans have continued to develop. This has once again widened the gap between us and the Germans.” Hope Kings said. In his view, the United States may no longer have the capital to confront Germany. If you insist on this point, it will only make the United States pay a greater price in the future.

"However, even if we don't take the initiative to confront Germany. But when Germany becomes stronger, they will not let us go. The Germans also know very well that we are their worst enemy. They want to make sure they If the status of the world's hegemony continues to be stable, we must be completely defeated. I believe that the emperor of the German Empire will not fail to see this." President Roosevelt said. Now, it is no longer possible for the United States to stop confrontation just by saying it stops. Because the initiative is not on them.

Hopkins was silent, he also knew this. Germany will not let the United States go, unless the Germans think that the United States has completely threatened them. This also means that the United States will inevitably be defeated by Germany in future wars, and it cannot escape.

"Your Excellency, you seem to have a plan?" Hopkins asked.

President Roosevelt smiled, and then nodded: "I have some preliminary ideas, but if implemented, I am afraid that there will be great risks. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Hopkins to help me as a staff."

"Okay, Your Excellency." Hopkins nodded. He was an adviser to President Roosevelt, and that's what he was supposed to do.

"Mr. Hopkins, you should be very clear that there will definitely be a war between us and the Germans in the future. No one can change this. It can even be clearly said that the war in the future is directly related to The life and death of the United States, if we fail, then the American Republic will no longer exist. Therefore, in order for our country to continue, we must also do our best to win this war." President Roosevelt Said with a serious face.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The enmity between us and the Germans can no longer be resolved. Unless one side completely falls, otherwise, the war is absolutely inevitable." Hopkins said.

"However, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the United States will fall. Germany is getting stronger and stronger, not only because of their economic strength, but also because of their military strength. As you said, we and Germany The gap between them is very large, and it is very difficult to defeat them. However, we can't do nothing and wait for death, right?" President Roosevelt said.

Hopkins continued to nod, he somewhat understood President Roosevelt's intentions.

"So, from now on, I want to further expand the procurement of the military, use the procurement of the military to expand domestic demand, and use this as an opportunity to re-develop our economy!" President Roosevelt said.

President Roosevelt's method is very simple, which is to use government procurement to stimulate domestic demand and stimulate economic development. If it can enter a virtuous circle, the economy can be restored.

However, this also has two consequences. On the one hand, the government will pay a huge amount of debt for this. On the other hand, it will cause turmoil in the international situation. After all, the United States is one of the big countries after all. Now that the United States is starting to expand its military power, it will appear that the balance of the city of love has been broken after all.

"Your Excellency, if you really do that, war will be inevitable. We expand the army, and the Germans will definitely expand their armaments. This will form a chain reaction!" Hopkins reminded.

"I know, but we have no other options. Now that the war between us and the Germans is inevitable. Then, we should simply increase our military strength as much as possible so that we can In future wars, there is a slight chance of winning!" Roosevelt said.

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