Jagged Germany

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076: fugitive

In the eastern part of the Kingdom of Ukraine, there is a small town called Dovransik. Although it is located on the border between the Kingdom of Ukraine and Russia, it is very prosperous. When Russia ruled Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainians were very poor. Many people didn't even have enough to eat, and famines often occurred. You know, Ukraine is an important granary for Russia. They provide a large amount of food to the Russian government every year, but in the end they can't even eat enough for themselves. If there is a natural disaster, people will starve to death.josei

It can be said that Ukrainians have always been very dissatisfied with the oppression of Russians. As the second largest ethnic group in Russia, Ukrainians not only do not enjoy much power, but are still in a state of oppression.

However, since the establishment of the Kingdom of Ukraine and Kaiser Wilhelm III serving as the king of Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainians have undergone earth-shaking changes. Although Germany also needs Ukrainian food and other resources, they do not plunder directly, but buy them at market prices. This allows Ukrainians to earn a lot of money by growing food. In addition, the taxes in Germany are not high, which makes the life of Ukrainians better and better.

Ukrainians are very satisfied with their current life. They are even more grateful to Kaiser Wilhelm III. If a war breaks out between Germany and Russia, almost all Ukrainians will stand on Germany's side and help Germany defeat Russia. Because they knew that if Germany was defeated, they would go back to being enslaved by the Russians. They never want to live like that again.

The territory of the Kingdom of Ukraine is not entirely Ukrainian. In the eastern part of the Kingdom of Ukraine, there are also many Russians. It's just that these Russians are also enjoying a wealthy life now, which makes them don't want to go back to Bu Russia at all. Although Bu Russia claims that the people are the masters of the country, in fact, power is still in the hands of those top bureaucrats. Ordinary Russian people's life is still very bad. Especially in the years when Germany and Bu Russia cooperated, in order to obtain more machinery and equipment from Germany, Bu Russia exported a large amount of agricultural products to Germany in exchange for those machines and equipment. And those agricultural products are almost all snatched by Buer from the mouths of ordinary Buer people. Many people were even shot for hiding food.

It is precisely because of this situation that many Russians who have relatives in Ukraine have quietly crossed the border and fled to Ukraine. Although Bu Russia has very strict control over the border, once the fleeing people are caught, they are often dealt with seriously. This still yields to prevent those people from fleeing to Ukraine.

In 1939, a severe drought occurred in the territory of Bu Russia, and a large area of ​​grain failed. Although Ukraine also experienced drought, the situation is not serious. Coupled with Germany's timely adjustment of taxes, the lives of Ukrainians have not been greatly affected. However, the territory of Bu Russia is different. In response to an increasingly responsible international situation and a war that is very likely to break out, Bu Russia is also preparing for war. And food reserves are undoubtedly a very important item of war supplies. Therefore, the Russian government not only did not reduce taxes due to natural disasters, but intensified them even more. This makes life more difficult for many Russians, and there are even more people who are determined to take the risk and flee to Ukraine.

Of course, the Russian government has long expected such a situation. Joseph ordered the Russian army to strengthen the management of border defense to prevent those terrorists from fleeing to Ukraine. Anyone who tries to escape to Ukraine or the Kingdom of Belarus will be shot to death once caught.

Joseph hopes that such severe punishment can deter those who try to escape. After all, population is also very important in the comprehensive strength of a country. Especially in the war years, soldiers need to be recruited from the population, and the weapons and equipment needed for war, as well as food, also need to rely on these talents.

Joseph absolutely did not expect that it was precisely because of his order that a large-scale conflict broke out between Bu Russia and the Kingdom of Ukraine, and thus detonated the war between Germany and the entire Allied Powers and Bu Russia. World War broke out because of this.

At 4 am on June 14, 1939, Dovzhansik, Eastern Ukraine. The border on the Russian side. In a ditch, dozens of yellow and emaciated Russians hid in it. Among them, there are not only men, but also women and consumption. They were people from nearby villages, and because they couldn't survive, they decided to flee to Ukraine. Although Bu Russia has stricter control over the border, they still decided to give it a try. After all, if you continue to stay in the village, you will be starved to death.

Half a month ago, all their grain had been collected by the tax collector. This made them even have to live on wild vegetables, bark and grass roots during this half month. Now, they really can't go on, so they want to take a risk.

"There's still half an hour left before it's time to change the guard. Please be patient. Be careful, you must not make any noise. If those soldiers find out, we will die!" said a middle-aged man , his name is Yakov, and he is the organizer of these fugitives who fled to Ukraine this time.

The other fugitives nodded. In their eyes, they are full of firmness.

Although they all know that this road is very dangerous, if they are not careful, they may lose their lives. However, in order to be able to survive, they no longer cared so much. Rather than being starved to death, it is better to take the risk and try, maybe there will be a glimmer of life.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour soon arrived.

Under the leadership of Yakov, these fugitives crawled out of the ditch, bowed their waists, and groped towards the border.

At this time, the sky is not yet bright. However, a hint of whiteness has appeared on the horizon. If it goes on like this, it will be dawn soon. Fortunately, they are not far from the border, as long as they cross the border, they can survive.

However, Yakov did not know that the changing time of the border guards of the Russian Army is not fixed. Especially in order to guard against fugitives, the shifting time is changed every three or two days. In fact, half an hour ago, the border guards had already completed their changing of the guard. Therefore, Yakov and the others rushed over and ran into the hands of the border guards of the Bu-Russian Army.

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