Jagged Germany

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143: Fight to the death (seeking monthly ticket)

Bu Russia, Ulyanovgrad, the German army and its allies are still attacking here. The remnants of the Northwest Front of the Russian Army have shrunk to Ulyanovgrad, fighting street battles with the Germans in the city.

The Northwest Front of the Russian Army originally had the 8th, 11th, and 27th Army groups under its jurisdiction. In the previous stage of the battle, the three armies suffered considerable losses. In particular, the 27th Army, the original commander of the Northwest Front, Admiral Kuznetsov, placed this army on the outskirts of Ulyanovgrad in order to pose a threat to the flanks of the German Army Group A, preventing them from attacking with all their might Ulyanovgrad.

But General Bromberg, commander of the German Army Group A, did not give them this opportunity. Army Group A dispatched the 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division, 2nd Armored Division, 11th Mechanized Infantry Division and 12th Mechanized Infantry Division to launch a fierce attack on the Russian 27th Army.

Although the Russian 27th Army has the 84th, 182nd, 188th, 254th, and 384th Infantry Divisions, the 46th Infantry Brigade, the 62nd and 84th Marine Corps Brigades, and the 85th and 483rd Battalions of Independent Tanks . In terms of strength, it is not much less than the two armored divisions and four mechanized infantry divisions dispatched by the German army. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is completely incomparable with these German troops.

After a fierce battle, the Russian 27th Army lost more than half. Admiral Kuznetsov had to order the 27th Army to withdraw to Ulyanovgrad. Now, the entire remaining troops of the Northwest Front of the Russian Army have retreated to Ulyanovgrad, surrounded by the German Army Group A and its allies.

In addition to the German 1st Army, 4th Army, and 10th Army, the German Army Group A also included the 1st Baltic Army and the five infantry divisions of the Finnish Army, with a total strength of more than 900,000 people. This is already about three times the strength of the Russian army guarding Ulyanovgrad. The whole of Ulyanovgrad has been surrounded by German troops. If the Russian army wanted to break through, it would be impossible.

When the German Army Group B launched a siege to Smolensk, the German Army Group A also invaded Ulyanovgrad, and launched a fierce street battle with the Russian army in the city.

However, Ulyanovgrad was originally named St. Petersburg. As the capital before the fall of the Russian Empire, the city here is much larger than Smolensk. At the same time, there are still many Russian people in the city, who have not had time to evacuate. These people, together with the Russian army, stubbornly resisted the attack of the German army and its allies.

Although, before entering Ulyanovgrad, the German army used heavy artillery and aircraft to launch violent shelling and bombing on Ulyanovgrad, destroying most of the urban area. This caused great casualties to the Russian army stationed here and the Russian people in the city. However, after entering Ulyanovgrad, the German army found that the resistance of the Russian army inside was still very tenacious. Among the ruins, they resisted the attack of the German army and its allies.josei

In order to reduce casualties, the German army put all five infantry divisions of the 1st Baltic Army and the Finnish Army into the attack on Ulyanovgrad. Although, the resistance of the Russian army caused them a lot of casualties. However, the casualties of the Russian army are also rising. At the same time, the lack of food and weapons and ammunition further weakened the combat effectiveness of the Russian army in the city.

If this continues, the Russian Northwest Front Army will be eliminated in a short time.

The headquarters of the Northwest Front of the Russian Army is located in the basement of the Ulyanovgrad City Hall.

On the afternoon of October 2, Admiral Kuznetsov convened a meeting of officers above the military division level. There was only one content of the meeting, and that was the telegram from Moscow.

The surrender of the Western Front of the Russian Army caused a great shock to the Russian Army. Joseph didn't want the same thing to happen to the Northwest Front. Therefore, he asked Admiral Kuznetsov and the officers and soldiers of the entire Northwest Front Army in the telegram to stick to it until the end.

"Comrade Commander, everyone is here, let's start the meeting!" Lieutenant General Jibrowa, political commissar of the Northwest Front, said.

Admiral Kuznetsov nodded. He glanced at the generals and officers present at the meeting, and then said: "Comrades, just this morning, Timoshenko and those from the Western Front shamefully apologized to the Germans. Surrendered. Not only that, they also accepted the solicitation of the Germans and formed the Russian Liberation Army against the country and the people, intending to fight against our country! Comrade Joseph was very angry and ordered Timoshenko and others All of his family members were executed. I hope that everyone in our Northwest Front Army is loyal to the party and the country, can stick to our ideals and beliefs in difficult times, and can fight the Germans to the end! Otherwise, the West The fate of those people in the front army is a lesson for us!"

The Russian generals and officers present here were all terrified. Joseph actually ordered the execution of Timoshenko and the family members of other generals in cold blood, which was undoubtedly a shock to them.

You must know that when the situation of David is unfavorable, it is not that no one has thought of surrendering. But now, when they thought that if they surrendered, their family members would be implicated, they had no choice but to put out that thought. After all, not everyone can really abandon their family members. Only a truly ruthless person can do such a thing.

"Comrades, I do not deny that the German offensive is very fierce. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. However, it has entered October, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Soon, the cold winter will come. To At that time, the Germans will definitely not be able to stand such severe cold. Their offensive will also stop. Moscow is already actively mobilizing troops and forming new troops. As long as we can survive this winter, reinforcements will come It is coming. So, as long as we persevere, we will definitely win." Admiral Kuznetsov continued.

"Yes, Comrade Commander!" All the generals and officers replied.

"Comrades, Timoshenko, Korobkov, Golubev, etc., are conspirators hidden in our army. Now they have finally been exposed. They are trying to overthrow the great Comrade Joseph. The leader's conspiracy is absolutely impossible to come true. We must unite and obey the orders of Comrade Joseph. I believe that we will be able to defeat those guys!" educated.

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