Jagged Germany

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Overlord's Twilight

"General, the German battleship doesn't look like a big deal. Compared with our "St. Vincent-class" battleship, it doesn't have any advantages." A British officer said beside Brigadier General David Beatty.

"Well! Our 'St. Vincent-class' battleships are definitely not inferior to those of the Germans." Brigadier General David Beatty was also very sure.

As the sea supremacy, Commodore David Beatty has great confidence in Britain's shipbuilding capabilities. What's more, the era of dreadnoughts was also opened by them. Although the German navy has been catching up, Brigadier General David Beatty still believes that the British navy still has an absolute advantage so far.

Actually, if you compare the number of capital ships between Britain and Germany, the British have no advantage now. Of the dreadnought ships currently in service, the British have one battleship 'Dreadnought', three 'Bellerophon-class' battleships, three 'Saint Vincent-class' battleships and three 'Invincible-class' battlecruisers, and there are only ten ships in total That's all. The German Navy has four "Nassau-class" battleships, five "Helgoland-class" battleships, and three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers. In comparison, the German Navy even has a little advantage.

Of course, if the capital ship under construction is counted, the German Navy may not have any advantage. In the British shipyard, the "Neptune" battleship is about to enter service, and the two "Giant-class" battleships are about to undergo sea trials. The construction of four 'Orion-class' battleships has also started. In addition, three 'Indefatigable-class' battlecruisers are about to enter service, and two 'Lion-class' battlecruisers are also under construction. As for the German Navy, there are currently only five "Caesar"-class battleships and three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers under construction. Construction of the five 'King-class' battleships and three 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers has just started.

If the shipbuilding plan of the British Navy in this time and space does not change significantly from another time and space Qin Tian is familiar with. Then, in the past few years, the British will build warships like dumplings. For example, the 'King George V-class' battleship, the 'Iron Duke-class' battleship, the 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleship and the 'Revenge-class' battleship, as well as the 'Tiger' battlecruiser and a large number of advanced capital ships will start construction, The strength of the British Navy reached a peak. Of course, in the next few years, the German Navy will not be idle, and will go all out to start building more capital ships. This will make the duel between the two sides more intense and full of uncertainty this time.

"General, the main turret of the Germans is covered by a gun jacket, I don't know what they are doing!" A British officer said.

"Huh! The Germans are just playing tricks. Send a semaphore and welcome them!" Brigadier General David Beatty ordered.

"Yes, General." The officer nodded.

Soon, the battleship "St. Vincent" played a flag welcoming the German Crown Prince to visit the United Kingdom. The battleship "Nassau" also responded, thanking the British Navy for coming to welcome it.

The "Nassau" battleship, led by two "St. Vincent-class" battleships of the British Navy, sailed into the Thames River and finally entered the port of Grace.

After entering the port, Qin Tiancai realized that he had not come early, and almost all the special envoys from other countries had arrived.

Although the relationship between Britain and Germany is very tense now, in order to show respect for the German crown prince, Prince George's son, Prince Edward, rushed to Grace to welcome Qin Tian in person. Although, Prince Edward is only sixteen years old now. However, after Prince George ascends the throne to become the king of the United Kingdom, according to the right of succession to the throne, he will become the queen of the United Kingdom.

"His Royal Highness, welcome to the UK!" Prince Edward said.

"Thank you very much. The death of His Majesty Edward VII is a great loss to the whole world. He was such an outstanding king who was deeply loved by the people. Please condolences, Your Highness!" Qin Tian looked at Prince Edward's expression With a slightly childish face, he said these words according to the script.

In Qin Tian's eyes, although Prince Edward is still young, perhaps because of family inheritance, the fate of this prince is also strange. Like most British princes, Prince Edward also likes to mix with married women. In the future, he will even marry Mrs. Simpson despite the opposition of the ruling and opposition parties, so that he has to abdicate and be succeeded by his younger brother as King of England. . Although, people who love beauty and don't love country make people talk about it. But in Qin Tian's view, this is simply a complete idiot.

Qin Tian and Prince Edward exchanged pleasantries in Port Grace, and after talking without any nourishment, they drove to London.

"Your Highness, the ambassador to the United Kingdom reports that the special envoys or representatives of various countries have almost arrived, and we are the latest!" Von Kidren Wachter said.

"Well! The British Empire is worthy of being the overlord for hundreds of years, and everyone in the world should give them face." Qin Tian's tone revealed a hint of envy.

Indeed, no country has suppressed the whole world for hundreds of years like Britain. A small country occupies the most extensive colony in the world, and has reached the pinnacle of the world by continuously plundering the wealth of the colonies.josei

Von Kidren? Vachite nodded. This topic seems to be a bit heavy, making him feel like a big rock is pressing on his heart. Although over the years, Germany has been ambitious to challenge the United Kingdom. However, the British Empire has stood at the pinnacle of the world for hundreds of years, and encountered countless challenges during this period, but eventually won. Can Germany win this time? Nobody knows. Moreover, once Germany fails, the consequences will be very serious.

Qin Tian also sensed the change in von Kidren Wascht's mood, so he said: "Your Excellency, Foreign Minister, although the British Empire is very powerful, it is not the time of Queen Elizabeth. At that time, the British Empire was in full swing, and there was no Which country can compete with them. But now? Everything is different. The British Empire now seems to have reached dusk. We will definitely be able to defeat them in the future and replace them as the hegemon of the world. "

Von Kidrun Wacht nodded, as if he was infected by Qin Tian's self-confidence.

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