Jagged Germany

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141: Russian Liberation Army

The Russian army in Smolensk stopped resisting, which made the German army and its allies who were preparing to attack look at each other, not knowing what happened. But when the Russian envoys arrived in the German-controlled area, they knew that these Russian troops were about to surrender.

General Fedor von Bock, commander of the German 3rd Army, ordered the German 3rd Army, the Polish 1st Army and 2nd Army, and the Belarusian 1st Army to stop attacking. At the same time, report this situation to Admiral Guderian.

Admiral Guderian was also taken aback when he learned that the Russians were going to surrender. In their previous cognition, the officers and soldiers of the Russian army were almost brainwashed. How could they surrender to the enemy without fear of death in battle?

However, this is undoubtedly a good thing for the German army. If the Russians surrendered, they would be able to occupy Smolensk immediately. At the same time, German casualties can also be reduced to a minimum.

At the same time, this seems to prove that the fighting will of the Russian army is not unshakable. After getting into trouble, they will also surrender. In this case, it may be easier in the next war.

German General Staff, Marshal Manstein, Chief of the German General Staff, immediately went to the imperial palace after receiving the telegram from Admiral Guderian, and reported the situation to Emperor Qin Tian.

"Your Majesty, the troops of Admiral Guderian have already defeated the Russian army in Smolensk. Now, General Timoshenko, the commander of the Russian Army's Western Front, has formally asked us to surrender!" Manstein Marshal Yin said.

"Brother Timoshen asked to surrender?" Qin Tian was taken aback, but he did not expect such a thing to happen. After all, generally speaking, the generals of Bu Russia rarely surrendered. Even if they are surrounded on the battlefield, they will often fight to the end.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, do you think we should accept General Timoshenko's surrender?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, I think we can accept it. There are still hundreds of thousands of Russian troops in Smolensk. If they don't surrender, it will take us several days to occupy there. And, personnel The casualties will be very high. If General Timoshenko surrenders, these problems will be solved." Marshal Manstein said.

Qin Tian nodded. From these two perspectives, accepting General Timoshenko's surrender is undoubtedly very beneficial.

"In addition, Your Majesty, Timoshenko's surrender will also be a great shock to other Russian officers and soldiers. I believe that in the next war, in the desperate situation, there will be many Russian officers and soldiers Choose to surrender. In this case, the war will be relatively much easier." Marshal Manstein continued.

"Well, tell General Guderian that we accept General Timoshenko's surrender!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. After the surrender of the Western Front of the Russian Army, the first phase of the combat mission of Army Group B has been completed. Next, they will turn to defense and winter preparations. Wait until next spring to launch The next phase of operations," Marshal Manstein said.

Next spring, the German Army Group B and Army Group C will besiege Moscow. That would be a massive battle. If they can win, then the battle against Bu Russia will almost be a victory.

Timoshenko will choose to surrender, which is somewhat beyond Qin Tian's expectations. Another person appeared in his mind, namely Vlasov. Vlasov is another senior Russian general in time and space. After being captured by the German army, he surrendered to Germany and came forward to form the Russian Liberation Army to cooperate with the German army.

Now, General Timoshenko has chosen to surrender, which seems to be exploitable. After all, General Timoshenko's influence was much greater than that of Vlasov. If Germany can form the Russian Liberation Army, and Timoshenko will serve as the commander of the Russian Liberation Army in the future, it will undoubtedly attract more Russian generals, officers and soldiers to join it.

Qin Tian believes that the officers and soldiers of the Russian Liberation Army will be more ruthless than the German army when dealing with the Russians. At that time, they will become an important boost for the German army to attack Bu Russia. Even when the German army attacks other countries in the future, the Russian Liberation Army can also come in handy.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, I have a plan. If it can be successfully implemented, it will play a certain role in our next attack on Bu Russia!" Qin Tian said.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"Among the captured Russian officers and soldiers, we will select those who are willing to serve us, form the Russian Liberation Army, and let them cooperate with us in attacking Bu Russia. The commander of the Russian Liberation Army can be chosen by General Timoshenko." Qin Qin God said.

"Russian Liberation Army? Let the Russians fight the Russians themselves? This is a very good plan!" Marshal Manstein nodded again and again.

"In this case, let Guderian talk to Timoshenko! If he can accept it, then we will accept their surrender!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Manstein nodded.

When Admiral Guderian conveyed Germany's request to Timoshenko, Timoshenko hardly hesitated, and immediately agreed to Germany's request.

Even, this result was many times better than what he expected.

Originally, Timoshenko was worried that after surrendering to Germany, he would be imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp for a lifetime. Unexpectedly, Germany gave him such a good opportunity now. Although, the Russian Liberation Army will become a force controlled by the Germans. However, as the commander, he can also be regarded as a high position and weight. If you can perform well in the war, you may be able to gain more benefits in the future.josei

What's more, their family members are already dead after surrendering this time. If you want to take revenge on Joseph, it is impossible without an army in hand. Now, Germany undoubtedly gave them a chance to seek revenge on Joseph, and of course Timoshenko would seize this opportunity.

On the morning of October 2, 1919, General Timoshenko, the commander of the Western Front of the Russian Army, led more than 100,000 remnants of troops stationed in Smolensk, and surrendered to Germany. Smolensk was also completely under the control of the German army. This means that the gate of Moscow has been opened, and the German army can reach the city of Moscow as long as it attacks a few hundred kilometers eastward.

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