Jagged Germany

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445: encircled

"Hurry up! This section of trenches must be dug today, otherwise, you won't even be able to eat!"

Several Russian soldiers drove hundreds of Moscow civilians, holding hoes, shovels and other tools, to dig trenches on the outskirts of Moscow. Although most of these civilians are old and weak women and children, the young have been forcibly conscripted into the army.

After Joseph gave the order, Moscow could only enter but not exit. At the same time, under the suggestion of Marshal Shaposhnikov, Chief of the General Staff, these civilians in Moscow had to use their own labor in exchange for the food they needed to survive. They participated in the construction of Moscow's defense system to speed up the construction of these defense facilities.

The outskirts of Moscow will form a defensive position with trenches, barbed wire and mines. In the city, fortifications were built on the streets. The firepower of the German army is too strong. Once the German army attacks Moscow, it is very difficult to say how many buildings in Moscow will be left. Therefore, the Russian army did not rush to deploy firepower points on those buildings. After the German army blew Moscow into ruins, it would be more useful to arrange firepower points in the ruins.

After General Zhukov was appointed as the commander of the Moscow garrison, Marshal Shaposhnikov handed over the construction of Moscow's defense system to General Zhukov. After all, as the commander of Moscow's garrison, Moscow's defense system should be built by General Zhukov. In this way, in the subsequent battles, General Zhukov could better command the troops to resist the German attack.

This also led to bad luck for the civilians in Moscow. Almost all the people in the city participated in the construction of Moscow's defense system. This makes the construction of Moscow's defense system very fast.

Of course, there is no other way. The German army is attacking violently, and it seems that it is not far from Moscow. If you don't hurry up, when the Germans hit the city of Moscow, their defense system has not yet been built. In that case, what can be used to resist the German attack? After losing their military advantage, if they haven't even built a defense system, they won't be able to keep Moscow.

While the front-line battles were in full swing, Marshal Werner von Bromberg, commander of the German Army Group A, Marshal Guderian, commander of the Army Group B, and Marshal Rommel, commander of the Army Group C, all returned to Berlin. up. The reason why they will return to Berlin at this time is because the General Staff has a new battle plan for them to complete.

When the three marshals arrived at the General Staff Headquarters, Emperor Qin Tian and Chief of the General Staff Marshal Manstein were already waiting here.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty!" Several marshals saluted Qin Tian respectfully. Although they are already marshals with heavy troops in their hands, they are very clear that everything they have now is due to Qin Tian's important use of them. And now they are repaying Qin Tian's support for them with one victory after another.josei

"My marshals, you have worked hard, please sit down!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Everyone, call you back urgently. My General Staff hopes to fight a large-scale battle on the Russian battlefield. Try to wipe out the main force of the Russian army in one fell swoop. If we can win, this will greatly speed up the demise of Russia. Speed," Marshal Manstein said.

Several marshals looked at Marshal Manstein. As front-line commanders, they undoubtedly had a better understanding of Bu Russia's strength. I also know that Bu Russia seems to be suppressed by Germany now. But Bu'e's strength is still there, and it will take a lot of time to slowly consume Bu'e. It would be great if the speed of Bu Russia's demise could be accelerated.

"According to the recently obtained information, the war deployment of the United States seems to be almost completed. Therefore, the time for the United States to enter the war is getting closer. Although the Imperial Navy is very powerful, we cannot hold back the heavy responsibility of the Americans. Hand it over to the navy. We must make preparations as soon as possible. In this way, if any accident happens, we will not be powerless to fight back." Marshal Manstein continued.

Several marshals nodded repeatedly. If the United States wants to join the war, it is undoubtedly best for Germany to defeat Bu Russia first. That way, they can concentrate their efforts against the United States. After all, the United States is a more powerful opponent than Russia.

"Currently on the Russian battlefield, our Army Group A, Army Group B, and Army Group C are facing the Russian Northwest Front Army, Western Front Army, and Southwest Front Army respectively. On these battlefields, we have already gained an advantage Army Group C, in particular, has gained an overwhelming advantage. If Army Group C hadn’t intentionally controlled the speed of its advance, it might have defeated the Russian Southwest Front Army long ago.” Marshal Manstein said.

Marshal Rommel nodded: "The Southwest Front of the Russian Army is short of troops. The weapons and equipment and the combat effectiveness of the troops are much worse than ours. It is not difficult to defeat them. If we attack with all our strength, we will be defeated within five days." able to overwhelm the rest of their troops."

"Yes, I also believe that Army Group C is fully capable of doing this." Marshal Manstein said.

"Marshals, the General Staff Department plans to wipe out the Russian Army's Southwest Front Army, Western Front Army and Northwest Front Army in one fell swoop through a large-scale battle. In this case, nearly half of the main force of the Russian Army will be wiped out by us. .If we can succeed, we will completely injure Russia." Marshal Manstein said.

The eyes of several marshals are bright. In fact, the battle they are currently conducting is to eliminate these front forces of the Russian army. It's just that the German army is attacking step by step.

According to the current tactics, there is no problem in defeating these front armies of the Russian army. However, it is not easy to wipe them all out. After the Russian army is defeated, it will retreat, for example, retreat to Moscow to hold on. In that case, it will undoubtedly add a lot of resistance to the German army's capture of Moscow.

"Army Group C stepped up its attack, defeated the Russian Southwest Front Army in the shortest possible time, and made an appearance of rushing towards Moscow. When they were about to arrive in Moscow, several main armies of Group C turned to the north Launch an attack to cut off the rear of the Russian Army's Western Front and Northwest Front. Cooperate with Army Group B and Army Group A to wipe them out!" Marshal Manstein continued.

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