Jagged Germany

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389: Massacre (seeking monthly ticket)

The first wave of 176 carrier-based aircraft launched by the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the island nation’s navy is still flying south. Because they don't know the exact location of the German aircraft carrier, they need to search and move forward.

The forty Type Zero carrier-based fighters escorting the fleet are not only responsible for escorting 56 Type 99 carrier-based bombers and 80 Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft. At the same time, he was responsible for searching for the location of the German aircraft carrier.

This makes the island country's carrier-based air fleet very open, and the speed of going south is not fast.

And this gave the German fleet more preparation time. It can allow the Luftwaffe to send more fighters to the battlefield.

The carrier-based aircraft group of the island country is completely under the detection of the German Navy's air search radar. Under the guidance of the air search radar, the fighter planes of the Luftwaffe can rush directly to the target.

It was the 36 FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe that went to intercept the island nation's fleet first. Although, compared to the huge size of the island nation's fleet of 176 aircraft, they appear to be much smaller. However, these Luftwaffe pilots were not afraid, but excited and excited.

"I'm about to encounter the island nation's fleet, all squadrons pay attention, give priority to attacking the island nation's bombers and torpedo attack aircraft, and get rid of them all!" The captain ordered.

"Understood, sir!" The pilots all replied.

In the case of the heavy losses of the army aviation of the island country, the pilots of the 5th Aviation Group of the German Air Force have not been able to reap the results for a long time. Now, the island navy has sent so many planes to die, which makes them very excited and excited. After all, whether it is shooting down the aircraft of the island country's army aviation force or the plane of the island country's naval aviation force, it is considered a victory. In comparison, it is easier to shoot down those bombers and torpedo attack aircraft.

In order to seize the attack altitude, these FW-190 fighter jets all stay at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Although at this altitude, due to the thin air, the performance of the fighter will be greatly affected. However, once it starts to attack the enemy downwards, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, and the fighter can gain great speed. The high speed allows them to quickly break away from contact with the enemy after launching an attack, and then climb to a high altitude to re-launch the attack. After all, it is a very unwise choice to fight with the islanders' fighter planes at low and medium altitudes.


Following the order of the captain, 36 FW-190 fighter jets of the German Air Force took the lead in launching the attack. They swooped down from a high altitude and rushed directly at the carrier-based aircraft group of the island navy, just like a tiger rushing at a flock of sheep.

"Boom boom boom!"

FW-190 fighter is equipped with more powerful firepower. There are two 12.7 mm aviation machine guns in the nose. The two wings are equipped with a 30mm cannon and a 20mm cannon respectively. Generally speaking, large-caliber cannons are prepared for heavy bombers. However, when not fighting heavy bombers, it is even easier to deal with those ordinary bombers.

One after another, the Type 99 bomber and Type 97 attack aircraft of the Japanese navy were attacked by surprise, and the beaten ones disintegrated in the air. Break into pieces and fall to the sea.

"Germans! Damn it, spread out!"

At least twenty island nation carrier-based aircraft were shot down in this round of attacks. This is undoubtedly a big blow to the huge island nation fleet.

"The fighter jets entangled the Germans, and the bombers and attack planes continued to move forward. The German planes came from that direction, and their aircraft carrier must be in that direction!" The carrier-based aircraft commander of the island navy ordered.

Forty Zero fighter jets pounced on the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, trying to intercept them and **** their own bombers and attack planes away.

However, in terms of speed, these Zero fighters are much worse than the FW-190 fighters of the Luftwaffe. When they rushed towards the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe aggressively, those FW-190 fighter jets had already begun to climb.

"Baga! Damn German, don't try to run!"

A Zero fighter is chasing a FW-190 fighter and wants to shoot it down. When the FW-190 fighter accelerated to climb, the Zero fighter also climbed.

However, when the altitude got higher and higher and reached 8 kilometers, the engine of the Zero fighter began to have problems.

Several abnormal noises came, and the rotating propeller suddenly stopped working.

"Baga! My engine stalled, what's going on?" the island pilot yelled in horror.

The engine stalls, which means the aircraft will lose power. After losing power at an altitude of 8,000 meters, the plane will fall directly. At this height, if it falls on the ground, it will probably fall directly into a pile of meat paste.

"Restart the plane quickly! Otherwise you will die!" The captain's voice appeared in the earphone.

However, the pilot worked hard for a long time, but still failed to restart the engine.

With no choice but to parachute, he watched his plane fall into the sea.

"Stupid islanders!" The pilots of the German Air Force couldn't help laughing after seeing this scene.

They are qualified to be proud of the advanced performance of their fighters. It is indeed a pleasure to bully these islanders with such an advanced fighter.

"It is forbidden to climb compared with the German aircraft! Our aircraft performance is not as good as theirs. Once it climbs to a high altitude, the aircraft's engine is prone to failure!" The commander of the island nation's naval air force ordered.

This order is full of helplessness. Who made the performance of their aircraft so much worse than that of the Germans? This is something that these pilots can't change even if they try their best.

Although, the pilot's personal flying skills can play a big role in air combat. However, if an ace pilot flies a biplane and goes into an air battle with a TA-152 pilot driven by a novice pilot, the TA-152 fighter will definitely win in the end. In the case of a large disparity in aircraft performance, the pilot's flying skills cannot make up for this huge gap.josei

The 36 FW-190 fighter jets of the German Air Force, with their advanced performance, massacred the carrier-based fleet of the island navy. After they got rid of the pursuit of the Zero fighters by their speed, they directly attacked the Type 99 bombers and Type 97 attack aircraft.

In front of the FW-190 fighter jets, the Japanese Navy's Type 99 bomber and Type 97 attack aircraft are no opponents at all. One after the other was shot down. The pilots of the Luftwaffe, relying on the performance of the aircraft and their skilled flying skills, massacred the carrier-based aircraft of these island navies. It is estimated that many German air pilots will be promoted to become ace pilots after this battle!

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