Jagged Germany

Chapter 1156

Chapter 1156: Surprise attack

"Comrades, Comrade Joseph has issued an order. Three days later, we will launch an offensive. From the Transcaucasus to the Persian Gulf! The enemies we are going to face are mainly Turks, Iranians, Iraqis and The Saudis! The armies of these countries are nothing more than German lackeys. Except for the relative strength of the Turks, the rest of the countries are simply vulnerable. The great Russian army can definitely defeat them easily. "Lieutenant General Kozlov is full of confidence in this battle.

After Britain lost its supremacy and Tsarist Russia was destroyed, German power entered the entire Middle East. All Middle Eastern countries have been reduced to German protectorates. They also formed a lot of troops at the request of Germany. Especially before the outbreak of the war, a lot of troops were expanded. The number of the Kingdom of Iran's army has reached one million, and it has formed five armies, which are under the command of the military advisory group sent by Germany. Iraq formed an army of 400,000 troops, also commanded by a German military advisory group. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also formed two armies. Sparsely populated Kuwait has formed two infantry brigades.

The armies of these countries have been equipped with German equipment and have been trained by the German army for a period of time. But the fighting power is not very good. However, Germany has never expected the armies of these countries to become first-class powerful armies. I just hope that they can play a role in delaying the Russian army in the event of a war. After the German army arrived on the battlefield, they were able to assist the German army in combat and ensure logistical safety, that is God's blessing. After the war, most of the armies of these countries will be abolished. That way, Germany can control these areas.

"According to the information we have received, the Turks have deployed a total of 400,000 people in the east. In addition, the Iranians have also deployed 400,000 people in the Transcaucasus. The Iraqis have deployed 200,000 people. Therefore, if we want to attack the Persian Gulf, we must first It is necessary to defeat this one million army. Although we have no advantage in terms of strength, I believe that the elite Russian army can definitely deploy those local mobs to beat it!" Lieutenant General Kozlov said.

The other Russian generals also laughed. Indeed, the performance of the Russian army in this battle was not very good, and it suffered heavy losses under the attack of the German army. However, that was facing the most powerful German army in the world! Against other armies, they undoubtedly still have a great advantage.

"Comrades, Comrade Joseph attaches great importance to this attack. He hopes that we can win. It would be the best if we can occupy the Persian Gulf. Even if we can't occupy it, we will attack the Persian Gulf. Those oil wells and oil fields were destroyed, and the Germans were not allowed to get a drop of oil from here. If we can complete this offensive mission, then we will all become heroes of the country!" Political Commissar Shamanin said.

Being able to become a national hero is naturally what everyone desires. At least, their future will be bright. However, they also know that if they fail, the consequences will be very serious. At that time, I am afraid they will have to eat and walk around.

"Comrade Torbukhin, are the combat supplies ready?" Lieutenant General Kozlov asked.

"Comrade Commander, you are ready! There is still a large amount of supplies being transported to the Transcaucasus to ensure our consumption in this offensive operation." Major General Torbukhin, Chief of Staff of the Caucasus Front Army replied.

Lieutenant General Kozlov nodded: "Comrades, everyone, go back and prepare! Three days later, launch the attack on time!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander!" All the generals replied. Everyone knows that the arrow is on the string now, and it has to be launched. They only hope that they will not encounter the Germans in this battle and can win.

Three days passed in a flash. The armies of the Russian Caucasus Front are ready for battle. In particular, the 47th Army of the Russian Army has high hopes from Lieutenant General Kozlov, commander of the Front Army. In the combat plan drawn up by the Caucasus Front Command, the 47th Army will cross the border and attack the northern part of the Kingdom of Iran. Then cross the Zarogos Mountains and attack northern Iraq. In this way, it will not only be able to encircle the troops deployed in the north by various countries, but also open the way to the south. At that time, the terrain of Yimapingchuan will be more suitable for the two tank divisions of the 47th Army.

As for the other troops, they were handed over to the mountain infantry units of the Caucasus Front Army. The several armies under the Caucasus, except for the 51st Army, all have quite a few mountain infantry units. Minds are better suited for fighting in these mountainous places. Lieutenant General Kozlov believes that this time their attack will definitely win.

The Turkish army and the Iranian army are not clear about the movements of the Russian army. Especially after the German army severely damaged the Russian army on the Western Front, it was believed that the Russian army had already suffered heavy losses. Under such circumstances, the Russian army should take advantage of this rare winter to lick their wounds, and will never launch an offensive without authorization. This also makes their defense a little slack.

At 8:00 am on October 27, the Russian Caucasus Front launched a surprise attack. The entire Caucasus Front Army assembled thousands of cannons and violently bombarded the positions of the Turkish and Iranian troops.

The violent shelling caused heavy losses and panic to the unprepared Turkish and Iranian troops.

After half an hour of shelling, the Russian 44th Front launched an attack on the Turkish army from Georgia. The Russian 45th Army and 46th Army attacked the Turkish Army from Armenia. The 47th Army and the 51st Army of the Russian Army invaded the Kingdom of Iran from Azerbaijan and attacked the troops deployed by the Kingdom of Iran in the north.

Although, in terms of military strength, both the Turkish army and the Iranian army have an advantage. However, the sudden attack launched by the Russian army blinded them all.

In a panic, the front-line troops didn't have time to take precautions, and the defense line was already breached by the Germans. Under such circumstances, their superiority in military strength could not be brought into play at all. Instead, they were defeated by the Russian army and suffered heavy losses.

Of course, although the Russian army's strength is not dominant. But their soldiers' fighting literacy and fighting will are far above the Turkish army and the Iranian army. The Turkish army and the Iranian army were frightened by the brave fighting style of the Russian army. So much so that the weapons in his hands can't exert much combat power at all.josei

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