Jagged Germany

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135: Tragic (ask for a monthly ticket)

On the outskirts of Smolensk, the German army and its allies began to attack the city. Under the previous violent shelling and air strikes by the Allied forces, Smolensk at this moment has become dilapidated, like a huge ruin.

However, the Russian army in the city also has a tenacious fighting will. After receiving the order to defend their positions, even in the face of a strong enemy, they did not retreat at all. kill.

I have to admit that the Russian army is very brave. But unfortunately, wars are often not won by courage.

The German 3rd Army is undoubtedly the main force to attack Smolensk this time. The other two Polish Army Groups and the Belarusian Army Group, although comparable in strength to the German 3rd Army, have a huge gap in combat power.

Under the command of Admiral Fedor von Bock, the German 3rd Army invested four infantry divisions in this offensive. These four infantry divisions easily broke through the Russian defense line outside the city and entered the urban area of ​​Smolensk.

The German army undoubtedly has rich experience in street fighting. In the daily training, there is also special training on street fighting, so that after the soldiers invade the urban area, they know how to give full play to their advantages in street fighting, and at the same time preserve themselves to the greatest extent possible.

After entering the urban area, the German troops quickly dispersed into several small troops. These small troops began to sweep the Russian army in the urban area of ​​Smolensk in the form of companies and platoons.

In urban street fighting, launching an attack in a narrow street is not suitable for dispatching a large force. In that case, it will become the target of the enemy's intensive firepower. On the contrary, small groups of troops can move more conveniently and flexibly.

"Machine gunners are ready to suppress the enemy! Snipers are ready. Mortars and grenades will start shooting rapidly in two minutes!" A second lieutenant platoon leader of the German 33rd Infantry Division gave an order.

There are dozens of them in this platoon, and their task is to clear this street. But they had to get rid of the barricades deployed by the Russian army on the streets first, so that they could break into the streets and gradually wipe out the Russian troops hiding in the streets.

After the order from the second lieutenant platoon leader, a mortar and three grenadiers were ready.

Subsequently, heavy shelling began.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Intensive explosions sounded on the street, and shells roared and hit the Russian army's position. The entire position was soon enveloped in gunpowder smoke.

The shells that fell from the sky caused a lot of losses to the Russian army on the barricade. Some Russian soldiers were directly torn to pieces in the explosion.

"Machine gun fire, suppress the Germans!" A Russian officer ordered.

"Da da da!"

The two heavy machine guns on the Russian army's position began to fire, and dense bullets enveloped the German army.

The two gunners who were about to retreat were hit by machine gun bullets and fell to the ground on the spot.


A clear gunshot sounded, and I saw a machine gunner of the Russian army, whose head was like a watermelon, and it burst open at once, red and white, scattered everywhere.

The deputy shooter of the Russian army was stunned for a moment, then quickly replaced the killed machine gunner and continued to shoot.

However, in the next second, a bullet hole the size of a fist appeared in his chest.

"Snipers, German snipers!" The Russian officer shouted.

The other Russian soldiers were frightened, and they didn't dare to manipulate the machine gun anymore.

Another machine gunner with a machine gun was also killed by a German sniper. The German snipers are condescending and can directly attack the more threatening targets in the Russian army.

"Quick, keep shooting!" The officer of the Russian army shouted. However, no one heeded his order at all. Although those Russian soldiers were brave, they didn't want to be shot in the head by the German machine gunner.

At the same time, one general-purpose machine gun and three squad machine guns of the German army began to fire, and the dense bullets flew over the heads of the Russian officers and soldiers, which made the Russian soldiers even more desperate. In the trenches, I dare not show my head.


The second lieutenant officer of the German army immediately gave the order to attack. Dozens of German soldiers attacked the Russian barricades under the cover of their own machine guns and snipers.

"Grenade, throw!"

A sergeant squad leader ordered.

Several grenades were thrown into the barricade of the Russian army, and the explosion sounded, and the Russian army inside suffered heavy casualties.

The German soldiers also took this opportunity to break into the barricade and wipe out all the remaining Russian troops inside.josei

After the battle, the wounded were sent to the rear. After a short rest, the German troops in this platoon began to clear the Russian troops hiding in the buildings on both sides of the street.

Although, in the previous shelling and bombing by the German army, the buildings on both sides of the street were almost destroyed. But there are still some Russian troops hiding in it, which will pose some threats to the German army. Only by eliminating these Russian troops can we launch an attack on the next target without any worries.

German soldiers, a few people formed a combat group and began to wipe out those Russian troops. When they encountered a house that hadn't collapsed, they lined up in battle formation, first threw the grenade into it, waited until the grenade exploded, and then rushed in to attack the threatening target.

From time to time, there were fierce gunshots. This was the exchange of fire between the German army and the Russian army hiding inside.

The resistance of the Russian army is very tenacious. Even in the face of the attack of the German army with absolute superiority, they will fight to the end. This also caused a lot of casualties to the German army.

Several German soldiers rushed into a house and found a seriously injured Russian soldier inside. They didn't shoot at the first time, because the Russian soldier seemed to be no longer able to pose a threat to them.

However, a smile appeared on the face of the Russian soldier in the next second. Because in his hand, he was holding a smoking grenade.


The Russian soldier cursed, and then rushed out of the house.


The explosion sounded, and the Russian soldier was killed. Likewise, several German soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

After the German army invaded Smolensk, the battle became very fierce. The Russian officers and soldiers fought to the death, which made the German army have to compete with them for every house, every ruin, and every street. In many places, they even had to fight repeatedly. After the German army occupied this position, the Russian army would organize a large number of troops to take it back. Subsequently, the German army once again occupied here. In such an opposition struggle, the casualties of the troops are naturally impossible to be small.

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