Jagged Germany

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057: huge army

In the plan of Marshal Manstein, the Ukrainian Kingdom has a population of 30 million, so after the war breaks out, up to 2 million troops can be mobilized to participate in the war. The first million people, the second million people.

The Kingdom of Poland also has a population of more than 30 million, so the maximum number of troops they can mobilize is also 2 million. At first one million troops were sent to assist the Germans in fighting, and if necessary, another million people were mobilized to fight.

The Kingdom of Belarus, because a small half is still in the hands of Bu Russia. In addition, their population was not large in the first place. After twenty years of development, there are only five million people now. In Marshal Manstein's plan, the Kingdom of Belarus would mobilize a total of 400,000 troops after the war broke out. At the beginning, 200,000 troops were dispatched to assist the German army, and if necessary, another 200,000 troops would be mobilized later.

The three Baltic countries, although they are three independent countries. However, their populations are not large. Adding up the three countries, there are only about six million people in total. These three countries, according to their respective populations, will mobilize a total of half a million troops. In the early days of the war, 200,000 troops were dispatched to assist the German army in combat, and later, if necessary, another 300,000 troops were mobilized.

In addition to these countries, the states that originally formed the Austro-Hungarian Empire were also closely related to the empire. In other words, it is controlled by the empire at all. After all, the reason why they were able to become independent was inseparable from the support of the empire at the beginning. After independence, they also became the protectorate of the empire.

Among these countries, the Kingdom of Hungary is undoubtedly the strongest. The Hungarian Kingdom in this time and space is not another small second-rate country whose territory is occupied by other countries. You know, among the many states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary alone accounts for more than one-third. The current Kingdom of Hungary, after 20 years of steady development, has a population of more than 30 million, and it is definitely a big country in Europe as a whole.

So, in Manstein's plan, the Kingdom of Hungary also needs to mobilize two million troops in this war. At the beginning of the war, one million troops were needed to assist the German Empire in fighting.

The Kingdom of Bohemia is a major country among the former Austro-Hungarian states second only to the Kingdom of Hungary. Not only industrial development, but also a large population. The present Kingdom of Bohemia has a population of 15 million. In the plan of Marshal Manstein, the Kingdom of Bohemia will mobilize 1.2 million troops to participate in the war. At the beginning of the war, 600,000 troops will be dispatched to assist the German army in combat.

The Kingdom of Dalmatia, the Kingdom of Croatia-Snovonia, and the Kingdom of Bosnia-Herzegovina are relatively weak and have a small population. The combined population of the three countries is only 12 million. Therefore, in Marshal Manstein's plan, these three countries will mobilize one million people to participate in future wars. At the beginning of the war, 500,000 people were dispatched to assist the German army.

In addition to these countries, there are also those countries controlled by Germany. The Republic of Finland became independent from Russia with the help of Germany. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was established on the basis of the Kingdom of Serbia. However, it was under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before. After the Austro-Hungarian Empire was destroyed by Germany, they did not usher in real independence, but were controlled by Germany. In addition, the Kingdom of England and Wales, the Republic of Ireland and the Republic of Scotland were established on the mainland of the British Empire. Although these three countries are independent countries. However, they were all established with the help of Germany, and Germany still has troops stationed in the British Isles. This makes these three countries consistent with Germany.

The population of the Republic of Finland is not large, only about three million. However, the Finnish army fought bravely and skillfully. In Marshal Manstein's plan, the Republic of Finland will mobilize 200,000 troops to join the war, and initially 100,000 troops will be dispatched to assist the German army.

The territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia is not as large as another time and space. The population is only 10 million. In Marshal Manstein's plan, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia will mobilize 800,000 people to fight. In the initial stage, 400,000 troops will be dispatched to assist the German army.

The Republic of Ireland is better developed than another time and space. Because there was no division into Northern Ireland and Ireland, and no war broke out. Therefore, the current Republic of Ireland has a population of eight million. In Marshal Manstein's plan, the Republic of Ireland would mobilize 600,000 troops. At the beginning of the war, 300,000 troops will be dispatched to assist the Germans in their operations.

The Republic of Scotland now has a population of five million. Therefore, in Marshal Manstein's plan, they will mobilize 400,000 troops to fight. In the early stage, 200,000 troops will be dispatched to assist the German army in combat.

The Kingdom of England and Wales, the most populous. There are now a full 40 million people. However, King Arthur, who now rules the Kingdom of England and Wales, is very satisfied with his current life. He does not want his throne to be taken back by his nephew after Germany is defeated. Therefore, under his leadership, the Kingdom of England and Wales sided with the German Empire. In Marshal Manstein's plan, the Kingdom of England and Wales can mobilize up to three million troops. In the early days of the war, 1.5 million troops were needed to assist the Germans. Of course, the army of the British Isles will not be used on the plains of Eastern Europe, but to defend against the United States and Britain. And, when it is necessary to launch an attack on the American continent in the future, they will land on the American continent with the German army. Presumably, this is what King Arthur hopes most. As long as the British Empire has survived, the legitimacy of his throne has been questioned. Only when the British Empire is destroyed can his throne be maintained forever.josei

"Marshal Manstein, in your plan, all the protectorates will mobilize a total of 13.6 million troops in future wars. This is almost twice the amount of the Imperial Army after full mobilization. Even It is the initial stage of the war, and these protectorates will dispatch a total of 6.8 million people, which is a huge army larger than the Imperial Army. Can the Imperial Army command such a large army?" Qin Tian saw the final summary After the numbers, I couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, although there are many troops dispatched by these protectorate countries, there are not many troops that can be used on the front line of the war. Most of them serve as auxiliary tasks in the rear. What's more, after the outbreak of the war, we are attacking Bu Russia. At that time, on the front line of the Atlantic Ocean, we still need to retain enough troops to deter the United States and Britain. With the help of these protectorate troops, our pressure will be greatly reduced." Marshal Manstein said.

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