Jagged Germany

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068: Armored Forces (ask for a monthly ticket)

The re-establishment of the Allies is undoubtedly of great benefit to Germany. Next, the General Staff of the Allied Powers led by Germany began to send military officers to various countries to urge them to establish efficient mobilization systems and train their troops. In order to ensure the smooth supply of wartime logistics, Germany asked all member states of the Allied Powers to start changing their equipment and adopt German equipment. In this way, after the outbreak of future wars, it will not be easy to have logistical supply chaos, which can greatly improve the efficiency of logistical supplies.

Of course, the refitting of the armies of various member states has also brought a large number of orders to German arsenals. Even though many weapons are authorized to be produced by arsenals in other countries, the arsenals in Germany are still making a lot of money. This makes them more supportive of the empire. The Krupp factories, Rheinmetall and Mauser factories even declared that once a war breaks out, if the government fails to pay for the purchase of weapons and equipment in time, they can credit the weapons and equipment to the military. These three arsenals plus Qin Tian's own German arsenal almost monopolized the entire German arms market.

Qin Tian asked the General Staff to basically integrate the armed forces of the member states of the Allied Powers within two years. At the same time, let the troops of each member state basically have combat effectiveness, instead of becoming a drag on the German army as soon as they enter the battlefield.

Qin Tian handed over the internal affairs of the Allied countries to the people below. And he took advantage of the time when the war had not yet broken out, and began to inspect the army, sea and air forces of the empire. In order to be able to have an exact understanding of the combat effectiveness of the various units of the German army before the war broke out.

Now, the German Army has a total of 12 armies, including the two armored armies of the 8th and 9th. The other 10 armies also built motorized infantry armies. It can be said that the maneuverability of the German Army has been greatly enhanced as a result. Once the war breaks out, the mobility of the subsequent troops may not be comparable to that of the 12 standing armies, but Germany will try its best to equip these troops with trucks, armored vehicles and motorcycles to improve the mobility of these troops.

Of course, the mobility of the armies of other European countries is generally low, and many troops can be regarded as real infantry.

On the outskirts of Warsaw, the training ground of the 8th Army of the German Army. Qin Tian and the senior generals of the army arrived here. The 8th Army was the first armored army formed by the Imperial Army and consisted of two armored divisions, three mechanized infantry divisions and six motorized infantry divisions. There is also a heavy armor brigade, a heavy artillery brigade and other units directly under the army. The entire group army has 200,000 people, 1,600 tanks, a large number of armored vehicles and artillery. The march of the entire group army is transported by trucks, and its mobility is very powerful.

The 9th Army, formed from part of the 8th Army, is also an armored army. These two group armies can be regarded as Qin Tian's direct troops. Therefore, the equipment is also the best among all the German armies. The 8th Army is currently based in Warsaw and the 9th Army is based in Ukraine. Once the war with Bu Russia breaks out, these two armies will become two powerful fists, slamming at Bu Russia. Qin Tian believed that with the strength of the German army, it was completely achievable to severely damage Bu Russia at the beginning of the war. In particular, the railways and highways in the west of Russia, with the help of Germany, are well-constructed, which is very conducive to the actions of the German armored forces.

On the training ground, a team of tanks is moving at high speed, practicing rapid assault operations. The track of the tank crushed the ground, making a "creak, creak" sound, which made people feel toothache. The entire training ground was filled with dust.

The infantry positions and fortifications built on the training ground were easily broken through under the pressure of the tank's tracks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The tank guns of the tank fired, and the shells hit the targets on the ground accurately.

After the drill, Qin Tian was very satisfied with the performance of the armored troops. It is already very good that the armored forces of this era can demonstrate such strength. You know, the armored forces of the German Army are far ahead of other countries. Not only are the tanks equipped much more advanced than those of other countries, but the quality of the armored forces and the application concept of the armored forces are also at the forefront of the world.josei

Qin Tian stepped down from the stands, entered the training ground, and chatted with the armored soldiers amiably, asking them what opinions they had on the tanks they were currently equipped with.

The tanks currently equipped by the German Army are mainly "Leopard" medium tanks. The current mass-produced tank is already the 'Leopard 5'. Compared with the previous models, a great improvement has been made, not only the reliability has been greatly enhanced, but also the performance of all aspects has been greatly improved. It can be said that this tank is definitely the most powerful tank in the world today. Only the heavy tanks that Germany itself is preparing to equip its troops can defeat this type of tank.

The 'Leopard 5' tank, also known as the 'Black Panther' tank. Compared with the "Black Panther" tank in another time and space, the performance of the "Black Panther" tank equipped by the German army in this time and space has been greatly improved. First of all, the power has been enhanced, using the latest Maybach 1,000-horsepower engine, and the suspension has also been replaced with a torsion bar suspension, which is much better than the Christie suspension in another time and space. In addition, Germany, which has the most extensive colony in the world, does not lack resources such as rubber. Therefore, there is no need to use staggered road wheels like in another time and space. Although the staggered road wheels can ensure the performance of the tank, it is a nightmare for the repair and maintenance of the tank. Instead, there are five pairs of large road wheels, which are simpler and more reliable. Secondly, the firepower has also been improved. The 52-caliber long-barrel cannon, combined with the new armor-piercing projectile, is enough to penetrate all the armor of other tanks of this era. Again, the armor of the tank has also been greatly improved. The frontal armor of the turret is 100mm armor with an inclined angle, and the frontal armor is 80mm armor with an inclined angle of 32 degrees. The armor on both sides and the rear is 45mm rear with a 48-degree slope. On the front of the turret, there is also a 100mm thick bulletproof shield. Compared with another time and space, the armor capability has undoubtedly been greatly improved.

In addition, the "Black Panther" tank no longer has a driver's window, but a periscope instead, which greatly improves its defense capability.

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