Jagged Germany

Chapter 1421

Chapter 1421: combat direction

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Navy's home fleet is ready for battle! Once a war with the U.S. Navy begins, the Imperial Navy's home fleet and the Atlantic Fleet will be able to resist the U.S. Navy and even defeat them!" Marshal Lütjens said.

Although, the strength of the U.S. Navy has expanded very rapidly. But the local fleet and the Atlantic Fleet combined have eight fleet aircraft carriers and 16 capital ships. In terms of overall strength, it is not much worse than the US Navy. Of course, in terms of the performance and quantity of capital ships, the German Navy has disadvantages. But on the aircraft carrier, the German Navy can take advantage.

Of course, the number of aircraft carriers owned by the US Navy has far exceeded eight. Especially after the "Essex-class" aircraft carrier began mass production, the number of aircraft carriers owned by the US Navy is still soaring. However, in terms of the quality of carrier-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft pilots, the German Navy still has a great advantage. What's more, four of the German Navy's "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers are currently in service, and the second batch of four ships is also undergoing sea trials and will enter service soon. The third batch of four "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers is also expected to enter service in the first half of next year. As for the more advanced "Nordic God-class" aircraft carrier, the construction of the first four ships has also started. Calculated in this way, the strength of the German Navy in terms of aircraft carriers is already far ahead of the US Navy.

Qin Tian nodded: "Marshal Raeder, when will our second batch of 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers be ready for official service?"josei

"Your Majesty, the second batch of four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers have all started sea trials one after another. It is expected that they will be commissioned one after another from next month. They will all be commissioned within the next three months." Marshal Raeder replied road.

"Isn't the carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets onboard the 'Zhushen-class' aircraft carrier?" Qin Tian continued to ask.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Raeder replied.

"So, from now on, the first batch of four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers will be allocated to the local fleet. The second batch of four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers will be allocated to the Atlantic Fleet. To strengthen the strength of these two fleets Strength. I hope that you can defeat the Americans in one fell swoop in the next war!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Lütjens and Admiral Rolf Karls both replied.

Their fleet has once again added four aircraft carriers, and it is also the most powerful "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier in active service in the German Navy, which will further enhance the strength of their fleet. You know, this is not just as simple as adding four aircraft carriers. Each aircraft carrier also has supporting **** warships, such as large air defense cruisers, heavy cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers and so on.

"Everyone, this war between the Empire and the United States is very important. I hope you can defeat the U.S. Navy and win a victory for the Empire!" Qin Tian said.

"The empire will win!" All the admirals and generals of the navy have greatly increased their confidence.

After the navy matter was arranged, Qin Tian's attention was once again placed on the army and air force. As the weather gradually warms up, the German army's large-scale offensive on the Russian battlefield is about to begin. A large amount of combat materials are being transported by rail to the Eastern European plains.

Although the traffic on the Eastern European Plain is still very bad, thanks to Germany's efforts, many destroyed railways can be re-operated. Although the railway standards in Bu Russia are different from those in continental Europe, during the war, the German army seized a lot of carriages and locomotives, all of which can be used. In addition, before the outbreak of the war, Germany secretly produced a batch of locomotives and carriages that could run on Russian railways. This allowed the German army to use the Russian railway network to transport combat materials and troops, which greatly guaranteed the German army's logistical supplies on the Eastern Front.

On April 1st, April Fool's Day, Qin Tian once again listened to reports from the Imperial War Minister, Marshal Manstein, and the Imperial Air Force Minister, Marshal Kesselring.

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, the Imperial Army and Air Force are ready to launch an offensive in half a month!" Marshal Manstein reported.

In April on the Eastern European Plain, the snow has begun to melt. This made the road very muddy, and the march of the troops was greatly affected. Especially when Russia was carrying out transportation construction, almost all of them were concentrated in the west. After passing Smolensk, the traffic was very bad, which greatly affected the German army and the army of the slave country.

But even with these difficulties, the German army must overcome these difficulties and defeat the Russian army.

Fortunately, the German army is equipped with a large number of trucks and tracked or half-tracked vehicles, which can overcome many bad road conditions. Although the fuel consumption is a bit higher, Germany is not short of oil now. It can fully support the consumption of the German army. Therefore, the restriction of traffic conditions is also reduced to a minimum.

In addition, the German army also organized a large number of prisoners of war to repair the transportation facilities in the occupied area, making the traffic situation better and better. In this case, the logistical supplies of the German army will be guaranteed.

In the combat plan submitted by Marshal Manstein, there are two main directions for the German army to attack. One is in the direction of Moscow. The Imperial Army's Army Group A, Army Group B, and Army Group C all use Moscow as the main direction of attack. Their combat goal this year is also to take Moscow and wipe out the Russian troops entrenched here and nearby. The other is in the direction of Josephgrad. The Imperial Army D Army Group and E Army Group will be responsible for attacking here. Their task is also to eliminate the Russian army entrenched here. If the German army can succeed in these two main attack directions, then the Russian army will suffer heavy losses. Especially Moscow, Joseph will never give up Moscow easily. Around Moscow, the two sides will launch a series of fierce battles. The German army also hopes to let Bu Russia shed blood in Moscow. In this way, in the follow-up operations, the German army will be able to destroy Bu Russia more easily.

Qin Tian agreed with the battle plan submitted by the General Staff, and he had nothing to add. He believes that the marshals and generals of the Imperial Army can accomplish these strategic goals well.

"Marshal Kesselring, on the Eastern Front, the Imperial Air Force not only wants to seize air supremacy and support the army's offensive. At the same time, the large-scale strategic bombing of Bu Russia will continue. We want to further weaken the war potential of Bu Russia, Only in this way can we win the war faster!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Kesselring nodded.

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