Jagged Germany

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322: Desperate (ask for a monthly ticket)

The 2nd Division of the Island Army stopped its offensive, making the beach quiet. However, the battle between the Luftwaffe and the Army Aviation of the island country did not stop. The fighter planes of the two sides are still fighting fiercely in the air.

Although, the army aviation of the island country has already paid heavy losses in the air battle. However, they cannot withdraw from the battle. Otherwise, the Luftwaffe's dive bombers and ground attack aircraft would have been able to attack once they had withdrawn. At that time, not only the 2nd Division that has landed will become the target of bombers and ground attack aircraft of the Luftwaffe, but even those transport ships and merchant ships at sea will also be attacked. In that case, their losses would skyrocket.

After all, if a transport ship or merchant ship is sunk, the army of the island country will lose hundreds or thousands of people. Such a loss rate is much faster than the loss in the landing operation on the beach.

At the same time, the artillery of the German 225th Infantry Division was still firing, attacking the island army on the beach. Eliminate as many islanders as possible with shells. However, the intensity of the shelling was not as great as before. The previous high-intensity battles also made the artillerymen of the German Army very tired.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One by one shells exploded on the beach, leaving craters one by one. Despite the buffer of gravel, the power of these shells is more or less limited. But overall, it can still cause a lot of casualties to the islanders.

The surviving soldiers of the 2nd Division of the Island Army lay down on the beach, praying that the shells would not fall on their heads. In that case, they are dead.

Some island soldiers seem unable to accept such a result. You know, the 2nd Division is one of the most capable units in the Japanese army. They paid such a heavy loss, but still could not break through the German Army's defense line. Such a result is really unacceptable. Many island soldiers can't help but have doubts in their hearts. Are the Germans really invincible? In that case, how could they win the war! The original unwavering confidence was also shaken because of the defeat in the battle.

"Let it get dark as soon as possible! After dark, all the search wing, engineering wing, and logistics wing will be dispatched to the shore. This time, we will do our best to fight the Germans for the final battle!" Yoshimoto Sadaichi The lieutenant general ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Head of Division." Colonel Kinoshita Takeo nodded. When the four main infantry regiments suffered heavy losses, the 2nd Division had no other choice but to send other second-line troops to the battlefield. In that case, there might be a chance.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Shozo Sakurai, commander of the 28th Army of the Japanese Army, also summoned Lieutenant General Yoshitori Akiyama, commander of the 54th Division of the Japanese Army. Although the 54th Division was formed later, it is a three-unit division with only three main infantry regiments. However, when the 2nd Division tried its best and failed to achieve success, Lieutenant General Sakurai Shozo had no choice but to pin his hopes on other troops.josei

"Qiu Shan-kun, you must be very clear about the situation on the front line. The 2nd Division has been unable to attack for a long time and has suffered heavy losses. The Germans are tougher than we expected. This battle will be a very difficult one. Therefore, I hope that after the 54th Division arrives on the battlefield, it will also do its best. Otherwise, it may be difficult for us to win this battle." Lieutenant General Shozo Sakurai said.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that the 54th Division will definitely fight for every soldier. The final victory will definitely belong to us!" Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori replied firmly.

Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori was also aware of the news that the 2nd Division suffered heavy losses. He also knew that the German army was very strong. However, Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori believed that although the 2nd Division suffered heavy losses, it also caused considerable casualties to the Germans. In this case, it will undoubtedly be very easy to wait until the main force of the 54th Division lands at night, and cooperate with the remaining troops of the 2nd Division to defeat the German defense line. At that time, he will be able to easily obtain a heavy military exploit.

Lieutenant General Sakurai Shozo nodded in satisfaction: "Akiyama-kun, I won't say much about the importance of this battle. However, I can tell you clearly that not only the Commander of the Front Army is paying attention to this landing battle, Your Excellency, Commander of the Southern Army, is also very concerned. As long as we can defeat the Germans, then you will be the heroes of the empire."

"Hey, Your Excellency, Commander! The humble rank will definitely win!" Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori assured.

Lieutenant General Sakurai Shousan gave a few more instructions, and asked Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori to go back and prepare. Tonight, the 54th Division has to go to the battlefield and go desperately. Lieutenant General Sakurai Shozo hoped that their attack at night would be successful. After all, this is the last strength of the 28th Army now. Although, the 28th Army also has an infantry division, the 55th Division. However, this division is still in Zamboanga. In a short time, there is definitely no way to come in handy. Therefore, now he can only pin his hopes on the 2nd Division and the 54th Division.

Time passed little by little, and when night began to fall, the army aviation of the island country, which had fought fiercely for a day, began to evacuate this sea area and return to the airport in the Philippine Islands.

Similarly, the fighter force of the Luftwaffe also retreated. Now there is not enough time for dive bombers and ground attack aircraft to launch a round of attacks, so we have to give up.

During this day's battle, the fighter unit of the 5th Aviation Group of the Luftwaffe shot down hundreds of fighter jets of the Army Air Force of the island country. This is the result obtained when the island country army aviation tried its best to evade. Otherwise, they will shoot down more Japanese Army Air Force fighters.

The German Air Force also lost some fighter jets during the battle. But the total number is only a dozen or so. And most of them are BF-109 fighters. FW-190 fighters suffered fewer losses.

After dark, the remaining troops of the 2nd Division of the Island Army continued to land. Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi is obviously planning to put all his eggs in one basket. The 54th Division of the Japanese Army also started landing. Not only the 111th Infantry Regiment, the 121st Infantry Regiment and the 154th Infantry Regiment under the 54th Infantry Regiment began to land. The 54th Search Wing, the 54th Engineer Wing, and the 54th Supply Wing under the 54th Division also started landing.

Lieutenant General Akiyama Yoshidori, commander of the 54th Division of the Japanese Army, also intends to do his best to push all the troops up.

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