Jagged Germany

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405: Lure the enemy

On the front line of Crocker Hill, the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army of the Island Army have stopped attacking the German defense line. However, the previous continuous attacks have caused heavy losses to both front armies. The 35th Army and 41st Army under the 14th Front Army were almost completely lost, and several armies under the 7th Front Army also suffered considerable losses.

The German defense line is still strong. Although the onslaught of the island army also caused the German army to pay a certain amount of casualties. But these casualties are still within the acceptable range. It's just that the fortifications were severely damaged.

The 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army of the Island Army often chose to attack at night when facing the solid German defense line and strong firepower. During the day, it was just a slight offensive, which prevented the German army from resting. At night, under the cover of darkness, a large-scale night attack was launched. Under this tactic of the island army, the German defense line was under tremendous pressure, and casualties began to rise. It's just that these casualties are insignificant compared to the casualties they caused to the island nation's army.

When Lieutenant General Masahiro Homma and Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuo were preparing to expand the scale of the attack and tear through the German defense line in one fell swoop, a bad news came. The main force of the German 23rd Army launched an offensive and wiped out the 18th Front Army of the Japanese Army in one fell swoop.

The destruction of the 18th Front Army immediately shocked Lieutenant General Masahiro Homma and Lieutenant General Shizuo Tanaka. Although both the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army are stronger than the 18th Front Army. However, if the German army is capable of annihilating the 18th Front Army, it will definitely have the strength to defeat these two front armies. Even cause more casualties to them.

In order to avoid causing greater losses, both the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army immediately stopped attacking and entered defensive operations instead.

"Honma-kun, I really didn't expect the 18th Front Army to disappear like this. I'm afraid Nakamura-kun will not have a good time this time." Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuki sighed.

Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma nodded. Although Lieutenant General Akito Nakamura and most of the generals escaped, the troops were all dead, and they all became bare commanders. If there are big bosses in the country covering them and giving them supplements, maybe their troops will be supplemented and there will be a chance to make a comeback. Without the support of the background, I am afraid that there is only one way to be a part-time job for the elderly, or even transfer to the reserve.

"The strength of the Germans is even stronger than we imagined! Even after we have been on the offensive for so long, they can still assemble a strong force and wipe out the 18th Front Army. If the Germans send out a large number of armored troops to attack us If so, we probably won't be able to resist." Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma said.

"The key is that the guys in the navy didn't work at all this time. If they can defeat the German navy, with the fire support of naval guns, it will be much easier for us to defeat the Germans." Tanaka Shizuka Will continue to say.

"Yes, the Navy is hopeless." Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma felt very helpless. If it can get the fire support of the navy, the island army can easily defeat the German 23rd Army. But now, they are forced to pay even greater losses.

"Your Excellency, Commander, a telegram from the Southern Army Headquarters." Lieutenant General Masami Maeda, Chief of Staff of the 14th Front Army, reported.

Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma took a look at the telegram, and then said: "Your Excellency Commander ordered us to suspend our offensive and preserve our strength. The 2nd Army, 18th Army, 37th Army, and 38th Army will all land on Borneo one after another. Wait until these Once the troops arrive, we will be strong enough to attack the Germans again."

Lieutenant General Tanaka Shizuo nodded: "In that case, we may be able to defeat the Germans. However, our losses will not be small."

"There is no way. Who made the gap between us and the Germans so big? If we want to defeat the Germans, we can rely on more warriors to sacrifice!" Lieutenant General Masahiro Honma looked very helpless.

When the island country army stopped attacking across the board, the German 23rd Army began to think of ways to severely damage the island country army.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it is reported from the front that both the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army of the Island Army have temporarily stopped their offensive. It seems that they were all frightened by the destruction of the 18th Front." Chief of Staff Major General Erwin Vilo Said.

Lieutenant General William Adam nodded: "It's a pity that because of Crocker Hill, our armored forces can't take the initiative to launch an attack. Otherwise, it would be enough to take advantage of this opportunity to defeat them in one fell swoop."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander. We can only think of other ways." Major General Erwin Vilo said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, according to the information we have received, the island army is still frantically transporting troops to Borneo. Including the 2nd Army, the 18th Army, the 37th Army and the 38th Army under the Southern Army of the Island Army. These four If the army adds up, there are about 400,000 people. Once they all arrive, our pressure will increase again." Major General Erwin Vilo continued.

Lieutenant General William Adam couldn't help frowning tightly together.josei

"After such a long period of fierce fighting, the troops are already very exhausted. If the islanders send 400,000 reinforcements to land on Borneo again, this is not good news for us. We must find a way to fight against the islanders. Before the arrival of the reinforcements, we should eliminate the 14th Front Army and the 7th Front Army of the Island Army. At least they must be severely damaged! In that case, we can safely leave Borneo!" Lieutenant General William Adam said.

Lieutenant General William Adam is obviously not stupid enough to use one of his own army groups against the entire island army. He just wanted to cause more casualties to the island country army in Borneo, and let the whole world know the strength of the 23rd Army. Now, their goal has basically been achieved, and naturally there is no need to stick to Borneo.

However, before the evacuation, Lieutenant General William Adam also hoped to further cause greater casualties to the island army. In this case, it will be safer when the 23rd Army withdraws.

Major General Erwin Willow thought for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency, Commander, we may be able to lure the island army to the vicinity of Brunei City. In this case, we can severely damage or even wipe them out."

Lieutenant General William Adam also knew that if they could fight around the city of Brunei, they would have a great chance of winning. The terrain here is suitable for armored troops to attack. At the same time, it can also get fire support from the naval fleet. However, how to lure the army of the island country to the vicinity of Brunei is a difficult problem.

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