Jagged Germany

Chapter 1363

Chapter 1363: Confidence to win (seeking monthly ticket)

During the daytime on April 14th, the attack of the 15th Army of the Japanese Army weakened a lot. During the whole day, only two attacks with thousands of people were launched. And they are all second-line troops drawn from the 4th Division, 72nd Division and 73rd Division. As for the 81st Division and the 84th Division, they have been standing still.

Obviously, this is because of the battle yesterday afternoon and night, the losses were too great, and the entire 15th Army has been injured.

The division commander of the German 226th Infantry Division, Major General Friedley, was also a little puzzled about this.

"Although the islanders suffered a lot yesterday, they still have an advantage in strength! The entire 18th Front Army has more than 100,000 people. We only dealt with more than 30,000 people yesterday. The distance between the entire 18th Front Army The 18th Front Army is wiped out, and there is still a very long way to go. It would be great if the islanders could continue to attack regardless of the cost!" Major General Friedley looked regretful.

Yesterday's battle was really enjoyable. Of course, this is for the German army. They just need to pull the trigger and shoot those islanders with powerful firepower. But for the Japanese army, it was undoubtedly an out-and-out disaster. When the Japanese army was attacking, although it was brave, it was not afraid of death. But that kind of death is still unacceptable to the officers and soldiers. If the island country army continues to attack like that, I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire 18th Front Army will be completely lost.josei

Of course, the islanders are not fools, expecting them to always adopt the tactics of death, unless the generals of the island army of the 18th Front Army had their heads caught by the door. Otherwise, don't expect such a good thing to happen.

"General, it is impossible for such a good thing to happen all the time. We have already taken advantage of being able to kill tens of thousands of island army with powerful firepower. What's more, our defense line is still very strong. If If the island army continues to attack, we can still deal with them. Even if the island army reduces the scale of the attack, it will only take a little more time. Besides, the longer the time is delayed, the better for us!" Staff officer Commodore General Georg said.

Major General Friedley nodded: "That's true! However, I still like the brave way of charging of the islanders. If all the islanders use this tactic when fighting, maybe this battle It will be acceptable soon. Maybe we can defeat all the islanders without the support of the mainland. Then with the support of the navy, we can directly attack the mainland of the island country!"

Brigadier General Georg couldn't help being a little speechless. Although Major General Friedley thought well, it was obviously impossible.

"General, the islanders have reduced the scale of their attack. Is there any conspiracy? After all, they lost so many people yesterday. If there is no change, it will be unreasonable." Brigadier General Georg said .

"Conspiracy? That's for sure! The islanders' army can't break through our defense line. Then, they will definitely use other methods. I think our defense line is located by the sea, which may give the islanders a chance. Maybe , the navy of the island country is already on its way.” Rear Admiral Friedley said.

Brigadier General Georg nodded again and again, and he thought so too. While their defenses are solid, that's for the Army. Especially for the island army that lacks artillery, especially large-caliber heavy artillery, it is very difficult to break through the German defense line. However, if you face the large-caliber naval guns of the Japanese navy, then everything is another matter. Even the main guns equipped by cruisers cannot be resisted by these lines of defense. Not to mention the main guns of the battleship with a larger caliber. At that time, once the navy of the island country starts to bombard the German defense lines, these seemingly solid defense lines will definitely have only one end in the end, and that is to be completely destroyed.

"What about our navy? We can handle the islanders on land. However, we have to rely on them to deal with the islanders at sea." Rear Admiral Friedley said.

"General, the fleet of the Imperial Navy actually made a circle in the offshore last night. They didn't evacuate until early in the morning. They will arrive again this evening. Therefore, we should not have to worry about coming from the sea. threat!" Brigadier General Georg said.

"In this case, it would be great. The Imperial Navy could cause heavy losses to the islanders in the last naval battle. Then this time, I believe they will be able to do it too. As long as the navy can withstand the attack of the islanders Attack. Then, the islanders are nothing to worry about! We can let them shed blood in this battle." Major General Friedley smiled ferociously.

"General, I believe we will see this day soon!" Brigadier General Georg was also full of confidence in this battle.

The generals of the 226th Infantry Division did not know that the island army on the opposite side had changed its commander. Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura, commander of the 18th Front Army of the Japanese Army, led the rest of the 18th Front Army to the battlefield and took over command of the troops from Lieutenant General Shojiro Iida.

Although Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura was a little dissatisfied with Lieutenant General Shojiro Iida's heavy losses. But he knew it was impossible. In the face of the solid defense line and powerful firepower of the German army, if any general of the army of the island country came, as long as he launched an attack, the result would be like this.

"Gentlemen, don't be discouraged by yesterday's failure. The German defense line is very strong and strong. However, we will be able to tear through their defense line. The Imperial Navy has dispatched a powerful fleet to come. Today An attack on the German defense line can be launched at night. As long as the navy can use naval guns to tear through the German defense line, we can easily break through the German defense line tomorrow." Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura looked confident.

The generals of the island country army breathed a sigh of relief after hearing such words. With the fire support of the navy, it should not be a big problem to tear through the German defense line. In this case, they can undoubtedly tear through the German defense line at a very small cost and defeat them. The previous suicide attack method really made every general of the island army feel terrified.

"My lords, the victory in this war must belong to the empire! The empire must win!" Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura said.

"The empire will win!" The generals of the army of each island country also regained their confidence.

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