Jagged Germany

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391: attack aircraft carrier

The fighter jets of the 5th Aviation Group of the German Air Force slaughtered the carrier-based aircraft groups of the island navy. In front of the FW-190 fighter jets and BF-109 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, the Zero-type carrier-based fighter jets may still have a little resistance. However, those ninety-nine ship explosions and ninety-seven ship attacks are no longer opponents.

Estimated at this rate of loss, I am afraid that the carrier fleet of the island navy will be completely lost before the location of the German Navy's aircraft carrier is found.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the German Navy. After losing a large number of carrier-based aircraft, even if the aircraft carrier of the island navy is still there, its combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened. After all, the combat power of an aircraft carrier is reflected in the carrier-based aircraft. The aircraft carrier itself is nothing more than providing a platform for taking off and landing at sea, as well as the role of an ammunition depot, acting as a sea airport for carrier-based aircraft to take off and land. Once the aircraft carrier has no carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft carrier will naturally have no combat effectiveness.

The loss of nearly 200 carrier-based aircraft is undoubtedly a great loss for the first aircraft carrier team of the island navy. Especially the pilots of carrier-based aircraft are not so easy to train. In the case where the Japanese navy's carrier-based aircraft pilots take the business route, each of them is a baby bump, and the loss of one is less than one, which is enough to make people feel distressed.

While the fighter jets of the German Air Force were massacring, the second wave of carrier-based aircraft that took off from the two aircraft carriers of the German Navy was rushing to the position of the 1st aircraft carrier team of the island navy at high speed.

"Sir, our radar has detected a large-scale fleet, probably the German carrier fleet." On the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier, a staff officer reported to Lieutenant Admiral Chuichi Nagumo.

"Your Excellency, the German carrier-based aircraft has been found. It seems that the previous German submarine has indeed exposed our position." Major General Kusakaka Ryunosuke looked very ugly.

"Order the air defense fighter jets to attack immediately to intercept the German fleet! The fleet maintains an air defense formation and resists the German attack!" Lieutenant Admiral Nagumo Chuichi ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!" Major General Kusakaka Ryunosuke immediately went to convey the order.

The more than 30 Zero fighters flying over the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the island nation's navy, after receiving the order, immediately pounced in the direction of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft.

At the same time, the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the Japanese Navy is also urgently changing its formation. The four aircraft carriers were separated from each other, and cruisers and destroyers guarded these aircraft carriers in the middle. The air defense soldiers have rushed to the air defense positions, and the anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns have been aimed at the sky. Everyone has entered a state of emergency combat readiness, ready to shoot into the air at any time.

"Attention all squadrons, give priority to shooting down German bombers!" The fighter commander of the island navy ordered.

"Hi, sir!" The pilots all replied one after another.

They all know that with the performance of the Zero fighter, if they want to fight against the German Navy's carrier-based fighter, it is undoubtedly a little bit worse. If you are entangled or even shot down by the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets, you can only watch the German Navy's bombers and torpedo planes attack their aircraft carrier. Therefore, for the sake of the safety of their own aircraft carrier fleet, they must try their best to shoot down the bombers and torpedo planes of the German Navy. Only in this way can one's own aircraft carrier be protected.

"Find the fighters of the island navy! Squadron 4 and 6, disperse the fighters of the islanders! Other fighters, cover dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft continue to move forward. We are not far from the aircraft carrier of the islanders." German Navy The carrier-based aircraft commander ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

24 carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets swooped down from a high altitude and attacked the Zero fighter jets of the island navy.

Fierce air battle broke out immediately.

Under the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets, the island navy's Zero fighter fleet lost several aircraft in the first contact. The rest of the fighters quickly dispersed and rushed towards the dive bombers and torpedo attack planes of the German Navy.

Although these Zero fighters are not opponents of carrier-based BF-109 fighters in air combat, they can still deal with those dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft carrying heavy aviation bombs and heavy aviation torpedoes. After all, these dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft were originally inflexible, and after carrying heavy bombs and torpedoes, they became even more clumsy.

It's just that the German Navy's carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets have been chasing and attacking these Zero fighter jets, not giving them the chance to attack those bombers and torpedo planes. There are also 12 carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets protecting these torpedo planes and attack planes. This caused the attacks of the Japan Navy's Zero fighter jets to be disintegrated time and time again.

Fighters were shot down continuously, but most of them were Zero fighters of the Japanese navy. Although these Zero fighters can get rid of the pursuit of the German Navy's BF-109 fighters by virtue of their excellent maneuverability. But they wanted to attack those bombers and torpedo planes, which undoubtedly gave the BF-109 fighter jets of the German Navy a chance.

When the Zero fighters of the island navy tried to attack the bombers and torpedo planes of the German Navy, the BF-109 fighter jets of the German Navy would seize the opportunity to launch an attack, and directly shot down these Zero fighters with powerful firepower.

Soon, the Zero fighter group of the Japanese navy suffered heavy losses. The German Navy's carrier-based fleet suffered minor losses.

The battle between the two sides is getting closer and closer to the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the Japanese Navy, and they are about to enter the range of their air defense firepower.

"Your Excellency, our air defense fighters have suffered heavy losses. So far, there are less than ten of them. And only four German carrier-based aircraft were shot down." Major General Kusakaka Ryunosuke reported.

"Baga! Let our air defense fighters withdraw from the battle to avoid being accidentally injured! The anti-aircraft fire is ready to fire and shoot down the German plane!" Lieutenant General Nagumo Chuichi ordered with a dark face.josei

When the air defense fighters are useless, you can only rely on the fleet's air defense firepower. Lieutenant General Nanyun Zhongyi knew that this time they might have to pay a lot of losses.

"Dispatch two teams of fighter jets to continue to deal with the islanders' Zero fighters. The other fighters suppress the islanders' anti-aircraft firepower and cover the bombers and torpedo planes to attack. The bombers and torpedo planes are ready to attack, and first solve the **** on the periphery of the aircraft carrier Battleships, and then deal with aircraft carriers! This time, we must kill these German aircraft carriers!"

"Yes, sir!" The carrier-based aircraft pilots of the German Navy replied one after another.

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