Jagged Germany

Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154: Trying to fight back (ask for a monthly ticket)

The island government vowed to launch an attack on Nanyang and Australia before the end of January 1940, and asked the United States to stop sanctions against them. And guarantee that the island country will never betray the anti-German alliance.

The U.S. government considers that if it continues to sanction the island country, it will not only weaken the military strength of the island country, but also may force the island country into the arms of the Germans. President Roosevelt finally decided to resume major transactions with the island nation.

However, President Roosevelt also warned the island government that this will be their last chance. If the government of the island country had not attacked Nanyang and Australia before the end of January 1940, the United States would completely sever relations with the island country and regard the island country as an enemy of the United States.

The island government naturally assured the US government that such a thing would never happen.

Actually, the crisis this time also scared the important ministers of the island's cabinet. Originally, I wanted to be a fool on the fence, to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, it turned out like this.

This also made the important ministers of the island's cabinet afraid to have other thoughts. Don't make it to the end. Not only did you not join the Allies, but you also offended the United States, a big backer. In that case, it would be too cost-effective. After all, the strong military strength of the island country is largely derived from the support of the United States. Without the support of the United States, their military power will decline rapidly,

The island country has returned to the correct track of anti-Germany, which makes the United States breathe a sigh of relief, and there is no need to worry that it will be betrayed enough. At the same time, it also relieved Bu Russia, who has been paying attention to this matter.

"Comrade Joseph, the U.S. government has stated that the island nation will attack Southeast Asia and Australia at the latest by the end of January next year to contain the strength of the Germans. The U.S. government also promised that the island nation will never betray the anti-German alliance!" Molotov said .

"Then, it seems that our crisis is temporarily resolved. However, we must not take it lightly. The islanders have always been used to being fools, and they will fall to whoever is strong! When the British Empire dominated the world, they fought against the British Empire. Formed an alliance and defeated Tsarist Russia. Later, with the rise of Germany, the islanders also took the initiative to lean on them. However, Kaiser Wilhelm III seemed to dislike the islanders, so he didn’t accept them. There was no other way, and the islanders turned to them The United States, treat them as a dog. If we can defeat Germany in the future, the island countries will definitely not be able to stay." Joseph said.

Although the current battle situation is not very favorable to Bu Russia, Joseph has already begun to plan for the post-war. If the anti-German alliance can win this time, then the future world will undoubtedly become a world where Russia and the United States compete. As the running dog of the United States, the island country is naturally a potential enemy of Bu Russia. Therefore, Bu Russia must guard against the island country, and even find an opportunity to severely damage the island country.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. However, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to threaten the island country!" Shaposhnikov said.

Between the island country and Bu Russia, there is a sea of ​​whales. The naval strength of Bu Russia is too weak, and it is not an opponent of the powerful island navy at all. You know, the current strength of the Japanese navy is second only to Germany and the United States in the world. This also makes it difficult for Bu Russia to pose a threat to the island country.josei

Joseph's face was a bit ugly: "It's all because of the Germans, who have restricted most of our power on land. Otherwise, we will definitely be able to build a powerful navy! Beyond the era of Tsarist Russia, It's not impossible either!"

During the era of Tsarist Russia, the naval strength of the Russian Empire was once stronger than that of the United Kingdom. However, the disastrous defeat in the Tsushima Sea Battle completely knocked the Russian Empire's navy to its lowest point, making them completely out of touch with naval powers. Even after the establishment of Bu Russia, four powerful "Bu Russia-class" battleships were built with the help of Germany, but that's all.

Other high-ranking Russian officials nodded their heads in agreement. No one wanted to disagree with Joseph on this issue.

"Comrades, this crisis can be regarded as temporarily lifted. However, we still need to be prepared. The formation of the Far East Front Army cannot be stopped. We must leave enough troops in the Far East to guard against the islanders! The Far East is now It has become an important area for us to receive US aid, and there must be nothing wrong there!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph!" Shaposhnikov nodded.

"In addition, the cold winter has come. Although the Germans have stopped attacking and turned to the defensive. However, anyone can see that the Germans are accumulating strength. When the cold winter is over and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the Germans will They will definitely launch another attack. At that time, their attack will be more violent and powerful than this time. Therefore, we must be prepared!" Joseph said.

"Comrade Joseph, several newly formed front armies are already preparing. Next spring, we will become even stronger. It is impossible for the Germans to defeat us!" Marshal Voroshilov said.

Although Marshal Voroshilov's People's Commissar of National Defense has resigned, as Marshal of Bu Russia and also Joseph's confidant, he does not need to go to the Western Front to sit in the army before the war begins. In order to avoid being forgotten by Joseph, Marshal Voroshilov went to the Kremlin every now and then.

"Passive defense alone is not enough. Is it possible to take advantage of the severe cold to launch a counterattack against the Germans? Even if it eliminates some of the Germans' vital forces, it will be useful!" Joseph asked.

Voroshilov gritted his teeth. He knew that Joseph's request was very harsh. A bad word would cost them a lot of money. However, Joseph has already made a request, how can he refuse?

"Comrade Joseph, we will try it! Our soldiers are more cold-resistant than the Germans. Fighting in the cold winter is more beneficial to us!" Marshal Voroshilov said.

Joseph nodded, as if he agreed with this point of view very much.

"By the way, has the formation of the Caucasus Front Army been completed?" Joseph asked.

He seems to have thought of this question suddenly.

Before, the Russian army retreated steadily under the fierce German attack. Joseph wanted to launch a counterattack from other directions. The direction of the Persian Gulf in the Middle East is the direction of counterattack he determined. For this reason, he also specially ordered the formation of the Caucasus Front Army.

It's just that the German army attacked fiercely later, and the Russian army suffered heavy losses. In addition, the island country almost defected again, so he didn't care about the Caucasus Front Army. Now, he finally remembered this army again.

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