Jagged Germany

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121: crisis

Retreating steadily has become the best synonym for the Russian army in this war.

As time goes by, the German army has won victories on various battlefields. Especially the armored forces of the German army performed amazingly in this battle.

The powerful armor force can not only tear apart the Russian army's defense line, but also quickly intersect it, dividing the Russian army into encirclement circles one by one, so that the infantry who catch up with the German army can easily destroy the Russian army in the encirclement circle.

Although, from the beginning of the battle to the present, it is only a week. The four front armies deployed by the Russian army on the western defense line have already suffered heavy losses. The Southern Front was wiped out, and the other three Fronts were not much better.

The Russian Southwest Front Army was severely damaged by the German C Army Group and is holding on to Kursk and Voronezh. However, the Russian Southwest Front is severely understrength. Faced with the attack of millions of German troops and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian troops, it is impossible for them to hold on to Kursk and Voronezh. Further retreat has become a It's a foregone conclusion.

The Western Front of the Russian Army suffered heavy losses under the onslaught of the German Army Group B. The 3rd Army was completely wiped out, and the 3rd Tank Army was completely wiped out. Street fighting in the city dragged down the German army. But in the same way, the five armies of the German army have millions of troops, and the troops of Poland and Belarus are also added at the same time. The Russian army is completely at a disadvantage.

The Northwest Front Army of the Russian Army, under the onslaught of the German army, has given up all the territory except Ulyanovgrad. The remaining troops, except the 27th Army, are all huddled in Ulyanovgrad Stretched.

It can be said that the German army has achieved a major victory in the week-long war. Millions of Russian troops were annihilated or captured, and nearly a million Russian troops fell into the siege of the German army. As long as these Russian troops are eliminated, the German army can be regarded as an initial victory in this battle.

Although, the Russian army is still mobilizing frantically. More and more Russians are taking up arms and ready to go to the battlefield at any time. However, as the main force of the Russian army was wiped out, it would undoubtedly be very difficult for these subsequent troops to resist the German attack.

Moscow, the Kremlin, Joseph's face was livid. Now he looks very tired. Over the past few days, the battle situation has taken a turn for the worse, making him unable to sleep at night, which naturally makes his body a little overwhelmed.

A group of commanders of the Russian army stood in front of Joseph, not daring to show their air. The current situation is so unfavorable to the Russian army. Although, they didn't expect how the war would turn out like this. However, the facts are like this, and there is no room for them to argue.

"Comrades! During the onslaught of the Germans, we suffered extremely heavy losses. The entire western defense line was on the verge of collapse. I never thought that our defeat would come so soon!" Joseph looked distressed.josei

The military generals of the Russian army bowed their heads in silence, and they didn't know what to say. In other words, they are also aggrieved. Although, they have known the strength of the Germans for a long time. However, after these years of development, they also believe that the combat effectiveness of the Russian army cannot be underestimated.

But after they really fought against the German army, they realized how wrong they were. The performance of the German army on the battlefield made them fully see how big the gap was. If they had known this before, these generals would have tried their best to dissuade Joseph from going to war with Germany. However, it is too late to say these now. The war has already begun, and judging by the posture of the Germans, it is clear that they will not stop until Bu Russia is destroyed. This made them have no way out, and could only bite the bullet and fight on.

"Comrade Joseph, the Germans are too strong. They invested far more troops than us. In addition, in terms of tactics, they also exceeded our expectations. This led to our disastrous defeat. However, I believe that we will continue to In the coming war, we will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory and defeat the Germans!" Marshal Voroshilov said.

Joseph nodded. The matter has come to this point, and it is useless to scold these generals. At least, these generals are still loyal to him. Although he lacked a little ability, his loyalty still satisfied Joseph.

"I am very satisfied that you can have such confidence. So, what should we do next?" Joseph asked.

"Comrade Joseph, the Southern Front has been wiped out. It is foreseeable that the Germans and Ukrainians are about to invade our territory again. And their goal, we judge, will be Josephgrad. For the current plan, we must It is necessary to rebuild the male front as soon as possible, resist the attacks of the Germans and Ukrainians, and defend Josephgrad. Otherwise, the entire southern front will be corrupted!" Marshal Shaposhnikov said.

Joseph nodded, agreeing with this point of view. Josephgrad, but the city named after him. If even Josephgrad is lost, does he still have face? No matter what, we must try our best to avoid such a situation from happening. Joseph has already made up his mind that he must find a way to strengthen the strength of the southern front as much as possible so that they can resist the German attack.

"Comrade Joseph, with the mobilization of a large number of troops completed, we plan to rebuild the Southern Front, which will have the 24th, 37th, 54th, and 57th Army Groups under its jurisdiction. In addition, rebuild the 9th, 12th, and 18th Army Groups that were wiped out by the Germans. In this case, the Southern Front will have seven armies with millions of troops," Marshal Shaposhnikov said.

Joseph is quite satisfied with this. Although, many troops are new troops that have just been formed. But being able to deploy millions of troops in the direction of Josephgrad made him very satisfied. He believes that there is no problem with millions of Russian troops resisting the attack of the German Army Group D. After all, among the German Army Group D, the German Army has only three Army Groups, and the rest are Ukrainians. Joseph believes that even if the Russian army is not an opponent of the German army, the Ukrainian army is far from being able to compare with them. so. It may be very difficult for the rebuilt Russian Southern Front to defeat the German Army Group D, but it is not a big problem to hold Josephgrad.

"Comrades, the Southern Front, I don't think there is a problem with defending Josephgrad. However, the real crisis is not there, but on our frontal battlefield! Once the Germans take Smolensk, the distance Moscow is not far away!" Joseph said.

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