Jagged Germany

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494: Set up an ambush (ask for a monthly ticket)

In the waters southwest of Flores Island, the main force of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet is cruising in this area. On the flagship "Zeus" aircraft carrier, Admiral Rolf Karls, the fleet commander, was looking at the chart.

"Three of our seaplanes have disappeared in this sea area one after another. Then, it is almost certain that the US fleet has arrived in this sea area." Admiral Rolf Karls said.

"General, should we take off fighter jets to search this sea area? If FW-190 fighter jets carry auxiliary fuel tanks, they can go back and forth!" Fleet Chief of Staff Lieutenant General George Friedberg said.josei

Admiral Rolf Karls thought for a while, then shook his head: "Forget it, there is no need to scare the snake away."

"Since we can already conclude that the US fleet is here, there is no need to disturb them anymore. Go to the seaplane to end the news to the local fleet and the Mediterranean fleet, and let them be prepared!" Admiral Rolf Karls Said.

"Yes, General." Lieutenant General George Friedberg nodded.

"The Americans appear in this position, so their targets are likely to be Corvo Island and Flores Island. Perhaps, the American capital ship formation is already on the way. We must be prepared. Once the Americans really dare to send battleship formations to attack Corvo Island and Flores Island, they must pay a heavy price!" Admiral Rolf Kars said.

"But general, the American capital ships are very powerful, and our capital ship formation may not be able to deal with them." Lieutenant General George Friedberg was a little worried.

The capital ship formation of the Atlantic Fleet of the German Navy has five "Bavaria-class" battleships and three "Makensen-class" battlecruisers. In the last world war, these capital ships equipped with 380mm main guns with 50 times the caliber were undoubtedly a symbol of invincibility. However, after more than two decades, in front of the U.S. Navy's capital ships equipped with 50-caliber 410mm main guns and very thick armor, these capital ships of the German Navy appear much weaker. Even, using five "Bavaria-class" battleships and three "Mackenson-class" battlecruisers to counter the 15 capital ships of the US fleet is no different from hitting a stone with a pebble.

Admiral Rolf Carlson nodded. He also knew the gap between the two sides. However, he is not a fool. He can't do the death-seeking thing of hitting a stone with a pebble.

"Then we will set up an ambush in the waters near Corvo Island and Flores Island, and wait for the Americans to sneak into our ambush circle. Let the capital ships of the Home Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet also come to reinforce us. In addition, in this sea area Deploy submarines and torpedo boats. Once the US fleet dares to come, let them fall into our siege. I don't believe that they can hold it!" Admiral Rolf Karls said.

Even the main guns of the German Navy's main fleet can hardly pose a threat to the U.S. Navy's capital ships. However, if the torpedo is used to launch a surprise attack, it will be different. Submarines can hide underwater and attack. Even if the U.S. Navy's warships are equipped with sonar, if the submarine is suspended in the sea, stationary or sailing at a low speed, the sonar on the U.S. Navy's warships may not be able to detect it. In addition, the Atlantic Fleet also has a lot of torpedo boats, which are the secret weapons they deployed in the Azores. These torpedo boats have a displacement of only a few tens of tons, but they are fast and can be equipped with four 533 mm heavy torpedo tubes. These 533 mm heavy torpedoes are very powerful. Even the "Montana-class" battleships that focus on defending against torpedoes will pay a high price once they are hit. Even sinking it is not out of the question if hit by multiple torpedoes.

Lieutenant General George Friedberg nodded. If they carefully set up this ambush circle, once the U.S. fleet is fooled, it will undoubtedly make the U.S. fleet pay an unimaginable price.

"However, General, this may cause losses to the bases on Corvo Island and Flores Island." Lieutenant General George Friedberg said.

"Let combat aircraft hide in underground hangars and caverns as much as possible. Even if the airport is blown up, it will not be too difficult to repair. Once the US fleet attacks the islands of Corvo Island and Flores Island If the base launches an attack, we can take the opportunity to attack them. At that time, the Americans will pay an unbearable price for their actions!" Admiral Rolf Karls said.

"General, if this plan is successful, we may really be able to severely damage the main fleet of the US Navy. This will give us a greater advantage in this naval battle!" George Fredberg said the lieutenant general.

"Yes, in terms of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, the U.S. Navy is simply impossible to compare with us. After solving the American capital ship formation, our aircraft carrier and carrier-based aircraft can further launch attacks on the U.S. fleet. Attacked." Admiral Rolf Karls said.

"General, does this plan require the consent of His Excellency Marshal Lütjens?" Lieutenant General George Friedberg asked.

Admiral Rolf Karls nodded: "Send a seaplane to notify Marshal Lütjens!"

Marshal Lütjens is the supreme commander of this naval battle, and such an action must obtain his consent. In addition, the attack on the main fleet of the US Navy also requires the support of eight capital ships of the local fleet. The eight capital ships of the local fleet are equipped with a 50-caliber 410mm main gun, which can pose a fatal threat to those capital ships of the US Navy. The 50 times the caliber of the 380mm main guns equipped on the capital ships of the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet has always been much less powerful.

Because the fleet is in radio silence, the transmission of messages is mostly done by seaplanes. Or the Azores will be notified by a seaplane, and then forwarded by a telegraph on the Azores. Avoid exposing the position of your own fleet as much as possible.

Marshal Lütjens fully agrees with the plan of the Atlantic Fleet. It would be great if we could get rid of the capital ship formation of the US fleet first. In this case, the German Navy will be able to occupy a greater advantage in this naval battle.

The three major fleets of the German Navy began to actively prepare. The capital ships of the Home Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet also began to go to the waters west of the Azores, preparing to ambush the capital ship formation of the US Fleet.

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