Jagged Germany

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066: Facing the enemy

Germany convened many European countries to attend a meeting in Berlin to rebuild the Allies. Although, the specific alliance treaty is still kept strictly confidential. However, for several major countries, it is not a big deal to figure out all this.

Moscow, Kremlin, Joseph's office. Ye Ruofu, director of the State Security Bureau, is reporting the collected intelligence to him.

"Comrade Joseph, the Germans threatened other European countries to join the Allies at the Berlin Congress. Under the pressure of Germany, those countries have already expressed their views to join the Allies. This makes the entire European countries, except us, have already joined. The Allies are gone. The Germans are trying to integrate their power!" Yezhov said.

"That is to say, if we break out of war with the Germans next time, it means that we are fighting against the whole of Europe?" Joseph frowned tightly with his pipe in his mouth.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. However, there should be many countries that did not join the Allies in good faith. Therefore, once the war really starts, they should not make much effort." Ye Ruofu said.

Joseph nodded, but the Germans successfully rebuilt the Allies, which still made him feel tremendous pressure. There is no doubt that in the face of the huge allies, if war breaks out, then Bu Russia, which is also in Europe, will bear the brunt and become the target of attacks by Germany and the allies. Germany alone is too much for Bu Russia to bear. Not to mention that they are still integrating the power of the whole of Europe. In that case, it will undoubtedly be even more difficult to deal with.

"Is there anything else?" Joseph asked.

"The Germans also set up the General Staff of the Allied Powers, which stipulated for each member state how many troops they would need to mobilize once a war broke out. According to the information we have received, countries such as Ukraine, Italy, the Kingdom of England and Wales, and the Kingdom of Hungary, all It was required to mobilize at least 3 million troops to join the war after the outbreak of the war. If other member states are included, the entire Allied Powers must mobilize more than 20 million troops,” Yezhov continued.

Joseph's face suddenly changed, 20 million troops, this is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying number. You know, among the 20 million troops, the German army is not included. The combat effectiveness of the German army is even stronger. Once a war breaks out, Bu Russia will undoubtedly bear unimaginable pressure.

Other high-ranking Russian officials and generals in the office also changed their faces drastically. They all know very well that Bu Russia can mobilize up to fifteen million troops. That is in the case of extreme mobilization. If so many people are really mobilized to fight, social functions will be greatly affected. But even so, they may not be able to resist Germany and the other allies commanded by Germany!

"It seems that this time the Germans are preparing to eradicate other major countries that threaten them in one fell swoop. Otherwise, they would not have worked hard to form the Allies." Joseph said.

"Comrade Joseph, we must be highly vigilant about this. The Germans have now begun to integrate the armies of the entire Allied countries. Once they succeed, we will be under tremendous pressure!" People's Commissar of National Defense Voroshilov Said.

"Is there a way to destroy their alliance, such as provoking those countries that are not willing to join the alliance." Molotov suggested. After all, once Germany has integrated the power of the whole of Europe, it will not be something they can deal with at all.

"You can try it, but the possibility of success is not too great." Ye Ruofu said. Whether some of the members of the Allied Powers are willing or not is just his guess. He didn't want to really implement the plan to sow discord. If the plan fails to succeed, wouldn't he be responsible for it?

"I think everyone is too worried. The only thing we have to worry about is the Germans from the beginning to the end. As for the other countries, there is no need to worry too much. What is the combat effectiveness of their army? We are brave The Bu Russian army will surely defeat them easily

! said Joseph.

As the great purge has come to an end, many high-level party, government and military officials in Bu Russia have been purged, and replaced by people who are all loyal to Joseph. This also makes the whole of Bue almost become Joseph's monopoly. From the change of Volgograd's name to Josephgrad, it can be seen that he has been deified in Bue and has become the same person as Ulyanov.

"Comrade Joseph is right. Although the enemy is strong, we are not weak. Our heroic army, under the leadership of the party, will definitely defeat them!" said Marshal Yegorov, Chief of the Russian General Staff.

While the industrialization of Russia continues to develop, the modernization of the Russian army is also unfolding. Marshal Yegorov even led the construction of the armored forces of the Russian Army and so on. Compared with more than a decade ago, the current Russian Army has also undergone radical changes. Of course, they all know that the combat effectiveness of the Russian army may not be comparable to that of the German army. But they all believe that the gap is definitely not as big as imagined. What's more, the Russian army still has an absolute advantage in terms of strength. Even if Germany's population is increasing rapidly, it cannot be compared with Bu Russia. Therefore, the Russian army has much more soldiers than the German army.

"Well, that's it. As long as we can defeat the Germans, then other countries are nothing to worry about. We have also prepared for this war for such a long time. I believe that comrades will not let I'm disappointed!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Everyone replied loudly. Now these senior leaders of Bu Russia have regarded Joseph's decision as an imperial decree, and no one wants to disobey or dare to disobey. Otherwise, the NKVD will definitely come to trouble them. Once it is targeted by the NKVD, it will be dead. Now who doesn't know Buo, if you offend Comrade Joseph, then wait to be arrested by the NKVD and then kill him!

"Comrade Joseph, the Germans have rebuilt the Allies, which not only poses a threat to us, but also poses a threat to the United States. We may contact them and fight against the Germans together." People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin suggested .josei

Joseph thought for a while, then nodded: "Try to get in touch with them!"

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