Jagged Germany

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352: Send to death (seeking monthly ticket)

"Contact with the Army Air Corps and tell them that we need fire support! If we can't destroy the German artillery positions, we don't know how many people will die under their artillery fire!" Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki ordered road.

"Hi, Your Excellency Commander." Major General Tomokami Miharu replied.

"In addition, let the front army also contact the navy. It would be great if the navy can dispatch capital ships to destroy the German artillery positions." Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki continued.

Although he knows that it is undoubtedly very difficult for the navy of the island country to take risks. However, there is no other way, the dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander." Major General Tomomi Haru nodded.

A communications officer immediately sent a telegram to request support from the Front Army Command. However, all the army generals of the island country knew very well that such a request for help would probably not have any effect. Let alone Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma, the commander of the 14th Front Army, there is nothing he can do. Even General Hisao Nishio, the commander of the Southern Army, probably has no way to solve such troubles.

"Your Excellency, Commander, do the 22nd Field Artillery Regiment, the 100th Division Artillery and the 102nd Division Artillery still need to enter the battlefield?" Major General Tomomi Haru asked.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Fujie Keisuke, Lieutenant General Harada Jiro, and Lieutenant General Fukue Shinpei all gave Major General Tomokami Miharu a vicious look. Knowing that the German artillery is so powerful, and let their artillery enter the battlefield, wouldn't that let their artillery go to death?

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki was very angry, but he was not a fool. He knew that if he sent out artillery again, he would undoubtedly send them to their deaths. This is obviously hitting a stone with an egg, and only a fool can do it.

"Not for the time being! Let them dispatch at night. At night, the Germans will not be able to suppress our artillery so easily!" Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku said. At the same time, he raised his head and cast a vicious glance at the school shooting plane in the sky. He knew that the reason why the German artillery shells were able to hit their artillery positions so accurately was because of the school firing planes.

"Hi, Your Excellency Commander!" Major General Tomokami Miharu replied.

The eyes of Lieutenant General Asaburo Kobayashi and Lieutenant General Hojo Tenkichi fell on the face of Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki. Their artillery has been completely lost. So, is there still a need to attack with infantry? If they could choose, they would definitely choose to give up the offense. However, it is a pity that they cannot take the lead. Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku has the final say on everything.

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki also obviously knew the intentions of the two. However, at this juncture, it is definitely impossible for him to give up the attack. Otherwise, how would he explain to the front army headquarters? Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma asked him to launch an attack without stopping after he arrived at the front line, and to launch an attack at all costs, even if he paid a huge loss, he had to break through the German defense line.

Obviously, the island army intends to launch an attack regardless of casualties in order to defeat the German army.

"Kobayashi-kun, Hojo-kun, let's attack! Even without artillery support, we have to break through the German defenses and defeat them!" Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki said expressionlessly.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Lieutenant Generals Asaburo Kobayashi and Lieutenant General Hojo Tenkichi replied. Facing Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki's orders, they had no way to disobey them, they could only obey them.

"Attack!" The troops of the island country army immediately issued the order to attack.

The 74th and 77th Infantry Regiments under the 30th Division independently formed four infantry brigades under the 54th Brigade. A total of ten infantry brigades supported more than 10,000 people and launched an attack on the German defense line. .

The island army soldiers, wearing khaki military uniforms, lined up in sparse skirmish lines along the road, and launched an attack on the German defense line on the other side of the valley.

It's just that what greeted them was heavy shelling by the German army. As the headquarters of the German 23rd Army, Brunei City has stored a large amount of weapons and ammunition. There is no need to worry about running out of ammunition. Therefore, the artillerymen threw off their arms and opened fire wantonly. No matter how expensive these shells are, even if they exchange ten shells for the life of an islander, they will not lose money.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shells fell like raindrops, and there were continuous explosions in the valley.josei

Soldiers of the island country army were constantly blown up into the air. The shrapnel shot in all directions harvested the lives of these island soldiers.


A 210mm artillery shell exploded, leaving a large crater on the ground. All the surrounding island soldiers were killed. Remnants of limbs and broken arms flew everywhere, looking very bloody.

"Come on! Break through the German defense line and kill them all!" Countless island soldiers were not frightened by the fierce German shelling. Under the leadership of the officers, they violently attacked the German defense line. Although their bowed legs were not running very fast, no one took half a step back. I have to admit that the courage of these island soldiers during the battle is undoubtedly amazing.

However, courage often does not bring victory. Facing the fierce shelling by the German army, the island army paid a huge price during the offensive. Many soldiers were killed before they even reached the edge of the German defense line. If this continues, the island army will have no other effect at all except for consuming some German artillery shells.

Lieutenant General Sosaku Suzuki and others hid behind and watched this scene with binoculars. Their faces were ashen, watching their own officers and soldiers being killed in the artillery fire. However, although the loss of the troops was staggering, Lieutenant General Suzuki Sosaku and others did not have the slightest intention to stop the troops from attacking. In their view, the lives of these ordinary soldiers are not that important. As long as the final victory can be obtained, it doesn't matter even if all of them die.

"Damn it, the German artillery fire is too fierce. Such an attack is no different from death!" Lieutenant General Kobayashi Asaburo couldn't help cursing.

"Mr. Kobayashi, there is no way. I hope the sacrifices of our warriors are meaningful!" Lieutenant General Hojo Tenkichi said.

"Tsk tsk! The islanders are really crazy. Could it be that because they have enough troops, they can send soldiers to die unscrupulously?" Major General Leizer, commander of the German 227th Infantry Division, said with a smile.

"The more islanders die, the better! Even if they are all killed by our shells, I have no objection!" Major General Manteoffel also had a smile on his face.

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