Jagged Germany

Chapter 1347

Chapter 1347: Menacing (seeking monthly ticket)

"Next, I will send a telegram to the headquarters, asking your Excellency to coordinate with the navy. If the navy can dispatch some fleets to reinforce us, then our plan to advance along the coastal road will have a high probability of success. But the only thing to worry about is that the Germans also have a very powerful navy. The last naval battle between the navy and the Germans was not successful, but also suffered a lot of losses." Masahiro Honma frowned. This is also what the generals of the army are most dissatisfied with the navy.

"Those guys in the navy are really useless. They spent most of our military expenditures, but they still can't defeat the Germans. You know, the Germans have only two fleets in the Pacific Ocean, and their overall strength is not as good as that of the German Navy. Thirty percent of the total strength. They can't even beat the German navy, how can they defeat the German navy?" Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura said disdainfully.

"Yes! If those military expenses were not misappropriated by the navy, we might be able to equip more artillery, machine guns, anti-tank guns and armored combat vehicles. In that case, our strength will not be surpassed by the Germans so much There are too many." Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuki also looked unwilling.

In order to support the development of the navy, the island army has made great sacrifices over the years. Most of their equipment is even maintained at the level of the previous world. This put them at a complete disadvantage in the battle with the German army.

If the navy of the island country can defeat the German navy in a naval battle and thus give the army more support in this war, the generals of the army may not have so much dissatisfaction. However, the navy ultimately failed. This naturally made the army generals very dissatisfied. Many army generals are accusing the navy of influencing the island nation's overall strategic plan.

"There is no need to talk about the navy. They don't want to fail, but there is no way to undo the current result. What we can do now is to win the war for the empire as much as possible." Masaharu Homma Said.

"Mr. Nakamura, I want the 18th Front Army to implement the plan to advance westward from the coastal road. Before that, the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army will cross the Vitti Mountains and attack Crocker Mountain to attract the main force of the Germans. At that time, the 18th Front Army will be able to advance along the coastal road. With the support of the navy, it may be able to break through the German blockade and enter Brunei. If it is not good enough, it will be able to attract a group of German troops , creating an opportunity for us to break through Crocker Hill." Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma said.

Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura's face was a little solemn, but he finally nodded. The 18th Front Army has only 130,000 people. Once it is attacked by the main force of the German army, the possibility of being defeated will be very high. However, if the support of the navy can be obtained, there is still a high chance of breaking through the city of Brunei when the main force of the German army is attracted by the 7th Front Army and the 14th Front Army. At that time, it will mean a huge credit.

"Honma-kun, the 18th Front Army will do its best!" Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura said.

Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma nodded: "Masters, this battle is about the future of the empire. It is also about our future. This time, we must do our best to defeat the Germans in one fell swoop! Let the Germans know that they Although we are number one in the world, we are not weak either!"

"Hi!" Lieutenant General Shizuo Tanaka and Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura nodded heavily. As Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma said, this battle is not only related to the fate of the island nation, but also to their own future. After the disastrous defeat of the Lanyin Front Army, Lieutenant General Kawabe Shozo has been dismissed from his post. If they failed to defeat the Germans and were hit hard instead, they would probably end up in the same fate as Lieutenant General Kawabe Shozo. Therefore, they must do their best.

After this meeting, Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma immediately reported the plan to the Southern Army Command in Manila. General Hisao Nishio, commander of the Southern Army, approved this battle plan. He does not interfere with the specific operations of the troops below, and only cares about the final result. At the same time, General Hisao Nishio also sent a telegram to the General Staff, hoping that they could coordinate with the navy and let the navy come forward to assist the southern army in defeating the Germans on Borneo.josei

The strength of the island nation's navy is still recovering. After more than a month, although it has recovered a lot. But overall, it is still far from being able to return to its peak state. In particular, a large number of cutting-edge warships have not yet entered service, so there are not many warships that can be dispatched by the navy of the island country. But the army has made a clear request, and the navy of the island country has no way to refuse. It can only promise the army and will do its best to support them.

The 18th Army of the Island Army began to detour to the northeast of Borneo, preparing to advance westward along the coastal road.

On the other hand, the 7th Front Army and the 14th Front Army of the Island Army crossed Mount Vitti and advanced aggressively towards Brunei City along the highway. The eyes are the same.

Although there are mountains and dense forests, the island army seems to be full of confidence in this battle. After all, the 7th Front Army and the 14th Front Army of the Japanese Army combined have more than half a million people, which is more than twice the size of the 23rd Front Army of the German Army. If it weren't for the terrain and transportation facilities on Borneo that restricted their performance, they would have a greater advantage in battle.

The actions of the army of the island country naturally cannot escape the surveillance of the German army. The German reconnaissance unit is active in the dense forest, monitoring the Japanese Army. At the same time, the fighter planes in the sky were also attacking the Japanese army marching on the ground in addition to air combat with the Japanese army aviation, and reported their every move to the German 23rd Army.

Lieutenant General William Adam, commander of the German 23rd Army, made deployments based on the actions of the island country army.

The 226th Infantry Division of the German Army was dispatched to Beaufort to block the 18th Front Army of the Island Army advancing along the coastal road. Although, it is difficult to resist the army of more than 100,000 island countries with less than 20,000 troops. However, in the case of narrow terrain, it is difficult for the army of the island country to exert its superiority in strength.

The 227th Infantry Division and the 229th Infantry Division are stationed in the valley between Sipidan and Lawas. This is the only exit on the road over Crocker Hill. If the island army wanted to cross Crocker Mountain, it would have to forcibly pass through the dense and dangerous rainforest.

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