Jagged Germany

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151: The crisis in Russia

The German Foreign Minister notified the German government's reply to the island country's ambassador to Germany the next day.

The two colonies of Nanyang and Australia are important colonies of Germany, and it is impossible to transfer them to the island country, which makes the people of the island country die. It is not impossible for the island countries to join the Allies. However, the prerequisite is that the island country must send troops to land in the Far East of Bu Russia and launch an attack westward. The territory laid down can be attributed to the island country.

The ambassador of the island country did not make a reply, but reported the German's reply to the country as soon as possible. Such a major event was originally beyond the reach of a small ambassador abroad.

At the same time, the German Foreign Ministry and the security department began to cooperate to secretly disclose the news that the island country intends to join the Allies and attack Bu Russia, so that spies in the United States and Bu Russia were informed of the news.

Tokyo, the capital of the island country, the Prime Minister's Office.

Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe convened other cabinet ministers to discuss the German side's answer.

"My lords, the Germans' reply was very insincere. They were willing to admit us to join the Allies, but they asked us to attack Bu Russia. As for the colonies in Southeast Asia and Australia, they even refused to transfer them to us. So now, the empire should How to choose?" Konoe Fumimaro asked.

"Your Excellency, the Germans are probably delaying time, or perfunctory us. It is foreseeable that once Germany defeats Bu Russia, the Germans will not pay attention to us at all. Even if the Empire and the United States join forces, it may be difficult to defeat us. Germany!" Foreign Minister Kazushige Ugaki said.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, the Germans obviously have great confidence in this war. This is probably not a good thing for the empire." Said the Prime Minister Ikeda Chengbin.

The important ministers of several island countries all looked a little unsightly. Germany is confident of winning the war. Doesn't that mean that the island nation is very likely to lose the war? This is not the result they hope to see!josei

"Your Excellency Lu Xiang, what do you think?" Konoe Fumimaro asked. This suggestion was originally proposed by Seishiro Itagaki.

"Your Excellency, I also think that the Germans are perfunctory to us. If we are willing to join the Allies, we have to agree to the Germans' request and send troops to attack Bu Russia. Even if we can capture a large area of ​​Bu Russia. But those territories For us, it is not very useful. In other words, it is not as big as Southeast Asia and Australia. In addition, I suspect that this is just for the Germans to stabilize us. If the Empire now joins the Allies, the Germans will have no worries Defeated Bu Russia, and then defeated the United States. Then, the Germans will definitely attack the Empire next. Even if the Empire is their ally, the Germans will definitely tear up the alliance without hesitation. At that time, there will be no other With the assistance of the country, the empire may be unable to support itself." Said Seishiro Itagaki.

Suddenly, the complexions of several important ministers of the island country were as dark as the bottom of a pot. If such a thing really happened, the island country might face complete extinction. At that time, the island country will inevitably be destroyed by Germany. All the efforts of the island nation over the years will be in vain.

"Masters, it is obvious that we have no other choice. The Americans want to use us, but the Germans are also unreliable." Konoe Fumimaro said.

For the island country, the best choice still seems to be to be a dog for the Americans. At least, if they can defeat Germany this time, the island nation can still gain a lot of benefits. Although, the possibility of winning is very small. But at least there is a chance of survival. If you choose to cooperate with the Germans, the island country will be completely destroyed.

Several important ministers of the island country also know that there is no other choice. But they did not contact the United States immediately. In other words, the islanders never expected that Germany would secretly disclose the news of the contact between the two parties to the Russian and American governments.

Moscow, the Kremlin, Beria, member of the People's Committee for Security, is reporting the latest intelligence to Joseph.

"Comrade Joseph, according to the latest news we have received, the islanders are in secret contact with the Germans. The islanders are very likely to join the Allies. And, send troops to attack our Far East, and even continue westward along the Trans-Siberian Railway Attack!" Beria reported with a serious face.

"Damn islanders, aren't they a dog raised by the Americans? We are allies! Now, do they actually want to betray the Anti-German Alliance?" Joseph was very angry.

At the same time, Joseph also felt a huge threat from it. If the island country attacks the Far East of Bu Russia, it is impossible for Bu Russia to resist with the strong military power of the island country. In order to fight against the German invasion, Bu Russia has already assembled the power of the whole country on the western front. The military strength in the Far East is undoubtedly relatively empty. Once the island country launches an attack, it will constitute a fatal blow to Bu Russia. It is even impossible to know how long Bu Russia can last in the face of two-front combat.

"Comrade Joseph, if the island country really joins the Allies, it will be a deadly threat to us. Most of the support provided by the United States now passes through Vladivostok and then from the Trans-Siberian Railway Shipped to the western front. After the islanders defect, our aid may be cut off. At that time, our pressure may be even greater!" Molotov reminded.

Joseph's face suddenly turned black like the bottom of a pot. If such a situation really occurs, then Bu Russia may not be far from losing the war.

"No, absolutely cannot let such a thing happen. Comrade Shaposhnikov, form the Far East Front Army. If Bu Russia really dares to attack us, we must defeat them! Let them taste the power of Bu Russia fighters!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph!" Shaposhnikov replied. However, there was obvious worry in his eyes. He knows very well what the army left in the Far East is now. If the islanders really launch an attack, it may be difficult for them to win.

"Comrade Molotov, immediately convey our protest to the US government. Let them come forward to warn the island country that it must not be allowed to fall to Germany!" Joseph said.

Bu Russia has almost no influence on the island country. The only thing they can do is to ask the master of the island country, the United States, to come forward.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Molotov nodded.

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