Jagged Germany

Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336: rolling

Although the 23rd Armored Division of the German Army was formed after the German Army began large-scale mobilization, it is still a powerful armored force. The entire armored division has a tank regiment, two armored regiments, and a heavy tank battalion equipped with Tiger tanks. The other tanks are all 'Black Panther' tanks.

The 23rd Armored Division has more than 300 tanks and a large number of armored vehicles. Possesses extremely powerful armor assault capability. However, it is difficult for the armored forces to launch a large-scale attack in Nanyang. Because there are dense jungles and rivers here. At the same time, the transportation facilities are very bad. Whether it is the "Tiger" tank or the "Black Panther" tank, it seems that they are too heavy. So that in places with poor traffic facilities, it is easy to get stuck in the mud pit and cannot break free.

The 221st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 222nd Mechanized Infantry Division each have hundreds of "Black Panther" tanks, as well as a large number of armored vehicles. Although the assault strength is weaker than that of the 23rd Armored Division. However, there is no army in the island country army that can resist it.

Although the island army has successively developed many tanks and armored vehicles. But can those steel plates and rivets welded together be called tanks? In front of the German tanks, it is estimated that there is only one life to be crushed. What's more, even such vulnerable tanks are regarded as treasures by the island army, and they have never been put into the Nanyang battlefield at all. Therefore, when faced with the attack of the German armored forces, the island army can only rely on a small number of anti-tank weapons to deal with it. What's more, I'm afraid it depends on the warriors of the island country army to carry forward the style of not fearing death, holding explosive packs or cluster grenades, and launching suicide attacks.

"Guys, get ready to attack! Let those island monkeys see what is the most elite army!" Major General Paul, the commander of the German 23rd Armored Division, had a contemptuous expression on his face. He didn't pay attention to the island army at all, even though the island army fought very bravely, and the will to fight without fear of death was admirable. However, in his eyes, the combat methods and equipment of the Japanese army are still the same as in the last world war. In the face of the powerful German Army, this is absolutely vulnerable.

"Yes, General!" Several regiment and battalion commanders under the 23rd Armored Division were also gearing up, looking impatient.

Just after 7 am, the camouflaged tanks and armored vehicles of the 23rd Armored Division drove out of the dense forest and began to attack the island army. At the same time, the 221st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 222nd Mechanized Infantry Division also launched an attack.

For a while, German tanks and armored vehicles formed a huge torrent of steel and rushed towards the island army.

The 31st Division of the Island Army, which attacked from the west, became the first target to be attacked.

At this moment, the main force of the 31st Division of the Japanese Army is deployed in the direction facing Kinabatangan. And in the fierce battle of the previous two days, this division has suffered heavy losses. Nearly half of the three main infantry regiments suffered casualties. Those deployed in the rear are all second-line troops.


The engines of tanks and armored vehicles roared, and they rang together, as if they were thundering.

"What's going on? Is it going to rain?" An island army soldier asked with some puzzlement. But the sun is clearly still shining in the sky! But then, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

From the dense forest in the distance, a huge tank turned out. The long main gun is facing them.

Immediately afterwards, more and more tanks emerged from the dense forest.

"Tanks...tanks! German tanks!" the island soldiers exclaimed.

"Your Excellency, Captain, there are a large number of German tanks behind us!" A low-level officer reported to the commander of the 31st Regiment of the Supplies Regiment, Hisashi Nonaka, with a look of horror.

"What? How is this possible?" Colonel Hisashi Nonaka looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the explosion had already sounded, and Colonel Hisaji Nonaka's expression changed drastically.

"Order the troops to start blocking immediately, and report to the division commander immediately!" Commander Hisashi Nonaka ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Although, they are nothing more than heavy soldiers, and they are inferior to the infantry regiment in terms of equipment and combat literacy. However, Colonel Nonaka Hisaji had no other choice. In this case, he could only order the troops to bite the bullet and push forward.

"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of German tanks appeared, and the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army were almost scared to pee. They have never seen such a scene before, the huge tanks are like monsters that want to eat people.

The tank guns of the tanks fired continuously to eliminate the threatening targets.

At the same time, the machine guns on the tanks also began to shoot, reaping the lives of the army officers and soldiers of those island countries.

Under the impact of the German armored forces, the hastily built defense line of the 31st Regiment of the Japanese Army's Supplies was broken through almost instantly.

Countless island soldiers were killed by German tanks, and many were even directly crushed to death.

After breaking through the defense line of the Japanese Army, the German army directly attacked the core position of the 31st Division of the Japanese Army.

"Nani? There are a lot of German tanks behind us? How is this possible?" Lieutenant General Kotoku Sato, head of the 31st Division of the Japanese Army, also looked in disbelief when he heard the news.

"Your Excellency, Division Chief, this is absolutely true. The 31st Regiment of the Supplies is doing its best to resist. But they obviously can't last long." Chief of Staff Kato Kuniji reported.

"Order the 58th Infantry Regiment to reinforce the 31st Regiment of the Supplies. Then, immediately report this to General Sakurai Shozo!" Lieutenant General Kotoku Sato reported with a serious face. He knew that this time they might be in danger.

The 58th Infantry Regiment of the Island Army is an elite regiment. But in the battle to attack Kinabatangan, the losses were not small. While they were hastily deploying their defenses, the German armored forces had already attacked their positions. Facing the charge of hundreds of tanks and a large number of armored vehicles, the 58th Infantry Regiment of the Japanese Army was completely desperate.

Although some island soldiers were very brave, they rushed towards the tanks of the island army with explosive packs and cluster grenades, but they still could not save their fate of being crushed.

The entire 58th Infantry Regiment collapsed in less than 20 minutes. A large number of officers and soldiers were killed, and the rest were terrified.

Of course, the 31st Division of the Japanese Army also did not last long.

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