Jagged Germany

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: Integrate Europe

Qin Tian glanced at Mussolini with great interest. He felt that this guy was really thick-skinned. However, for those who want to do great things, a thick skin is a must-have quality. If you don't even have a thick skin and can't let go of your figure, it is simply impossible to achieve great things.

Undoubtedly, the statements made by Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III on behalf of the Kingdom of Italy undoubtedly gave everyone a head start. At the same time, it also put a lot of pressure on other countries. After all, among these countries, Italy is one of the best in terms of population and national strength. Even they did not hesitate to express their willingness to join the German-led allies, so do other countries have anything to say?

"Very well, Your Majesty the King, Your Excellency the Prime Minister. I believe in the sincerity of the Kingdom of Italy. I also believe that you will not betray again this time. I assure you that as long as you can win future wars, the Kingdom of Italy will get what it deserves. In addition, the previous restrictions on the military power of the Kingdom of Italy will be officially abolished from now on!" Qin Tian said.

Although, Qin Tian knew that the combat effectiveness of the Italian army had never been strong, and they had always belonged to pig teammates. However, the matter of buying bones with thousands of dollars must still be done. Otherwise, how can other countries trust Germany? Germany is willing to readmit even the former betrayer of the Kingdom of Italy, let alone other countries.

Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III were delighted. After the end of the last world war, Italy had already recovered from the trauma of the war. The losses they suffered during the war have already been recovered. However, due to the original requirements of Germany, their military power has always been restricted. This also prevents the Kingdom of Italy from becoming a normal country. Now, Qin Tian personally promised to abolish the restrictions on the military power of the Kingdom of Italy, which undoubtedly broke the shackles for them!

"The Republic of Turkey is willing to join the Allies. We guarantee that if a war breaks out in the future, the army of the Republic of Turkey will unconditionally obey the command of the German Empire. We will do our best to assist the German Empire and win future wars!" President of the Republic of Turkey Kay Moore also expressed his opinion.

Although the Ottoman Turkish Empire no longer exists, the Turkish Republic has basically inherited the legacy of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. In Europe as a whole, Turkey's industrial country can be regarded as a powerful country. Of course, it is far from being able to compare with the Ottoman Turkish Empire that beat the **** out of the whole of Europe, and it is undoubtedly far behind. But even so, the Republic of Turkey cannot be underestimated.

Now, the Republic of Turkey has made a clear statement that it is willing to join the German-led Allied Powers, and at the same time is willing to obey the command of the German Empire unconditionally. Obviously, this is tantamount to completely treating himself as a subordinate of the German Empire, not an ally. This has also put a lot of pressure on other countries.

"Your Excellency, welcome to join the Allies!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, King Arthur of the Kingdom of England and Wales also stood up: "The Kingdom of England and Wales is willing to join the Allies and fully obey the command of the German Empire. As long as Germany makes a request, the Kingdom of England and Wales will do its best to meet Germany's requirements !"

King Arthur's statement shocked the leaders of other countries even more. After all, Germany attacked the British Isles and destroyed the British Empire. The British Empire, which once dominated the world, no longer exists. It stands to reason that the British should hate Germany. However, King Arthur regarded Germany as his loyal boss.

Qin Tian smiled, of course he understood what King Arthur was thinking. Although the current British Empire no longer exists, it is obviously much better to be the king of England and Wales than to be an ordinary prince of the British Empire. Prince Arthur also did not want Germany to lose in future wars, in which case he would not be able to keep the throne. Therefore, he can only do his best to help Germany win the war. And this is exactly what Qin Tian hopes to see. The reason why King Arthur was chosen to be the king of the Kingdom of England and Wales was from this perspective.

Qin Tian nodded: "Welcome to the Kingdom of England and Wales, join the Allies!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the Kingdom of Sweden is willing to join the Allies and obey the orders of the German Empire!" King Gustav V also said.

Although the Kingdom of Sweden is now in decline, they used to be a traditional power in Europe! Now, even the Kingdom of Sweden has taken the initiative to express its willingness to join the Allies and obey the orders of the German Empire. This undoubtedly means that the general trend has come. Other countries, in the face of such a general trend, have no room to resist at all. Otherwise, they will be easily crushed to pieces.josei

"Welcome the Kingdom of Sweden to join the Allies!" Qin Tian smiled.

Qin Tian knew that now that these countries have expressed their willingness to join the Allies one after another, it is no longer possible for anyone to object. No one can stop the reconstruction of the Allies. Moreover, other countries have no choice. They had no choice but to join the Allies. Otherwise, they would have no way to survive in Europe.

It was under such circumstances that other European countries also expressed their willingness to join the Allies and obey Germany's orders. Such a result made Qin Tian very satisfied. Originally, he thought that there might be some twists and turns in this meeting. But I didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Of course, this is undoubtedly of great benefit to Germany. At least, Germany no longer needs to use thunder to destroy some disobedient countries to deter other countries.

"Everyone is willing to join the Allies, which is very good, and I am very pleased. I believe that when we are all united, the whole world will tremble. Our strength will defeat any resistance. The world, will It’s still from Europe!” Qin Tian said with satisfaction.

Next, Qin Tian left the meeting room. The following meeting will be chaired by Prime Minister Wahit.

Since all countries have joined the Allies, the power of all countries needs to be integrated. At the same time, the resources of all countries must be integrated to serve future wars. Only in this way can the whole of Europe be twisted into one rope and the greatest strength can be unleashed.

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