Jagged Germany

Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071: 'Lord-class' aircraft carrier

Deutschland Shipyard, a huge battleship like a hill, is slowly sliding towards the dock. This is the aircraft carrier that has completed the main body construction and will start outfitting next.

Compared with the 12 "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers that have completed construction, this aircraft carrier looks bigger and bigger. There is an aircraft carrier, which is the first aircraft carrier of the follow-up model of the "Constellation-class" aircraft carrier.

A bottle of champagne hit the bow of the aircraft carrier. The bottle shattered and the liquor spilled out. The strong fragrance also wafted out. The cheers of German naval officers and shipyard workers sounded all around.

Next, Emperor Qin Tian delivered a passionate speech. With the international situation becoming more and more complicated and war seems to be about to break out soon, the launch of another type of new aircraft carrier of the German Navy will undoubtedly greatly encourage the morale of the Imperial Navy. After all, the new aircraft carrier of the Imperial Navy looks more powerful than the previous aircraft carrier.

"How long will it take for this aircraft carrier to be ready for service?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, it is expected to be able to serve by the middle of next year. The carrier-based aircraft unit of the aircraft carrier has already completed the training and is waiting to get on board. If this is the case, it is expected to be able to form combat effectiveness by the end of next year." Navy. Minister Marshal Raeder said.

Qin Tian nodded, this speed is still very fast. The German Navy now has 20 aircraft carriers, of which 12 "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers are the main force. The performance of the four "Deutschland-class" aircraft carriers and the four "Wilhelm the Great-class" aircraft carriers is slightly worse. However, the performance of these aircraft carriers of the German Navy can still be regarded as the most advanced aircraft carrier in the world.

"When will this class of aircraft carrier and the other ships in the first batch be able to serve?" Qin Tian asked.

In view of the fact that the pace of war is getting closer, Qin Tian requires that the navy's aircraft carrier construction also need to speed up. In this way, it will undoubtedly make the German navy more powerful after the outbreak of the war.

"Your Majesty, the other three ships will be able to enter service next year at the latest. However, if they want to become fully combat-ready, I'm afraid they will have to wait until the year after next. From the end of next year, the construction of the second batch of four aircraft carriers will also start. .Strive for the four aircraft carriers to be able to serve before the outbreak of the war, at the latest at the beginning of the outbreak of the war." Marshal Raeder said.

This class of aircraft carrier is officially named the "Main God Class" aircraft carrier, named after the twelve main gods in myths and legends. The first ship 'Zeus', the other three ships of the first batch were named 'Hera', 'Demeter' and 'Hestia' respectively. The second batch of four ships were named 'Poseidon', 'Athena', 'Apollo' and 'Aphrodite'. The last batch of four ships were named 'Ares', 'Hephaestus', 'Hermes' and 'Dionysus'.

The 'Lord God-class' aircraft carrier has a full load displacement of 40,000 tons and a maximum speed of 30 knots. It can carry 108 combat aircraft and 12 spare aircraft. At the same time, there is an 11-degree inclined deck next to the main deck of the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, which is specially used to recover aircraft. This shot has already been adopted on the four aircraft carriers of the last batch of the upper-level "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers. Now, the technology is more mature. In this way, fighter planes can take off and land through different decks, which can greatly improve the efficiency of carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing, thereby further enhancing the combat strength of the aircraft carrier.josei

At the same time, the defensive power of the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier has also been greatly improved. Not only the newly armored flight deck is adopted, but the watertight compartment is also more reasonable. Lightning protection and anti-sinking also adopt the most advanced design. Coupled with the perfect air defense firepower network, the defense of the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier has been greatly improved, and the possibility of being sunk by the enemy is also lower.

Of course, this means that the possibility of being sunk by the enemy's carrier-based aircraft is reduced. However, if you encounter the enemy's capital ship. Then, the defense of the aircraft carrier is still vulnerable to the main guns of the enemy's capital ship.

Qin Tian is still very satisfied with the performance of the 'Lord God-class' aircraft carrier, which has improved a lot compared to the 'Constellation-class' aircraft carrier. Compared with the "Essex-class" aircraft carrier that the US Navy is building, it is also more powerful. The U.S. Navy's "Essex-class" aircraft carrier is even worse than the early models of the German Navy's "Constellation-class" aircraft carrier, let alone the more powerful "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier. It can be said that the strengths of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Of course, as the U.S. Navy builds and serves more and more aircraft carriers, it will also pose a considerable threat to the German Navy. This forced the German Navy to speed up the construction of aircraft carriers. Fortunately, Germany is much stronger than the current United States in terms of shipbuilding strength and finances. Therefore, even in the competition for arms development, Germany is not afraid of the United States at all. Even, he was able to hold down the opponent steadily.

"The first batch of four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers will probably be able to serve before the outbreak of the war. The second batch will be hard to say. However, when the next war breaks out, our primary target is Russia. As long as the Americans don't declare war on us first, the navy is basically useless. Only when there is a war with the United States, Britain and island countries, the aircraft carrier will come in handy." Qin Tian said.

After discussing with the military and political ministers of the empire, Qin Tian has decided to make Bu Russia the first attack target of the empire in the next war. After defeating Bu Russia, the empire can calmly deal with other countries such as the United States.

Marshal Raeder nodded: "Your Majesty, when the Imperial Army and Air Force are fully fighting Bu Russia, the Imperial Navy will ensure the safety of the Empire."

Qin Tian still believes in the strength of the navy. With a strong navy, Germany can take advantage of both the Atlantic and the Pacific. In this way, Germany's interests in the Atlantic and Pacific can be guaranteed.

As long as there are vast colonies in hand, Germany is not afraid to fight and consume those enemies. Even if the industrial strength and resource consumption are used directly, those enemies can be exhausted. win the final victory.

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