Jagged Germany

Chapter 1496

Chapter 1496: attack begins

Time passed little by little, and when the sun completely sank below the sea surface, the last afterglow also disappeared on the sea surface little by little. Darkness replaced light, and night began to envelope the sea.

Dozens of warships in the US fleet are advancing on the dark sea. The radar on the mast of the warship is constantly rotating, searching the nearby sea. In order to avoid being besieged by the German Navy, the US fleet has to search radars, which have been working all the time. However, in terms of electronic equipment, the United States is still a bit behind Germany. Even the most advanced sea search radar they are equipped with can only detect a distance of 25 kilometers from the sea surface.

Gun sighting radar has also been developed by the United States, and it is equipped on battleships and heavy cruisers. However, compared with the artillery sighting radar equipped by the German Navy, its performance is slightly behind. It can be regarded as solving the problem. In the night battle, you won't be like a blind man, firing indiscriminately.

"General, no German ships have been found yet. Could it be that the Germans really don't know that we have come?" Rear Admiral Cowell said. They traveled all the way, and they didn't encounter any ships of the German Navy, and they didn't find any, which made people feel a little incredible.

Admiral Hasben Kimmel's expression also became serious: "It is impossible for the Germans not to know that we have come. Perhaps, they have assembled a large number of troops in the waters west of the Azores Islands and are waiting for us." .”

"Then... General, shall we continue to act as planned?" Major General Kevill was a little worried.josei

"Hmph! Even if the Germans know we are coming and are prepared, so what? Even if they assemble all the 23 capital ships of the three major fleets, they will not be able to resist our attack. Let the fleets, Continue to act according to the predetermined plan!" Admiral Husband Kimmel ordered. He can be regarded as fearless. Fighting in the night environment, the aircraft cannot take off to fight, and the German navy is at most using capital ships to besiege them. This made Husband Kimmel not afraid at all.

Rear Admiral Kevill nodded. Indeed, if it is only a duel between battleships, the US fleet really has nothing to fear. They have great confidence in these powerful capital ships of the US fleet.

In the sea area 20 kilometers west of Flores Island, a German light cruiser is cruising in this sea area. The sea search radar on the mast of the battleship is rotating, detecting the nearby sea area.

Suddenly, the sea search radar of this light cruiser found targets one by one.

"Sir, the US fleet was discovered. The fleet is very large!" the radar soldier reported.

"The Americans are indeed here! The battleship immediately turned around and headed for Flores Island at full speed to avoid being discovered by the Americans. Inform the capital ship formation that the Americans have arrived!" The captain immediately issued an order.

Subsequently, the light cruiser began to accelerate and broke away from contact with the US fleet. The US fleet's sea search radar did not detect the light cruiser, so they did not know that it had been spotted by the German fleet.

The light cruiser quickly went to Flores Island, put down a small boat, and notified the defenders on the island that a telegram had been sent to the capital ship formation, and turned south by itself, leaving here.

They knew very well that after the arrival of the US fleet, they would definitely attack Flores Island. A light cruiser is simply vulnerable in front of the huge American fleet.

When the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, Home Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet received the telegram, these three fleets, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately took action. In other words, the battleship formations of these three fleets began to move.

"We are going to arrive at Flores Island soon, let the 3rd battleship formation set off. However, don't rush to fire. Wait until the other troops arrive at the predetermined sea area, and then fire!" Husband Kimmel entered At this time, they still didn't realize that the German navy had discovered them, and they were still dreaming of launching a surprise attack.

"Yes, General." Major General Cowell replied.

After Rear Admiral Ingram received the order, he led the four "South Dakota-class" battlecruisers of the 3rd capital ship formation to break away from the formation and prepare to go to the nearby waters near Dafarang in the west of Flores Island to stand by. When the time is up, immediately open fire to attack the German airport in Dafarang.

At the same time, the six "Iowa-class" battleships of the 2nd battleship formation of the US fleet also began to accelerate. They needed to go to the waters near Santa Cruz in the east of Flores Island and bombard the airport there.

The 1st battleship formation of Admiral Hasben Kimmel continued to rush to Ponta Delgada in the northern part of Flores Island to attack the German airfield there.

The six "Baltimore-class" heavy cruisers of the 1st heavy cruiser formation led by Major General Harry headed to Corvo Island, preparing to attack the German airfield there.

The huge American fleet was divided into four parts for a while.

At this moment, the capital ship formations of the three major fleets of the German Navy are also rushing to Flores Island and Corvo Island.

Because the capital ships of the US fleet are all cutting-edge warships, the German Navy has also specially assigned tasks. The capital ship formation of the Atlantic Fleet will launch an attack on the US fleet attacking Dafa Rang. Although it is not yet known how many warships the US fleet will commit here. However, presumably not too much. After all, the capital ship formation of the US fleet is divided into four parts.

As for the capital ship formations of the home fleet and the Mediterranean fleet, they will join hands to besiege the US fleet attacking Santa Cruz. The U.S. fleet in the other two directions temporarily gave up.

This is a tactic adopted after careful consideration. The capital ships of the US fleet are all cutting-edge warships with powerful firepower and amazing defense capabilities. Therefore, the German fleet had to gather strength to deal with them. If the German fleet is also dispersed, even if it can damage the capital ship of the American fleet, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to sink. It is expected that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt its ten fingers. Only by sinking the capital ship of the US Navy can it be regarded as a real loss to them.

Of course, when the capital ships of the two sides are dueling, other means prepared by the German Navy will also be used first. It would be great if it could cause certain losses to the US fleet. In that case, the chances of the German fleet winning will be even greater.

At 0:30 am on June 12, the capital ship formation of the US fleet began to attack the German Navy's airport.

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