Jagged Germany

Chapter 1452

Chapter 1452: Send to death (seeking monthly ticket)

"Comrade Commander, Moscow ordered us to immediately organize troops to break through!" Lieutenant General Malankin, chief of staff of the Russian Western Front, reported.

"What? Just told us to break through, didn't you say to send troops to meet us?" Marshal Voroshilov looked a little ugly.

Lieutenant General Malankin shook his head: "It is said that there are insufficient troops in Moscow. If we send troops to meet us, I am afraid that the Germans will take the opportunity to attack. Therefore, Comrade Joseph asked us to organize a breakout by ourselves. The troops after the breakout, enter Moscow."

"Bastard! With our strength alone, how could we break through the encirclement of the Germans?" Marshal Voroshilov cursed.

"I heard that General Zhukov, the commander of the Reserve Front, has become the commander of the Moscow garrison. All the troops in and around Moscow are under the control of General Zhukov." Lieutenant General Ponomarenko said aside.

After hearing these words, Marshal Voroshilov's face became even uglier. Obviously, he thought that General Zhukov deliberately did not send troops to rescue them.

"Comrade Commander, what should we do now?" Lieutenant General Malankin asked.

"If you don't want to die, organize troops to launch a breakout! Only by breaking through the German encirclement can we have a way out. Otherwise, everyone will have to die here." Marshal Voroshilov said.

"However, the frontal battlefield is already in a hurry. If we deploy more troops, it may lead to a collapse on the frontal battlefield. At that time..." Lieutenant General Ma Lanjin was a little worried.

The offensive of the German Army Group B can be described as very violent. As a result, the Russian Western Front had to deploy a large number of troops on the frontal battlefield to guard against German attacks. Now that troops are to be deployed to break through, it will undoubtedly give the Germans an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"There is no other way now, I hope the frontal battlefield can last for a while." Marshal Voroshilov has obviously made up his mind. If you stay here, it will be a dead end. Then, why not try your best to gamble. If you can break through successfully, you can escape back to Moscow. Even if he loses his troops and power, at least he can save his own life.

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Lieutenant General Ma Lanjin nodded, and immediately went to mobilize troops to prepare to break through.

At the same time, the Northwest Front Army Command of the Russian Army also received a telegram from Moscow. The commander, Admiral Kirponos, also issued an order to prepare to break out when there was no other way.

But the problems they face are the same as those of the Western Front. The German offensive on the frontal battlefield was so fierce that they had to deploy the main force on the frontal battlefield to defend against the German attack. Now, if troops were to be mobilized to break through the encirclement, it would undoubtedly cause tense forces on the frontal battlefield. Once the frontal battlefield cannot withstand the German attack, the collapse of the army is imminent!josei

It's just that, apart from trying to break out of the encirclement, the Northwest Front Army has no other way. We can only deploy as many troops as possible to prepare for the breakout.

"Comrades, Moscow is ahead. As long as we break through the German defenses, we will be able to return to Moscow! The great leader, Comrade Joseph, is waiting for us in the Kremlin!" A political worker is sending a message to the Russian army that is about to enter the battle The soldiers gave speeches to boost everyone's morale, so that these Russian soldiers could die without hesitation.

The eyes of many Russian soldiers were full of fanaticism. Even under the leadership of Joseph, Russia almost lost in the war. However, this did not affect Joseph's status in the hearts of the soldiers at the bottom of the Russian army. Many people still treat Joseph as a god, and obey Joseph's orders unconditionally.

"Long live! Long live Comrade Joseph!" Countless Russian soldiers shouted loudly.


After the order to attack was issued, a large number of Russian officers and soldiers attacked the defense lines of the German 17th Army and 18th Army.

Although, what they faced was nothing more than the hastily constructed positions of the German 17th Army and 18th Army. However, the powerful firepower is still not something that the flesh and blood of the Russian soldiers can resist.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shell exploded among the crowd, blowing Russian soldiers to pieces one by one.

"Da da da!"

The bullets of heavy machine guns, general-purpose machine guns, and squad machine guns formed a steel storm, smashing all Russian soldiers who tried to break through the German defense line into honeycombs.

In the sky, groups of German fighter planes appeared. The dive bombers began to roar and drop their bombs. Heavy aerial bombs hit the ground one after another, leaving huge craters on the ground.

The ground attack aircraft continued to use machine guns and bombs to attack the densely populated areas of the Russian army's offensive queue, and used powerful firepower to harvest the lives of these Russian officers and soldiers.

In the absence of interference from Russian Air Force fighter planes, the German FW-190 fighter jets also acted as ground strike missions. The light bombs hung under the wings were dropped into the Russian offensive formation. Machine guns and aviation machine guns fired unscrupulously. Countless Russian soldiers were torn to pieces under the fierce firepower.


A 500-kilogram aerial bomb exploded, leaving a large crater with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground. All Russian soldiers in this area and nearby were killed in the explosion. Those Russian soldiers near the center of the explosion were even blown to pieces. The stumped limbs and arms were flying everywhere.

"Da da da!"

A FW-190 fighter jet is shooting Russian soldiers on the ground with aviation machine guns. The 12.7 mm aviation machine gun is full of power. After hitting the human body, it can easily break the human body into two pieces.


Screams sounded on the battlefield, and some Russian soldiers who were seriously injured but did not die immediately let out howls like beasts. However, no one paid any attention to them.

Under the deterrence of the supervisory team, a large number of Russian soldiers are attacking the German defense line. However, what awaited them was the powerful firepower of the German army.

With the support of the air force, the two German armies firmly resisted the Russian attack. Although the Russian army's offensive was very fierce, they were still smashed in front of the German defense line. Apart from leaving behind a lot of corpses, there were no other results at all. Of course, they successfully consumed a lot of German ammunition. However, that did not pose any threat to the German army. The logistical support of the German army is still unimpeded. Consumed ammunition can easily be replenished.

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