Jagged Germany

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349: Non-combat attrition (seeking monthly ticket)

Marching in rugged mountains is already very difficult. Especially if the road is still in the dense forest, it is even more dangerous. Poisonous insects, snakes and ants can kill a person at any time.

Even the German 23rd Army did not dare to go deep into the dense forest when it was fully prepared. The large amount of medicines they prepared, including deworming medicines, enabled them to build a defense line on the edge of the dense forest to ensure their own safety. However, the island army will not work. They simply weren't prepared for it. This also made the non-combat attrition of the Japanese army very serious during the war.

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki, Commander of the 35th Army of the Island Army, watched with a blank expression as the military doctor covered the soldiers who died of poisoning with white cloth. He no longer knew how many soldiers in his army were killed by poisonous insects, snakes and ants. Of course, Major General Tomomi Haru, Chief of Staff of the 35th Army, probably knew it well. From the time they entered the dense forest to the present, the entire 35th Army has lost more than 3,000 people. This is equivalent to the disappearance of an infantry regiment. Such a loss may not be a big deal to the 35th Army, which has nearly 80,000 people. However, this is only the beginning. As the fighting continues, it is unknown how many more people will die here.

"Youjin-san, is the logistics department still unable to send us enough medicine? There is not enough medicine, let alone defeating the Germans, I am afraid that our officers and soldiers will be killed by those poisonous insects and ants first." Suzuki Lieutenant General Zong Zuo had a frosty expression on his face.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you have already contacted the Front Army Command. The Front Army Command does not have enough medicines, so it can only communicate with the country. However, I guess there is no way to do it in the country. In the end, we can only ask the Americans for help." Major General Tomochi Miharu said.

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki's face suddenly became even uglier. If he really had to wait until he got enough medicine from the Americans, the day lily might be cold. At that time, I don't know how many officers and soldiers of the island country army will die in the mouths of these poisonous insects, snakes and ants. The non-combat attrition alone is enough to make them drink a pot.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is no way. We were not prepared for this war at all. We never expected that Nanyang's relief would be so bad." Major General Tomochi Miharu continued.

"Forget it, there is no way. No matter what, the battle must continue! Order the troops to speed up the march. They must reach the destination before tomorrow morning. Then, start the attack from tomorrow afternoon. Warriors of the Empire You guys, even if you are going to die, you have to die vigorously, you can't die so uselessly!" Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku ordered.

In the eyes of Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki, it is undoubtedly very worthless to die in the mouths of these poisonous insects, snakes and ants. Only dying in battle with the Germans is truly valuable.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Major General Tomokami Miharu nodded, he knew what Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki meant.

In the eyes of these army generals, the lives of ordinary soldiers are not important at all, they are just tools to win the war. As long as they can win, they will never care no matter how many people die.

Under the urging of Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki, the 35th Army of the Japanese Army once again accelerated the marching speed.

On the morning of April 11, the 35th Army of the Japanese Army had arrived in front of the defense lines of the German 227th Infantry Division and 229th Infantry Division.

The long-distance march made the officers and soldiers very tired, so Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku did not immediately order an attack, but asked the quartermasters to let the officers and soldiers have a good lunch. All kinds of canned meat and canned fruits that are usually reluctant to eat were also distributed, which made the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army very satisfied.

Of course, many people also know that this is probably a hearty lunch before death. After this meal it's time to go to hell. If you don't do it well, you have to lose your own life.

However, as ordinary soldiers, they have no other choice but to follow orders, and they can only pray for the blessing of God Amaterasu.

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki called several division heads and brigade heads under the 35th Army to discuss the next battle.

The 35th Army has 4 divisions and an independent mixed brigade. Among them, the 16th Division is a four-unit division with two infantry brigades and four main infantry regiments. The other 30th Division, 100th Division and 102nd Division are three-unit divisions. The independent and mixed 54th Brigade is a brigade with more than 7,000 people.

"Gentlemen, we have finally arrived here after going through untold hardships. Your Excellency the Commander of the Front Army asked us to launch an attack as soon as possible to break through the German defense line. Although I know that the German firepower is very strong, which makes Their defense force is also very strong. If we launch an attack, we will pay heavy casualties. However, for the future of the empire, we must fight the Germans. Our sacrifice will be valuable. Once the empire wins With the victory of this war, we are all heroes of the empire." Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku said.josei

"Hi, Your Excellency Commander!" Several division heads and brigade heads replied.

"According to the information we got, there are only two German infantry divisions in front of the German defense line. Our strength is fully twice that of theirs. I believe that we will be able to defeat them." Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki Then he said.

But the division heads and brigade heads didn't think so. Although their strength is twice that of the German army, if they really want to fight, they are probably not the opponents of the German army. Not to mention that they took the initiative to attack, while the Germans were on the defensive. The superiority of the German army's strength can be brought into full play. No need to think about it, this will cause them to pay extremely heavy losses during the attack.

"The offensive in the afternoon was initiated by the 30th Division and the 54th Division of the independent mixed degree. I hope you can start with success!" Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki said.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Kobayashi Asaburo, head of the 30th Division, and Lieutenant General Hojo Tenkichi, head of the independent mixed 54th Brigade, looked a little unhappy. Generally speaking, the brigade commanders of independent mixed brigades all have the rank of major general. Hojo Tengji was able to serve as the brigade commander of the independent and mixed 54th brigade with the rank of lieutenant general, which means that he has very deep qualifications.

However, since Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki had clearly issued an order, they had no way of refusing it and could only accept the order. Otherwise, it is disobedience.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Lieutenant Generals Asaburo Kobayashi and Lieutenant General Hojo Tenkichi replied.

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