Jagged Germany

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298: Eisenhower's plan (ask for a monthly ticket)

There is no doubt that the support that the United States has invested in island countries is very amazing. To redevelop a country that was almost bankrupt into a military power will undoubtedly consume a lot of resources. This shows how strong the national power of the United States is.

However, Americans are not gods. They paid a huge price, and naturally hope to have greater benefits. The reason why Americans support the island country is just to raise a dog. So that they can defeat Germany in the war and **** the throne of world hegemony from the hands of the Germans.

That's why they will fully support the island country in developing its military strength. Without the support of the United States, it is impossible for the island country to maintain a strong military force. Even their country is in danger of collapsing.

Although President Roosevelt was somewhat disappointed with the performance of the island nation's combined naval fleet in this naval battle, he also knew that they had no other choice but to continue to support the island nation. Otherwise, the huge investment in the early stage will be in vain.

The United States now has no choice but to do so.

U.S. Army General Staff, Office of Operations. Brigadier General Dwight Eisenhower, chief of the Office of Operations, was convening the staff officers in the Office of Operations to formulate a plan. After learning that the island nation's navy failed and failed to defeat the German navy, Admiral George Marshall knew that without the support of the navy, the island nation's army might not be able to attack south for a while. Therefore, he asked Brigadier General Eisenhower to think of a way to see if there was any way to give the island army a chance to attack south.

Only by allowing the island army with millions of troops to attack Southeast Asia and Australia southward can Germany's large military power be contained. If the island army's offensive is fierce, in order to resist the attack of the island army, the German army will even have to deploy troops from the mainland and the Russian battlefield to reinforce Southeast Asia and Australia. In that case, Germany's military strength on the European continent can be weakened. At the same time, it can also relieve the strong pressure on Bu Russia. This is undoubtedly of great benefit to defeating Germany in the war.

Brigadier General Eisenhower served in the Philippines for a long time and had a good relationship with the US Commander in the Philippines, General Douglas MacArthur. He also has a good understanding of the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. That's why Admiral George Marshall appointed him as the director of the war room, and he was promoted to general. Of course, Admiral George Marshall did not expect Brigadier General Eisenhower to have a solution to the current predicament. After all, the current situation is already very difficult. If you want to solve it, it will undoubtedly be very difficult.

"If the army of the island country wants to go south, it must rely on the navy. Without the cover of the navy, their army would not be able to reach Southeast Asia and Australia. But now, the navy of the island country has not been able to defeat the German navy in the war. In a country without sea control Under such circumstances, if the island country army goes south, it will be no different from courting death! This seems to be an unsolvable problem." Brigadier General Eisenhower frowned tightly. His gaze fell on the map of the Western Pacific.

Suddenly, Brigadier General Eisenhower had a flash of inspiration. He seems to have thought of a solution to the current problem. However, this method is a bit too shocking.

"The islanders occupy the Okinawa Islands and Treasure Island further south. It is not far from the Philippines. If the islanders can deploy a large number of aircraft in these places, they can use the aircraft to **** the transport fleet and let them arrive safely. The Philippines. Then, you can use the Philippines as a springboard to directly attack the Indochina Peninsula, or attack the Dutch Indonesia in the south. The Netherlands does not have many troops deployed in Indonesia, and it is impossible to withstand the attack of the island army. Once the island army occupies the Netherlands Belonging to Indonesia can separate the Indochina Peninsula occupied by the Germans from Australia. With the huge army and military strength of the island country, it does not seem too difficult to defeat the 800,000 troops deployed by Germany in Southeast Asia and Australia In this case, in order to stabilize the situation in Nanyang and Australia, the Germans will have to send more troops to Nanyang and Australia. And our goal seems to have been achieved!" Brigadier General Eisenhower said secretly.

But then, he was shocked by his crazy plan. After all, the Philippines is now a colony of the United States. If the island country is allowed to borrow the words of the Philippines, wouldn't the United States want to openly participate in this war? This is undoubtedly unacceptable for the United States. The United States is not yet ready for war. The U.S. Army is also stepping up the development of new tanks, in the hope that the new tanks can compete with the Tiger and Leopard tanks of the German Army. The U.S. Army Air Corps is also stepping up the development of new aircraft, hoping that their P-47 fighters and P-51 fighters will be able to compete with the German Air Force's BF-109 fighters and FW-190 fighters after they enter service. The U.S. Navy is also hurrying to build more aircraft carriers, and is also developing newer carrier-based fighters. It is hoped that the F4U fighters that are in full swing can compete with the German Navy's carrier-based fighters.

And all of this takes time. If the United States goes to war with Germany now, perhaps Germany will attack the United States first. Judging from the current situation, the U.S. Navy may not be able to resist it. Once the losses are heavy, let alone defeating Germany. Therefore, the United States needs time to further enhance its own strength. They will not risk war with Germany until they are fully prepared.

"This plan may really be possible to implement. However, how to solve those problems, we should leave it to the Chief of Staff and higher-level officials!" Brigadier General Eisenhower said.

When Brigadier General Eisenhower found General George Marshall and informed him of his plan. Admiral George Marshall was also stunned. He did not expect Brigadier General Eisenhower to propose such a bold plan.josei

However, Admiral George Marshall has to admit that this plan is undoubtedly very helpful in solving the current predicament. If the islanders can use the Philippine Islands as a springboard, they will be able to completely open up the situation. They will launch an offensive in Nanyang and Australia, sweeping away the troops deployed by Germany here, forcing Germany to invest more troops in Nanyang, thus serving as a military force to contain Germany.

"General Eisenhower, let's go see the President! Whether this plan is feasible or not is up to the President to decide!" Admiral George Marshall said.

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