Jagged Germany

Chapter 1320

Chapter 1320: fight to the death

"Kinoshita-kun, let some regiment captains come to see me right away!" After returning to his division headquarters, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi ordered with a dark face.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Kinoshita Takeo returned.

Soon, the captains of the four main infantry regiments under the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army arrived at the headquarters. The captains of these alliances all had serious expressions on their faces. They knew that the current battle situation undoubtedly made His Excellency the Division Chief very dissatisfied. But they also suffer and cannot tell! Facing the powerful firepower of the Germans, they have tried their best. Now the casualties of the troops are very large, and even the morale has been affected to some extent.

After all, the island army is indeed fearless in battle. But at the same time, that doesn't mean they are really not afraid of death. Watching comrades lying around, being hit by enemy bullets, or being blown to pieces by shells is a very big shock for any person. If the spirit can't hold on a little bit, there is a possibility of collapse.

"Masters, Your Excellency, Commander, is very dissatisfied with our performance. The Front Army Command is also constantly asking whether we have made progress. The 3rd Air Force is suffering huge losses in order to support us. Therefore, we have no way out now!" Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi said.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, we have tried our best. But the Germans' firepower is too strong. Our attack is no different from sending us to death. If this continues, I am afraid that we will soon be completely lost." The 4th Infantry The alliance captain, Colonel Matsuno, replied.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Division Commander. The loss of the entire 16th Infantry Regiment has exceeded 40%." The commander of the 16th Infantry Regiment, Shigesaburo Miyazaki, reported.

The other two captains also looked as if their troops had suffered heavy losses and could not support them.

The heavy loss of the troops made Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichiichi, the head of the division, feel as if he was bleeding. But now he also has no choice! The tremendous pressure he was under could only be transferred to the various alliances below.

"My lords, the Germans are very powerful. I know this very well. But even so, we must find a way to defeat them! Otherwise, it may be very difficult to win this landing operation. But we can Whether we can successfully gain a foothold in Nanyang is related to the life and death of the empire. Therefore, we have no other choice." Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi said.

"Gentlemen, the 2nd Division is the most powerful division in the empire. I hope you can keep the glory of the entire 2nd Division from being tarnished! Show all your courage and fight to the death! Let the officers below, Take the lead in the charge. Squad leaders, squadron leaders, and even battalion leaders can lead troops to charge. Even you regimental leaders, if the troops are completely lost, you must die on the battlefield. And die on the way to the charge. I believe , After bringing out the Bushido spirit, we will definitely defeat the Germans!" Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi said.

The complexions of several regiment leaders suddenly became very ugly. They knew very well what Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichi meant, that is to let them fight with their lives! In effect, it meant sending them and their troops to their deaths. Defeat the German army through the kind of fierce attack that does not count casualties.

Of course, this is actually the favorite tactic of the island army generals when they are desperate. They hope that through such a fearless attack, the enemy will be terrified, so as to win. Even if everyone knows it well, the chances of winning like this are not high. But the generals still enjoyed it. It seems that only such tactics can show the bravery of the island army.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Head of the Division!" Several regimental leaders knew that there was no other way, so they could only go all out like this. Although they are very reluctant. But there was no way to disobey Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi's order. What's more, such things are undoubtedly very common in the entire island army. If they disobeyed the order, what awaited them would probably be a trial by a military court, and no one would stand by their side at all.

After the captains of several infantry regiments of the 2nd Division of the Island Army returned to the front line, they issued the most severe orders to their subordinate regiments. They asked each brigade not to have any reservations, to launch an attack with the greatest ability, and strive to break through the German defense line in one go and completely defeat them.

Faced with such an order, the middle and lower ranks of the island army also could not disobey and could only accept the order.

So, soon the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army launched an offensive again. Moreover, this time the attack is more violent than any previous attack, and the scale of investment is also larger. After the strict order was issued, the subordinate departments of the 2nd Division did not dare to have any reservations. They can only do their best in this attack.

"Go! Defeat the Germans! Reich onboard! His Majesty onboard!"

"Onboard! His Majesty Onboard! The Empire Onboard!"

The officers waved their command knives and rushed to the forefront of the team. Behind these officers are those crazy island soldiers. They chanted slogans, trotted towards the German defense line with bowed legs. Everyone's face was replaced by fanaticism, as if there was no fear at all.

"Crazy! These islanders are crazy! Are they going to die?" A German soldier seemed shocked by the way the islanders attacked.

"Idiot! Fire quickly. No matter what happens to the islanders, if they want to die, then kill them. His Majesty the Emperor said that only the dead islanders are the cutest islanders!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The automatic rifle in his hand started to fire, and the bullets shot at the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army.


An island soldier was hit in the chest, blood spurted out, and fell to the ground screaming.

"Da da da!"

On the German positions, general-purpose machine guns and squad machine guns fired wildly. In order to stop the attack of the Japanese army, the German army also opened fire.


A bullet from a 12.7mm heavy machine gun hit an island army soldier in the neck. Most of the neck was knocked off immediately, blood gushed out, and the head was tilted to one side.

The island army's attack was very violent, but the German army's defensive firepower also performed vividly. This caused the losses of the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army to soar. But even so, the island soldiers didn't seem to be frightened.

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