Jagged Germany

Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315: air strike

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shells fell from the sky one by one and fell into the sea. After the shell exploded, a high column of water was splashed.

A landing craft was hit by a 150mm artillery shell, and in the violent explosion, the whole landing craft was torn apart. The heavily armed soldiers of the island countries all sank into the sea.

Under the heavy fire of the artillery of the German Army, landing craft were continuously hit. The soldiers of the Island Army began to pay heavy losses before they washed up on the beach.

"Faster, faster! If you don't want to die, just row hard!" An island army officer ordered viciously.

Those soldiers are paddling vigorously. They almost tried their best to feed. However, in terms of speed, the manual landing craft is naturally unable to compare with the propeller-driven landing craft. As a result, the speed of the landing craft on the sea is slow.josei

Coupled with the influence of the tide, the propulsion speed of these landing craft is undoubtedly slower.

"Biga! Let the fleet suppress the German artillery fire! Otherwise, our soldiers will suffer heavy losses before they rush ashore!" Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi's face was very ugly.

Lieutenant General Shozo Sakurai is already communicating with Major General Ryuzaki Ruyoshi. However, among the warships of the island navy, except for the heavy cruiser 'Ligen' whose 203mm main gun can reach the artillery positions of the German Army, the rest of the warships may need to dock further before they can reach the German Army's artillery positions. artillery positions. But in that case, those battleships themselves would also be in danger. Major General Ryuzaki Rukichi, of course, didn't want to live like that.

There are only eight 203mm main guns on the heavy cruiser 'Ligan'. And because of the visibility, the accuracy is not high. Under such circumstances, the difficulty of suppressing the artillery positions of the German Army can be imagined.

The artillerymen of the 225th Infantry Division of the German Army were firing desperately one by one. Everyone worked hard, trying to use fierce artillery fire to cause as many casualties as possible to the Japanese army. Only in this way can they withstand the attack of the island army. After all, they know very well that the German Army has no advantage in terms of strength.

"Buzz buzz!"

There was a sound in the sky, this is the German Air Force fighter plane arriving on the battlefield. The first to arrive were the fighter jets. FW-190 fighter jets and BF-109 fighter jets joined the attack on the landing craft of the island army as soon as they arrived on the battlefield.

Under the wings of these fighter jets, small aerial bombs weighing 50 kilograms are hung. Although the power of an aerial bomb of this weight is not great, it poses a fatal threat to those wooden-structured landing craft. Once hit, the landing craft will be torn apart and torn to pieces.


A BF-109 fighter jet flew over a landing craft. The bombs hanging under the wings have already been dropped.


The bomb hit the landing craft, and during the explosion, the landing craft was blown to pieces. The island country army soldiers carried on it were either dead or injured. However, those island soldiers who were lucky enough not to be killed on the spot also fell into the sea. Apparently he couldn't survive either.

"Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

The aviation machine guns and machine guns of the German fighter jets also began to attack. Those 20mm cannons can tear these landing craft apart. Although the bullets of aviation machine guns cannot do this, they are equally fatal to the island soldiers on the landing craft. The bullets from the aviation machine gun could easily kill those island soldiers.

After the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe joined the battle, the losses of the island army began to soar.

"Fire the anti-aircraft guns and shoot down those German fighter planes! Otherwise, the army will be completely wiped out by them!" Major General Ryuzaki Rukichi ordered loudly with a dark face. Although doing so might attract attacks from those German air bombers, he couldn't care less about it at the moment.

For a while, the 127mm anti-aircraft guns, 80mm anti-aircraft guns, 25mm anti-aircraft guns and 13mm anti-aircraft guns on the island navy battleships fired one after another.

A BF-109 fighter jet was hit when it was out of reach, the pilot was killed on the spot, and the plane fell to the sea.

This also made other German fighters have to allocate part of their energy to guard against these anti-aircraft firepower. If it is shot down, what a waste of time! This also leads to the weakening of their attack power.

At this time, the dive bombers of the Luftwaffe arrived. These dive bombers did not target the landing craft. For the heavy aerial bombs carried by these dive bombers, if they are used to deal with those landing craft, it is completely like an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes.

So, these dive bombers directly attacked the warships of the island navy, as well as those transport ships and merchant ships.


When the dive bomber dives and drops bombs, the sharp whistle makes people have to cover their ears.

"Boom boom boom!"

The warships of the island navy had to immediately attack the dive bombers with anti-aircraft guns, and protecting their own safety became the most important thing.

"Boom! Boom!"

The bomb fell into the sea, splashing a column of water into the sky.

Although they were not hit, they scared the officers and soldiers of the island navy enough. Whether it is a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser or a destroyer, once it is hit by these heavy aerial bombs, the consequences will be unimaginable.

As for those transport ships and merchant ships, the speed is slower. Facing the attack of the dive bombers of the Luftwaffe, it is difficult to escape. Transport ships and merchant ships were constantly being hit, and raging fires ignited.

When the German air-to-ground attack plane also arrived, the scene became even more chaotic. The bombs they carry can also pose a deadly threat to those transport ships and merchant ships.

I have to admit that the accuracy of air force pilots in launching attacks on moving targets on the sea is lower than that of naval aviation. But even this is enough to make the island nation's fleet and transport fleet pay a heavy price.


A heavy aerial bomb hit the heavy cruiser 'Ligan'. A large hole was blown out of the front deck, and a raging fire ignited.

Major General Ruyoshi Ryuzaki and Colonel Onishi Shinzo both looked very ugly. Because they know that in this battle, they are in a very dangerous situation. If not done well, they are in danger of being sunk. But unfortunately, even if they wanted to withdraw from the battle, they also knew that it was impossible. They had to hang on until they were sunk.

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